Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Very interesting-other county .....

After three years spent in Sweden, we slowly started to miss some ID that proves that we actually live in Sweden. For a while it without a Swedish strand aerospace ID card could stand - we are EU citizens and pays us here Czech passport, driving license, and, ultimately, identity card, but ... Anyone who comes to live, work in Sweden, local authorities will get a new home No, this is called the personal number, and although strand aerospace based on birth data differs from that of our recent four-digit, and for women it is removed at 50 + months of birth (by the way, that I have 51 months of birth place here too and wondered I had to explain again and again). Swedish personal number will come in the mail, a letter obtained can never be proven. The first time we encountered when we wanted the shop to arrange "Self-scanning" purchase (more in the article Do it yourself), there's no card was not Swedish. The difficulties strand aerospace we had and getting an extended warranty on the bike, with various strand aerospace competitions in the shops, but the acquisition of the Swedish OP finally decided inability to get a better and better fare on mobile. So we Pozeptali personnel as we proceed. What was our surprise when we were sent to the bank! At first we thought it a linguistic misunderstanding, but he insisted - "Go to the bank." With great distrust So we went, but we're still waiting for someone yells "April", or breaking out in a guffaw uproariously. strand aerospace It did not happen, we got a request to fill in, enclose photos and we were satisfied that we hear. About three weeks ago we received a letter from the bank that they have for their citizen to come. Until the pickup strand aerospace I was afraid that you give us any other license, be an honorary member strand aerospace Střádalů or anything, but we got the Swedish OP, though for us with a rather unconventional look - would you expect that the citizen strand aerospace will have the logo of the bank? That looks like our OP. Then we learned that earlier still had the OP and the post office, then turn them were logo-mail. Currently, the Swedish identity cards issued by three institutions: financial office, some of the banks and the police. Each card looks different, strand aerospace with different IDs and individual banks for the issue of age and the like, but we are all enrolled in a registry, perhaps. It is interesting that not every Swede is not a citizen, most travels a lot, so they could get by with a passport strand aerospace or a driver's license. The situation is about identification cards too confusing, perhaps because in 2009 there were major changes strand aerospace and guidelines for the issuance of OP is still "fine-tuning". So the next time you go to your bank and ask around there, that would be you did not issue a passport!
I have the birth certificate number, month of birth 62, too nice, is not it? ID card issued by a bank that, I would not dream of, I do not blame you waited April. If the photo is yours citizen and therefore your picture, I have a little idea about how you look.
It's nothing to me, although the bank did not send us here at, but I had to Smíchov to a head and it is because about fifty years of my relatively happy living someone somewhere discovered that my birth number is wrong from the beginning. Well, I have the same number as someone else in Beroun. Remedy consisted in changing the last digit of course strand aerospace to all documents where my birth certificate occurred in the meantime. And to change the submitted requests, I had to undergo a crowd waiting in a small, crowded hall of the people, by the artist recalled a large-scale wall mirror (mirrors that magnify space, we are also taught), except when in an area with a double zazrcadlí and all the waiting crowd out the human, the fall of man in the mood right hilarious. But it's good.
They are pretty shit, because the bank booed me (and I'm talking about the same as yours ... However, I see, in the final depends on the design, ie. What logo will be on the citizen.
I love it. When I had to change the ID, and outside complications with photo everything went kind of stuff. It happened at the local office, pretty decent areas and no queues. For us, progress is that it is not only the police publisher citizen, strand aerospace formerly VB, but it actually also your local office. Maybe even the banks, but that seems highly unlikely. Sweden is holt in all sorts of things strand aerospace ahead. Where are you? Did you notice something like that, Janah that this is something not?
Above thy term "honorary member Střádalů" I laughed. It's really strange, you go to the bank for personal documents, but when u us, now under the new rules, the unemployed report goes to the post office, I wonder strand aerospace why not?
banks to come to the bank and I flew out there right now, that is those when I was 15 years since our citizen received ... and festive! Now managed by me and the passport and it would be me šumafuk. So it is different everywhere and you have at least a chance to choose its vizáš, that is if you are well informed in advance that this is a possibility. How unusual
Very interesting-other county .....
That is funny. I got on the contrary, only Germany and the Czech'm still nedokopal. That would be here in Prague also inquire at the bank? <

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