Saturday, August 30, 2014

I just received the last few weeks when I am preparing an article on the

I just received the last few weeks when I am preparing an article on the "liquidation of France" by the President of the Republic and the Clan who post a link on the CV of Sarkozy, installed the power to destroy all traces of Gaullist - means independence - in our country. For if France is profoundly and lastingly marked by the Gaullist viscerally - and for good reason, since it embodies the non-alignment dear to French, since the sign difference in our country - it is now affected by the heart agent abroad, charged games perang tembak with killing everything that made his feature in permanently eradicating the historical Gaullists and their representatives, but also his most original values that have made its reputation in particular abroad.
Today, via Merlin Sarkozy not only our country loses its soul, its values, its foundations, its traditions, its original brief, but it becomes a pawn of the Western project games perang tembak of world domination: Serving values are not his, for example crushing his spirit of Light, its culture, and especially the leading soon to the forefront - yes, you read that right, in the front row - as the strategy developed by the Anglo-Saxons by Israelis, to ensure the final control of the planet, its resources, its citizens. This obviously goes through terrible wars, contributing to the depopulation and manipulation techniques unprecedented mass relayed by the media in the service industry of death. As such, as I wrote - this being one of the first posts on the topics of investigation that I undertook to write to you, for the sole sake of information that every journalist should focus, what of the consequences for him - Citizens are invited to invest in Ecology for actually better consolidate capitalism, games perang tembak through another agent abroad, Cohn-Bendit, who - like everything fits! - To his list of political death Gl de Gaulle, and loaded today to liquidate the Red-Greens to align the PS Social Democrat, pale pink soft slope of the hard Right. Like the American two-party, Republicans and Democrats, Janus alternating hard and softer face, actually applying the same policy. There he is in fact result in France rebellious, multiple, on the path of the single party, games perang tembak and we are prepared for it, in fact, attempts games perang tembak by riot of figures of the Left, disturbing and a little political game The same distorting completely.
Cohn-Bendit? A false merry prankster, and a true agent of the New World Order, attached to lead us to green fascism games perang tembak will sign the final death of the ideals of France, beautifully embodied in the person of Gl de Gaulle, standing up to the forces of Silver and abroad. Our country was one of the last to resist the imposed planetary alignment (little democratically) games perang tembak required to submit the French by "killing" de Villepin, dolphin Gl de Gaulle and Chirac, then depriving the left of its ideals - via Strauss-Kahn or Valls - as in Italy the Communists have melted into the magma of Social Democracy - thank you for Mélenchon and MG Buffet to resist games perang tembak the planned standardization, we must support them - Finally, the last step, transforming Ecology, as I've discussed in this blog, in spare wheel of capitalism, then into an instrument of implementation of green fascism itself footstool NWO. in its own way .. like the European Union, sealed force against citizens' views, was created to serve as a springboard to NAME, and align it with the hegemonic designs of NATO. Because the Empire needs of Europe, in time, and then it was created "for peace" to its wars by proxy in his place against Russia, the Gl de Gaulle saw instead be part of a wider Europe, and assist in the final operation, the main end: The annihilation of China, that is to say, a country that has no desire, and understandably, to submit to the global agenda of global domination by the Anglo-Saxons, and to a lesser extent, friends: The British seeking to take only their own in this Machiavellian game, bearing the printed games perang tembak signature games perang tembak of the City, but have to deal with their long-time ally, the United States, their indispensable military arm, too. As for Israel, specializing in subversive operations destabilization, building up walls around - as in Iraq, to pit communities against each other and prevent any attempt at national revival games perang tembak - targeted attacks of covert operations ..., Israel, therefore, is

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