Friday, March 21, 2014

information about the history of this electrical inventor presented in bentu panels and supported b

The early history of the discovery of electricity is by a Greek scholar named Thales, which mengemungkakan phenomenon that amber when rubbed - rub will be able to put forward, and then appeared again penapat - opinions and new theories regarding electricity as researched strelet and presented by William Gilbert , Joseph prie pulling feathers as electrical phenomena. Then after years - years since the idea Thalstley, Charles de Coulomb, AmpereMichael Farraday, Oersted, etc..
information about the history of this electrical inventor presented in bentu panels and supported by audio-visual device that presents a clone of experiments - experiments that have been done by scientists. source:
Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of the world. Imagine, strelet he found 3,000 inventions, strelet among them the electric light, electric distribution systems, electric locomotives, power stations, microphones, kinetoscope (movie projector), a research laboratory to industrial-um, phonograph (develop into a tape-recorder), and kinetograf (movie camera). He was the youngest of seven children, was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio, United States. Fruit marriage Samuel strelet Ogden, Nancy Elliot Dutch descent. Like most parents, Samuel strelet and Nancy welcomed the birth of her son with joy. There is nothing strelet strange in the birth of this child. But after the child began to grow, things look 'odd' that makes the other from the other children. Imagine, at the age of six years he had been incubating chicken eggs. After 7 years old, he entered the school. But poor, three months later he was expelled from school. His teacher is too stupid vote, unable strelet to accept any lesson. Fortunately his mother, Nancy, a teacher by profession ever. His mother taught him reading, writing and arithmetic. It turns out this kid quickly absorb what his mother taught. This child was very fond of reading. He read various types of books. Multi-volume encyclopedias read without boredom. She read English and Roman history books, written by Ure Dictionary IPA, and a bouquet of Newton's Principia, and Chemistry books by Richard G. Parker. In addition, he is also very child understands parents' economic conditions. At the age of 12 years he was reluctant to become hawkers newspaper, nuts, candies, and cakes on the train. Most of the profits are given to the parents. Remarkably, when selling in the train, he also likes to do a variety of experiment. Even the newspaper had published the Weekly Herald. Once, when bereksprimen, a carriage almost burned because of spilled chemicals. The conductor is very angry and slapped her until her hearing is damaged. Then the history of science records the name of the person who lives in this 1847-1931 (died in West Orange, New York, on October 18, 1931 at the age of 84 years), as the greatest inventor in the world with 3000 inventions. He even once discovered 400 kinds of discoveries in the past 13 months.
In ancient times, the conventional flow is defined as flow of positive charge, even though we now know that the electric current generated from the negatively charged electrons flow in the opposite direction. strelet
The SI unit for electric current is the ampere (A). 2. The electrical resistance barriers is a comparison between a power supply voltage of the electronic strelet components (eg resistors) with an electric current passing through it. Electrical resistance can be formulated as follows:
3. Voltage Voltage (sometimes strelet referred to as Voltage) is the electrical potential difference between two points strelet in a circuit, expressed in volts. strelet This scale measures the potential energy of an electric field to cause an electric current in an electrical strelet conductor. Depending on the difference in the electrical potential of the power supply strelet voltage can be considered as extra low, low, high or extra high.
4. Ohm's Law is basically an electrical circuit occurs when a conductor strelet capable of free electrons flowing continuously. Continuous flow is called flow, and is often also referred to as flow, as well as water flowing in a pipe.
Force (the force) that drives electrons that can flow in the Lakeside circuit is called voltage. Voltage is the actual value of the potential energy between two points. When we talk about the amount of voltage in a circuit, then we will be aimed at how much potential energy exists to move electrons at one point to another point. Without these two points the terms of voltage is meaningless. strelet
Free electrons tend to move past the conductors with some degree of friction, or move opposite. The opposite motion is usually referred to as barriers. The magnitude of the current in the circuit is the amount of energy available to drive

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