Sunday, August 31, 2014

PI who plays offended now. You made only reap what you sow ... Those who follow this blog for a lon

Three deputies have released a fascinating report in which they call for the development of national and European capabilities for ballistic missile defense. These three parliamentarians Christophe Guilloteau (UMP, Rhone), Francis Hillmeyer (NC, Haut-Rhin) and Gilbert Le Bris (PS, Finistère). They fully meet the concerns busbox we were echoed right here in early January.
The reporters note the development of a ballistic missile threat with a range of 3,000 kilometers. They believe that the development of missile defense is complementary and not contradictory to nuclear deterrence. They said the key issue is the strategic autonomy of France or Europe. Because the question is not whether there will be tomorrow defenses against this type of missile, but only whether these defenses are - globally - only in the hands of the United States.
For the three rapporteurs, France has an industrial and technological base large enough to play an important busbox role in this sector. It is the direct legacy of the efforts made by France to build a nuclear deterrent, which placed our country at the forefront technological effort. A place to be retained.
What do you do? Essentially pull up existing technologies, that is to say mainly the Aster and future GS1000 radar. Technical and operational capabilities should target interception system called "high endo-atmospheric", ie at an altitude between 20 and 70 km altitude. The American missile SM-3 is beyond 120 km, ie out of the atmosphere. When the American THAAD he shoots above 50 km, but most can not be carried on board ships. busbox
"A high endo-atmospheric busbox interception is possible continuation of acquired technology" today, busbox say reporters. Four French industrialists are directly concerned: Astrium, Safran, Thales and MBDA.
The cost? The rapporteurs consider that it would be $ 2.5 billion over ten years (2015-25). The urgency is to launch preliminary studies, to maintain the current teams in offices and do not lose their skills.
PI who plays offended now. You made only reap what you sow ... Those who follow this blog for a long time you know, you and your processes, all too well, with multiple nickname and your provocations which only hurt more and more to the quality of this site. The only issue I am still wondering, single troll or mandated, given the time that you spend here!
My whole approach was to avoid the subjugation of the country by dramatic renunciation of its industrial and technological base, or its military capabilities clefs.Ceci said, we are in the Western camp with our European allies and a country (USA) that s 'assume the right to dictate to the camp. It is neither desirable nor possible to break with the democratic camp because we would be isolated and penalized and considered ennemis.Et an alliance with Russian thug would be what could be worse for France. You insult me seriously when I spend time to publish to alert and educate. The Russians salaries I quoted this link: busbox Then read it. 1 Russian ruble = 0.023 Euros 10,000 rubles per month is 230 euros! A French engineer costing 6,000 euros per month on average! Even gap for workers. busbox
According busbox to RIA Novosti, the average salary of employees busbox of Novosibirsk Chkalov Aviation busbox Group has recently been increased to just over 10,000 rubles. A young engineer working Sukhoi Civil Aircraft key June-July 000 rub. The situation is similar to the Sukhoi Bureau studies the wages of young engineers is less than 10,000 rubles. In a recent focus on the magazine direct investment, the Director General of Armaments Corporation ballistic tactical interview, Boris Obnossov, admitted that the salary of a specialist averaged 11,500 rubles but could exceed 25,000 rubles in the top of the ladder. (For comparison in Moscow say the average salary of a subway driver approaching 30,000 rubles).
If we take the entire industrial chain which is national armaments, 90% of the cost is in personnel including those in the chain of suppliers. A 6% operating margin for the so before depreciation, amortization and provisions for Depre

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