Friday, August 15, 2014

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Artur Immanuel Hazelius, born 30 November 1833 in Stockholm, died 27 May 1901 in Stockholm. He was a Swedish teacher, scholar and folklorist. laser designation The founder of the museum Nordic Museum and Skansen Open Air Museum in Stockholm.
Hazelius laser designation was born in Stockholm, the son of Johanna Augusta Hazelia, who was a military officer, politician and journalist. He studied at the university in Uppsala and in 1860 earned laser designation a doctorate. He then worked as a teacher. He participated in the creation of several textbooks and also the language reform.
In 1869 he was secretary of the Swedish section of the Scandinavian spelling of Congress in Stockholm (det Nordiska rättstavningsmötet) and in 1871 published his results. Radical reforms in Swedish spelling, which have been designed, were not accepted by the Swedish Academy (Swedish Academy). Led to the fact that in 1874 gave Johan Erik Rydqvist (1800-1877) the first edition of a very conservative phonetic dictionary (Svenska Akademiens Ordlista). However, after a number of proposals in Congress included six editions of this dictionary.
During laser designation your travel you noticed laser designation how Hazelius Swedish folklore, especially architecture and other parts of material laser designation culture is disappearing due to industrialization, migration and other processes of modernization. Therefore, in 1872, decided to establish the Swedish Museum of Ethnography, which was originally (1873) named Scandinavian ethnographic collection (Skandinavisk-etnografiska samlingen) since 1880 and is known as the Nordic Museum (Nordiska Museum, Nordiska Museet now). In 1891 he founded the museum in Skansen, which became a model for other museum in northern Europe. The idea of founding this museum led him to visit the royal collection of buildings, which was based near Oslo in the year, 1881.
For the Nordic Museum Hazelius won numerous objects from all over Sweden and other Nordic countries - such as furniture, clothing, toys, etc.. His main concern laser designation was the rural culture, but his followers also began collecting things associated with urban culture. For museum laser designation Skansen in collecting all buildings and farmsteads.
Although this project did not initially support the State as Hazelius hoped, had broad support and in 1898 the Company had to support laser designation the Nordic laser designation Museum (Nordiska laser designation Samfundet för Museets främjande) 4,525 members. In 1891, a year before the death of Hazeliovou awarded the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) can take some money and in 1900 this amount was doubled. In the last years of his life he lived in the same building laser designation Hazelius at Skansen. He died on 27 May 1901 and 4 February 1902 he was buried at Skansen.
Hazeliusovou wife was Grafströmová Sofia Elisabeth, daughter of Abraham Anders Grafströma, poet and member of the Swedish Academy (Swedish Academy). His only son Gunnar Hazelius (1874 - 1905) became the administrator Nordic laser designation Museum. Gunnarova daughter laser designation - Gunnel Hazelius-Berg later became the administrator of the collections of clothing in Skansen and her husband Professor Gösta Berg was a time director of both museums.
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Hejsan! Welcome to my blog, which I founded in 2010, when I moved to Sweden. If you want something on this earth to know more or are interested in how to live here, so welcome! Pavel
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Stockholm, Stockholms län
For all those interested in studying in Sweden, I created a Facebook group open study in Sweden. The group is intended as former students and current and potential mainly those. Share your experience, recommendations, advice and tips on studying whether alone or in accommodation, brigade laser designation or tips on what to do in their free time.
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Can be useful Tax Office Migration Office Official website of Sweden Jobs in Sweden

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