Friday, August 22, 2014

Small balance in large Sarkozi. The candidate Nicolas had promised change during nasa job his elect

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Small balance in large Sarkozi. The candidate Nicolas had promised change during nasa job his electoral campaign and the least we can say is that these changes were the appointment: - the state has more debt - There are more deficits - There is less work - The French are poorer If it's not good, it all! After a good year of reign, we can state that electoral promises have finally been broken. Certainly the French still rise so early, but for the rest, their portfolio was not fulfilled. At least could we expect a reaffirmation of the role of France abroad. But what do we see? Sarkozy has strengthened French contingent in Afghanistan, but he did it to be like everyone else, without really empowering soldiers there to carry out their mission. Proof: ten soldiers killed, which is not always clear whether their deaths were put on behalf of the aviation of NATO, poor preparation of mission nasa job or error command nasa job (how can we let soldiers fell into an ambush, only to the enemy for hours without making any reinforcement?) Certainly, the President went to comfort the survivors, but he said he was especially proud of his decision . Why should we be in Afghanistan, he asked the soldiers who were just beginning to ask. He had to be there because the others are, he has responded nasa job and cited the United States, Canada and Australia, short Anglo-Saxon countries he admires nasa job above all but it seems becoming the servant. These are things that have had to reassure those present! Before looking worried the military (we understand!), He told them, hands in pockets (relaxed or uncomfortable?) They should not be sorry for themselves, but record the head. Either. For his part, he did not really nasa job set the example when he complained of the heaviness of his work: "Never to the point I have measured what may be the solitude of a head of State about the decision he must assume nasa job "We learn also that aviation NATO bombed civilian areas, killing ninety innocents. That will further strengthen the trust of our military. They should be proud to belong to such an intervention force for peace and democracy. Apart from these Afghan setbacks, Sarkozy still had to swallow the non-Russian withdrawal from Georgia. Yet, in good European envoy, he had run the first and demanded an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of the Army of Putin. Alas, a week has passed and the Russians no end to their luggage. Instead, they install missiles in South Ossetia and dislodge the Georgians (not talking about the mines they planted into Georgia). It is true that he was well provided nasa job for in the agreement that Sarkozy had signed with the Russians that they could occupy Georgia beyond South Ossetian borders nasa job (excluding the cities). This is not what the President said to the press, when he exclaimed that Russia should withdraw. "Finally, let. Clearly the time is long past when he drank a glass with Putin by buddy buddy. Or it realized that day how he was dealing horn. Even in France, it does not get much better. All indicators are bad: industrial production, inflation, growth, and even the creation of jobs. As there is more money in the coffers (by the admission of the President), it is not clear what the government can do, if not establish a draconian austerity plan. To boost employment, give some tax benefits to businesses (which enrich a little while funds remain dry state) and ask citizens to make efforts (health care, etc.) If they find it a bit hard, they just have to listen to Ms. Lagarde, who considers that the measures taken by the government to save the purchasing power (because if you want people to consume, it must be that it had very little money) contributed to the French nasa job 7.7 billion euros. It must be true, since she says. Had she not spent his entire career in the United States, where she defended American interests and those of Boeing and Lockheed Martin) against those of France Airbus and Dassault)? It must therefore be knowledgeable

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