Sunday, August 24, 2014

It is absolutely not fanciful to consider that a country made up of two communities whose main, the

The big boss of Lockheed Martin was in Brussels yesterday where he met with the Belgian Minister of Defence. So why not? Well, to speak clearly, nasa on 2012 replacing the F-16 ... which Belgium had, in his time, built 222 copies. One thorny issue that had already been postponed indefinitely in 1999, when Belgium was finally did not join the partnership program that offered the Americans. So it was during a short interview to read in the Echo today. nasa on 2012 And he is not sure the country is ready to replace his Falcons here by 2015-2020, internal policies require positioning ...
Hmm, I dream of an air component which (3.2) and EF-2000 (1/3) F-35C. But then comes the community discussions Rafale or no Rafale and internal discussions: Aerial combat component or only support (! SP.a - Groen) ... and then the dream flies to hell. June 4, 2008 24:37
FYI, Lockheed Martin will exhibit a scale model of the F-35 during the Days of Defence Florennes next month. This is confirmed on the website of the Belgian MoD: June 5, 2008 4:45 p.m.
Too bad the interview is not accessible. In another work, a part of me SABCA confirmed qu'Evere had long since abandoned the idea of a replacement, and focused on the A400M. Bon. alex June 5, 2008 5:04 p.m.
No replacement for the F-16? Pff, they complete nasa on 2012 the Aerienne Force then - more planes. Which is converted to the Belgian army model Luxembourgers and I moved to a country with an aerial component of combat! nasa on 2012 June 5, 2008 7:01 p.m.
I think the F-16 will be replaced. The Government or the MoD have never expressed their intention to abandon combat aircraft. These pessisimistes and fancies on the non-replacement of the F-16 are not based on anything concrete. These are the same people who said that the frigates would not be replaced ... I think the mere fact that we continue to use the F-16, and to continually upgrade to keep it at the last style (software MLU M5, GPS-guided JDAM bombs, helmets JHMCS, Sniper XR pods) show that have wished to retain this ability. If it were not, we probably would have already eliminated this capability in the image of New Zealand (who renounced combat aircraft in 2001 by withdrawing its Skyhawk). Anyway, since September 11, it has become nasa on 2012 essential for a Western country to have combat aircraft for missions not fusque air policing. And even for a country that is home to important institutions such as NATO HQ, SHAPE and the European Parliament ... I even think that NATO requires that its members (except perhaps Iceland and Luxemebourg ...) offers hunters. Even small Baltic countries will be equipped with hunters during the next decade. I recognize that the acquisition of new fighter jets will not be easy given the budget, not to mention politics .. But I remain confident. Going back to the F-35, I highly nasa on 2012 doubt that one day is selected considering its price, nasa on 2012 but its main drawback nasa on 2012 is that it is ... American. All parties in Belgium are more pro-European and thus encourage European unit. Which leaves nasa on 2012 us with the Typhoon, Rafale and Gripen. I bet on the latter as it is more affordable. But we is not there yet ... June 5, 2008 9:13 p.m.
So keep your opinions about people and what they are supposed to know, please. The question is not whether nasa on 2012 it is necessary to replace the F-16 but whether a government has no fiscal space and has repeatedly said that the defense was not a priority will be able to achieve the necessary consensus. June 6, 2008 7:35
It is absolutely not fanciful to consider that a country made up of two communities whose main, the richest, is not an indiscriminate love for all things military, and the other, the poorest, has absolutely no the financial means to assume a single fighter aircraft, not eventually replace the F16. It is against quite visionary or idiot patenting, to compare the situation of the A4 in NZ and that of the F16 in Belgium in terms of timeline, it is not at all the same stage. In 20 or 25 years, the question of replacement arises. And the answer is: the coffers are empty. The state will finance then forcibly zilverfunds he gave up finance for obternir balance nasa on 2012 today, and pay the pensions of millions of public servants. In other words, belgium pay the price of its current and past mismanagement. Needless to say that buying hunters nasa on 2012 depending on what timing - all things being equal - will absolutely and strictly infinançable

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