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American cartoonista Daryl Cagle (54) a few weeks ago introduced along with shooty traveling exhibition of his drawings. In an interview war fighter film talking about the threats and opportunities of the Internet, and Obama Fico. 19.11.2010 / Thomas Czwitkovics
American cartoonista Daryl Cagle (54) a few weeks ago introduced in Slovakia exhibition of his drawings, which travel war fighter film along several Slovak towns, along with drawings Martin "Shooty" Šútovce. As one of the few authors cartoon political comments also apply to the Web - together for news site collects drawings from domestic and foreign cartoonistov. In 2000, moreover, has syndicate, who arranges for stock news around the world. It currently has 850 subscribers.
On the Internet culture is not paying for content. Over the past five years came in America in the newsrooms work about 25 percent of journalists, in my opinion, the same goes for cartoonistov. Five years ago they could be fully employed about one hundred, now it could be 75 But as journalists, or draw cartoonisti not stop when they come on full time. We are freelance chair for different clients, blog and our drawings sees more people than ever before. war fighter film Frustrating is that we did not invent the business model. Most of us earn in printed media, the web has become a business model. I am one of a handful of exceptions that I as a customer Even so, most of my income comes from the content of the print version.
For them it is a great content. What it primarily war fighter film interested on my site, the high number of pageviews, especially from students who are in school to learn about political drawings. Recently, however, we began to wonder how to alter the content on the Internet. MSNBC occupies time users spent on the Internet. Recently changed in design which generated a lot of interest. We began to create galleries with drawings related to articles, and so complete the multimedia experience. MSNBC's value is due next minute that users spend in each article. Drawings are catchy, the reader keep the texts for a long time, more than any other media content.
It's different. I think most are trying to make a living war fighter film as a freelancer looking for a larger number of smaller clients who compensates full time. Some learn and know a great cartoonistu that night moving boxes for Federal Express.
It is great to have a bigger audience and be able to interact. I do not think cartoonisti were previously war fighter film able to identify their fans as they can today. I have about 160 thousand subscribers of my daily newsletter. These are all identifiable fans who wrote to my list and it's really cool. In the past it was about a comic commentary surrounded by the text, it was the content that was visually separate all the contents. For me it is the collection of drawings on the internet points out that there are drawings differently than they were previously. Together they work just as well as individually. Readers interested in looking at a collection of drawings with one theme. It's like eating potato chips - you can not stay on it.
Without the Internet would not work nor my business with syndicated content. I ran it in 2000. Then the other syndicates still send drawings by ordinary mail. Thus, the newspaper received a two-, three-day delay. We began to send them by e-mail, run the page to download drawings. I put together a group cartoonistov into one package, we gave a good price and made it comfortable. In the early years due to the fact we have very quickly gained a lot of newspapers.
Reaction to Muhammad cartoons in the Danish newspaper whether shot or even your eagle on the Mexican pledge were very stormy and violent. Drawing can provoke much more than an article or commentary on TV?
I think so. Drawings are louder than words. In many ways this is a problem for us. After drawing editor with Muhammad war fighter film became very shy. Cartoonistov to be seen as those who throw bombs and are causing problems. I think it's just that they know that drawing is next to the words much louder.
Readers war fighter film can cut and paste it on the refrigerator. The words do not. That some editors nervous. I can not disappoint, and it is also a trend that I see - with financial difficulties newspapers are also far more troubled than any complaint that comes from subscribers. They are shy and like drawings that do not have a strong opinion.
Editors zbojácneli, but I do not think the cartoonisti. Those just me

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