Sunday, August 31, 2014

To better understand how is born and developed the

To better understand how is born and developed the "Project Censored" in the United States, we must go back a little more precisely the time of the famous Watergate scandal, which led to the forced resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974 this episode widely controversial has led many states to suspect that uniens truthful information composite industrie was hidden from citizens. Professor Carl Jensen, composite industrie Sonora State University (California) was then a champion of unbelief. He mobilized his knowledge of sociologist to investigate composite industrie on behalf of the realities composite industrie that gave rise to the Watergate scandal. All indications were that the Republican government has been conducting a spying operation against the headquarters of the Democratic Party at the Watergate Center in Washington DC
Just as President of Guatemala has recently discovered that his house and offices were monitored using microphones and hidden cameras, Democrats in Washington discovered that five "plumbers" innocent in appearance were spies for Nixon the White House. They had posed as microphones because the miniaturized video cameras had not been invented yet.
April 30, 1973, President Nixon recognized the partial responsibility of the government and deposed officials most compromised, but the following year, August 9, 1974, he had to give up the presidency. Yet, despite the scale of the scandal and the spate of bestsellers published then, mainstream composite industrie media have continued composite industrie to cast a veil over the extensive information they held. Carl Jensen, professor emeritus of media sociology at the University of California Sonora State, founder of "Project Censored"
Many were the United uniens who suspected the large commercial press for not telling the whole truth. composite industrie At the time, the university researcher Carl Jensen began working with a small group of students and professors of the Faculty of Sociology at the university on the most significant new that the "mainstream media" [1] was hidden citizens composite industrie of the nation.
Thus was born Project Censored, composite industrie the first report was released in 1976 to date, a team of students composite industrie and researchers continue to meet this daunting and important task, driven by the conviction that civil society must be informed of what is behind him great commercial press, on behalf of interest determined. More recently, Project Censored chose to seek the cooperation of anonymous citizens who participate each year in selecting from hundreds of "big news censored," the twenty-five most revealing journalistic articles. Jensen has retired, but he is still part of the selection composite industrie panel. The project is now run by the sociologist Peter Phillips. The Project Censored is also censored ... Peter Phillips, a professor of media sociology at the University of California Sonora State, former director of "Project Censored".
The Project composite industrie Censored publishes every year a book of about 500 pages that covers topics composite industrie of utmost importance globally, even those that imperial composite industrie powers agree escape the attention of the vast audience of consumers information. If a new one does not appear in the mainstream media of the United States, we do not find either in the global system of information controlled by transnational information that meet the interests of Washington and its allies. Major newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post, radio stations such as Clear Channel Communications, and television such as CNN and Fox News, as well as major news agencies, form a universal media canvas that has the power to decide banalities of what needs to be informed the population of the planet and it must ignore crucial facts.
The news that the major media groups in the United States has decided to retract also concealed from the citizens composite industrie of the world, if only by omission chosen by the great monopolies of the press and television exercising composite industrie control information worldwide. This did not get out on CNN or other major news channels will not come out on the chains of other countries, including those of our third world; composite industrie that is why censorship and disinformation reach, for different reasons, countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and many others who wish

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