Sunday, March 16, 2014

often people are always careless or do not care about the electrical dangers in expect him to cause

In the year 1600 AD, Sir William Gilbert proves that not only amber or a lifestyle that has the power to attract objects - objects. By Gilbert strength of this stone also diebut Electron strength. This term is used to honor the Greeks.
2. While the secondary hazards are hazards esa claim caused by electricity indirectly. But that does not mean that its effects are lighter than the primary. Examples of secondary hazards include body / body parts burned either directly or indirectly, falling from a height, and others.
Electrical energy generate heat, and if this excessive heat resulting in the isolation of the power cord become damaged even fire will arise that can be fire. We know that the refinery is PT Badak natural gas liquefaction plant that has the risk of a gas leak that led to centers of electricity distribution (MCC) or electrical terminals which could result in a fire / explosion which caused the potential for sparks.
Electrical distribution centers such as in SWGR & MCC all breaker / contactor has been designed to be able to cope if the occurrence of an overload or short circuit. But by something that can be an explosion in the contactor breaker caused by incorrect operation of, for example:
If a person is exposed to an electric shock, that person can only last about 3 + minutes with the amount of electric current flowing in his body by 0.40 Amperes, then can not be helped / killed.
Failure esa claim of the heart (Ventricular esa claim Fibrillation), which is the cessation of heartbeat or a pulse is very weak and is unable to circulate blood properly. To restore need help from outside.
Make sure the cable insulation is not chipped / broken or loose terminal connections that can not result esa claim in the occurrence of sparks. If you find such things immediately report and made MWO for improvement.
When running one bike, then the bike trip back should we just do the maximum 2 times to reset it and we immediately inform the E / S Crew to check / fix.
When the victim stopped breathing give artificial respiratory and when his heart stopped doing massage toward the heart and continue this action until medical help arrived.
often people are always careless or do not care about the electrical dangers in expect him to cause a burn victim or victims died dunia.perlu realize each parent shall provide guidance to their children about the dangers esa claim of electricity. some tips to avoid electrical hazards:
j) check and replace if your installation of electrical home we have 5-year-old
e) after the person can disconnect from electric shock and immediately lay unconscious at his chest and his heart beating again and so that blood can flow back to the heart and throughout the growing casualties. esa claim
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