Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Biggest Passion Myth That

Say's Law Scientific 210 years Anniversary Seminar Date: Wednesday, 11.20.2013, at 16.00-18.30 lockheed strike Place: University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lecture Hall (Uninionkatu 37, 1st floor) French businessman Jean-Baptist Say e published in 1803 his work Traité d'économie politique, which later passed into law Sayn-called lockheed strike principle that supply creates its own demand. Say's Law is still one of the cornerstones to mainstream macroeconomic theory, even though the science has changed much in 210 years. Say's law, kokonaiskysynnällä there is no macro-economic significance, but the overall trend of production depends lockheed strike mainly on the labor supply and productivity. Modern neoclassical economics considers the macro-economic impact on the overall demand in the short term, but long term it is generally believed Say's law to apply. Say's law is analyzed anniversary seminar not only to modern economic theory, lockheed strike the idea of Say's heritage while respecting the political economy phenomenon. Say's Law is also affected by the modern economic policy. If Say's law is assumed, in terms of economic growth and employment, boosting appears to require only the labor supply and productivity measures in support of regulation of supply. At the same time the demand for regulation of the importance of economic policy is reduced or eliminated completely. The seminar consists of three parts. The seminar portion of the first two heard four presentations, which provide a jälkikeynesiläistä criticism of Say's Law and be heard in mainstream economics answers to criticism. The last section addresses the panel discussion on how to Say's Law can influence the economic policy. One of the panel's theme is the importance of Say's law in domestic restructuring debate. The event is aimed specifically at economic theory and political economy, research scholars lockheed strike and researchers lockheed strike interested. The event is open to all other interested parties. Welcome back! The seminar program: 16.15-17.05 16.00-16.15 The opening words of a swathe SUPPLY its own demand? Doctoral student Lauri Holappa, University of Helsinki, Department of Political and Economic Studies lockheed strike Director General John Vartiainen, Government Institute for Economic Research lockheed strike from 17.05 to 17.55 affects the overall demand for productivity? Doctoral dissertation, lockheed strike Jussi Ahokas, University of Eastern Finland, History and the Science Research Director Mika Maliranta, industry research from 17.55 to 18.30 HOW TO AFFECT ECONOMIC POLICY Say's Law? (Panel discussion), Special Adviser Ville Kopra, the Ministry of Finance Researcher Ville-Pekka Sorsa, University of Helsinki, Department of Political and Economic Studies will be chaired by PhD student Elina Aaltio University of Helsinki, Political and Economic Studies Department. The event is jointly organized by Society for the Study of the political economy and the Helsinki University of Political and Economic Studies Department. information: Lauri Holappa (lauri.holappa @, tel 191, and 24907), Ville-Pekka Sorsa (in-pekka.sorsa @ Belongs to the category: News, Press Releases
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