Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thomas Edison n 1879, Thomas Edison focused on creating a light lamps, which will last a long time

Electricity is the flow of electrons from atom to atom in a conductor. All atoms have particles called electrons lies in its orbit around the proton. The simplest atom is an atom of Hydrogen (Atomic Water), which has only one electron surrounding a proton.
Atomic Hydrogen atom is the most complex of uranium atoms. codefine This atom has 92 electrons around the nucleus protons. codefine All objects (elements) has its own atomic structure. Each element has a number of electrons and protons are equal. Copper has 29 protons, electrons scattered on the 4th line orbit, the outermost electrons just one. This is the secret of a good conductor of electricity. Every object that has the atomic structure of less than 4 outermost orbit or having a good conductivity properties. When the atomic structure of objects that have more than 4 electrons in the outermost orbit called baffle (not conductive). Objects that have fewer electrons in the outermost orbit, the electron is much easier to move from its orbit by a low voltage. This will cause the flow of electrons from atom to atom. As we have learned that atoms have a proton and an electron, each particle has a potential codefine force (potential codefine force). Protons are positively charged, while the negatively charged electrons. Protons in the atomic nucleus and the electrons exciting the electrons in orbit resist during the positive charge of the proton is equal to the negative codefine charge of the electron or have a neutral electricity. In the event that the outstanding charge neutral electron orbit underlined can be easily changed if the electrons pulled away by another atom, the atom becomes positively charged and electrons are drawn in by estrangement other atoms had led to the negatively charged atoms. Atoms are negatively charged (-) has an excessive number of electrons, while the positively charged atoms (+) or the number of electrons slightly electron deficient. The early history of the discovery of electricity is by a Greek scholar named Thales, which mengemungkakan phenomenon that amber when rubbed - rub will be able to draw feathers as electrical phenomena. Then after years - years after Thales ideas put forward, and then appeared again penapat codefine - opinions and new theories regarding electricity as researched and presented by William Gilbert, Joseph Priestley, Charles de Coulomb, AmpereMichael codefine Farraday, Oersted, etc..
information about the history of this electrical inventor presented in bentu panels and supported by audio-visual device that presents a clone of experiments - experiments that have been done by scientists.
Ben Franklin Many people think Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity famous kite experiment in 1752, but the electricity was not discovered all at once. At first, associated with the electric light. People want a cheap and safe way to light their homes, and the scientists thought possible electrical path.
Learn how to produce and use electricity is not easy. For a long time there is no reliable source of electricity for the experiment. Finally, in 1800, Alessandro Volta, an Italian scientist, codefine made a great discovery. he's soaked paper in salt water, zinc and copper are placed on opposite sides of the paper, and observe chemical reactions produce electrical current. Volta had created the first electric cell. By connecting many of these cells together, Volta was able to "current string" and make the battery. It is in honor of Volta that we measure the battery codefine volts. Finally, sources codefine of safe and reliable electricity is available, making it easy for scientists to study electricity.
An English scientist, Michael Faraday, was the first to realize that an electric current can be produced by passing a magnet through a copper wire. It was an amazing discovery. Almost all of the electricity we use today are made with magnets and coils of copper wire in a giant power plant. Both electric generators and electric motors based on this principle. A generator converts the energy of motion into electricity. A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Thomas Edison n 1879, Thomas Edison focused on creating a light lamps, which will last a long time before burning. The problem is finding a strong material for the filament, a small wire inside the bulb that conducts electricity. Finally, Edison used ordinary cotton thread that has been soaked in carbon. This filament does not burn at all it becomes incandescent, ie, he shines.
The next challenge is to develop an electrical codefine system that can provide people with a practical source of energy to power the new lights. Edison wanted a way to make a practical and inexpensive electricity. He designed and in

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