Friday, August 29, 2014

For several years, the idea spread that the Bilderberg Group is an embryonic world government. Havi

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For several years, the idea spread that the Bilderberg Group is an embryonic world government. Having had access to the archives of this very secret club, Thierry Meyssan shows that this description is a red herring used to mask the true identity and function of the Group: Bilderberg slow fighter is a creation of NATO. It aims to convince leaders and manipulate public opinion through them to adhere to the concepts and actions of the Atlantic Alliance.
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Every year since 1954, one hundred of the most eminent personalities slow fighter of Western Europe and North America meet -to camera and under very high protectionism within the Bilderberg Group. Their seminar lasts three days and nothing transpires their discussions. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, journalists were interested in this elitist and secretive organization. Some authors saw an embryonic world government, possessing the major political decisions, cultural, economic and military slow fighter of the second half of the twentieth century. slow fighter An interpretation has relayed Fidel Castro, but nothing is coming confirm nor deny. To find out what is or is not the Bilderberg Group, I searched for documents and witnesses. I had access to the entire archives for the period 1954-1966 and numerous later plays, and I was able to talk with one of his former guests that I know very long time. No journalist to date, and certainly not successful authors who popularized the current clichés, had access to so many internal documents of the Bilderberg. Here is what I discovered and understood. The first meeting of 70 personalities from 12 countries are participating in the first meeting slow fighter of the Group. It is a three-day slow fighter seminar, from 29 to 31 May 1954, near Arnhem (Netherlands). All participants are divided into two nearby hotels, but the discussions are held in the main institution that gave its name to the Group. Invitations, letterhead Palace Soestdijk are sybillynes. "I slow fighter earnestly request your presence at international conferences, unofficial, to be held in the Netherlands in late May. This conference wishes slow fighter to study a number slow fighter of issues of great importance for Western civilization and foster goodwill slow fighter aims and mutual understanding through a free exchange of views. " They are signed by the Prince Consort of the Netherlands, Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld, slow fighter and accompanied by several pages of administrative information on the transport slow fighter and accommodation. At most, it was learned that the delegates slow fighter will come from the United slow fighter States and 11 Western European states, and 6 sessions of 3 hours each are planned. Given the Nazi past of Prince Bernhard (who had served in the SS cavalry until his marriage in 1937 to Princess Juliana) and in the context of McCarthyism, it is clear that the "issues of great importance for Western civilization "revolve around the struggle against communism. Once on site, guests feel is tempered by the two chairmen: the United unien entrepreneur John S. Coleman and outgoing Belgian Foreign Minister Paul Van Zeeland. The first is an activist of free trade, the second is a supporter of the European Defence Community (EDC) [1]. Finally, we see the end of the forum Joseph Retinger, the eminence grise of the British. All this suggests that the Dutch and British monarchies sponsored this meeting to support the European Defence Community and the economic model of free-market capitalism against the anti-Americanism that promote Communists and Gaullists. However, appearances are deceiving. This is not to campaign for the EDC, but to mobilize the elite for the Cold War. HRH Prince slow fighter Bernhard was chosen to convene this conference because his status as a prince consort gives a statehood without official. It masks the Sponsor an intergovernmental organization that intends to handle

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