Sunday, August 17, 2014

Letters -zpočátku short, ironic and even glorifying fascinované- gradually became longer and still

Misha Zemková - diaries of trips Blog Archive Swedish daily in 2008
Travel diaries from Sweden, airlink international aviation school Greece and Israel - the dilettante riddled with reflections of rocks, snails, cats, humans and other beings ... Home New Wilderness Blog About My inspiration mystification theater troop chronicles About Me
Quite true memories and insights from a country where you already at the airport welcomes royal family, Astrid airlink international aviation school Lindgren, Ingmar Bergmann, Roxette and many others and underneath in large letters written WELCOME TO MY HOME. And there among the rocks, lakes, reservoirs red wooden houses, a well-hidden moose and bears me was to spend six months of life, which in fact was measured by counting the normal human time, but from the first to the last of the evening became a kind of parallel lives and in the lives of not only for me, but probably for all involved. Well if you want, you can complete počíst Swedish airlink international aviation school edition of my book, which I send you during your stay in Uppsala friends and acquaintances. I wrote to him from the beginning as a kind of a regular session, affecting mainly my impressions of the new environment, but rather eventually became a means for my personal dealing with all this, what we experienced together.
Letters -zpočátku short, ironic and even glorifying fascinované- gradually became longer and still the sounds of sentimentálnějším tone as the note of finality that wonderful life intruded more and more into our minds. But, after all, just a note of finality and led to the fact that we all enjoyed more than the bottom. airlink international aviation school
I'd probably be to just nedokopala, but I decided that these "sweet memories Sweden" prepare for Lucy, who from day one created with Raphaelle together - our French -mou surrogate family, which is then certainly picked up, and many more . Thus, by properly be devoting my whole "crazy airlink international aviation school girls family", but what I write in English airlink international aviation school for Raph would probably hardly be translated using our international english. However, dedication airlink international aviation school is, of course, for her and for all others who are sort of wonderful coincidence spatio-temporally met in the spring of 2008 at Uppsala ... Tack sǻ mycket!
Crazy trip and what preceded it: a small Swedish-communication phenomenon of man Liberec and crazy plány- pitfalls Swedish Svenska dopravy- virtual-buss- Lucky girls on the trip or To-Flirt in three oversleeping and polar radiation happy return ...
So this time it will be a little longer talking, because in it we learn as we went on a trip to Lapland and the actual description of how it turns out, they make their three crazy women on the cross-country airlink international aviation school trip with a tent in polar landscapes, about the issue more than my usual two pages ...
Actually, the first Swedish word we learned was "Fika" (For those who have forgotten, so it is simply the most important thing in life Swedes - give a fig tree - a stop, put your kafíčko- pokecat- it's not just an ordinary KOFE -break - it's something that controls the flow of time- not that like time left, so you can pause. airlink international aviation school Fika is a control mechanism that helps the Swedes airlink international aviation school in existence in space-time ...)
Well, the second Swedish word that I picked up, which also has precise Czech equivalent is "Toe-flirt." (Pronunciation approximately this: Tooů-flir-ta, with accent on flir and do not forget TA- head up, it really helps in pronunciation )
This means that, for example, when you sit with someone at the table (the longer the better tablecloth ...) and you need to contact with the other person, so that somehow subtly begin žďuchat feet to the legs of the other person. airlink international aviation school This "foot communication" could be slightly vulgar, translated as "flirting feet under the table", and this is just an example of how Swedes are decent as far as communication with J
And now for our trip: Actually, it all started so that I found that Íkvé Astronomer and go during the Easter holidays to Lapland with a group of Czech fans (maybe better said Liberec - "man Liberec" or too "Jizerskohorské" is a trifle phenomenon, I think ... however positively, of course, people airlink international aviation school who have that kind of you know, sure you will agree J) Well, this bunch rides for years in a specially modified Forwarding-old KAROSA Nordic landscapes and just rode this year in the term of our holidays and it turned out secondly, that we would be able to bring cross-country skis and other layette and most importantly, that we can use them virtually free to get to the far north. There was, however, a few hooks: The first was that they were going to the Arctic Circle to spend a full 14 days, and we could not afford. The second hook was that I saw that I was completely decimated by flu and also have to work on my thesis, airlink international aviation school and the girls were stupid to go without me. Proved and flavor, add just a week, or at least popovézt piece (several hundred kilometers) to the north and take advantage of the fact that we imported, what will be needed. Well, we speculated, the time has come to decide. I make sure, I nechala- despite his decision to remain reasonably manual re send skis, inflatable sleeping mat and a sleeping bag for Raffaelle in addition to winter airlink international aviation school ... and the day before departure Czech expedition of P

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