Friday, March 14, 2014

The voltage on a circuit currents, changing direction with a rhythm / certain rhythm, and thus the

The early history of the discovery of electricity is by a Greek scholar named Thales, which mengemungkakan phenomenon that amber when rubbed - rub will be able to draw feathers as electrical phenomena. Then after years - years after Thales ideas put forward, and then appeared again penapat - opinions and new theories regarding electricity as researched and presented by William Gilbert, Joseph Priestley, Charles de Coulomb, AmpereMichael Farraday, Oersted, etc..
Information about the history of this electrical inventor presented in bentu panels and supported by audio-visual device that presents a clone of experiments - experiments that have been done by scientists.
Voltage is working on a closed circuit electric fighter planes games current fighter planes games is always in the same direction, the electric current flowing the same direction as well. Commonly referred to as direct current (normalized symbol: ).
The amount of electric current at different times are shown in a graph (flow chart function of time). For this purpose the horizontal axis as time (eg 1s, 2s, 3s ff.) And the vertical axis as the current (eg 1A, 2A, 3A and so on.)
The amount of electric current fighter planes games that is now set at 1, 2 or 3 seconds, for each applicable time drawn a straight line up or down (see Figure 1:14). We connect the dots corresponding to a line, and thus obtained a flow chart function of time (line graph). Picture a graph like this can be made clear by an oscilloscope.
The voltage on a circuit currents, changing direction with a rhythm / certain rhythm, and thus the direction and magnitude of flow always changing anyway. Commonly called an alternating electric current (normalized symbol: ~). Means that the electrons freely move forward and backward
Here on alternating current, as used in practice, constantly changing direction (eg 50 times per second), the electrons in the conductor wire is only slightly swinging / moving forward and backward.
An electric fighter planes games current magnitude is always changing, but the direction of the electric current remains constant, then in this case relates to an electric current that is made up mostly electric current and the other half in the form of alternating current. Commonly referred to as the surging current (alternating current).
With certain requirements, for example someone touching two electrical conductors without insulation, the current can flow through the human body. An electric current is raised or even lead to "jolt / shock" In healing electrical current is used to deliver a shock (electrical shock).
Basic Electrical Theory 1. Electricity is the flow of electrons flow continuously and sustainably in the conductor due to differences in the number fighter planes games of electrons in some locations fighter planes games that are not the same number of electrons. unit of electric current is the Ampere. An electric current moves from the positive (+) terminal to the negative (-), while the flow of electricity in a metal wire consists of a stream of electrons that move from the negative terminal (-) to the positive (+), the direction of the electric current is considered contrary to the direction of motion of electrons . Figure 1. Direction of the electric current and the direction of motion of electrons. 2. Strong Electric Current is the current that depends on the extent of free electrons moving through a wire cross section in units of time. Definition: "Ampere is a powerful force that can separate fighter planes games the electric current 1,118 milligrams of pure silver from silver nitrate in a second". 3. Meeting Flow definition: "the magnitude of the current fighter planes games density is the electric fighter planes games current per mm wire cross-sectional area". Figure 2. The density of electrical current. Table 1. Ability Flow Conductivity fighter planes games (CRC) CRC table Based on the table above cable, 4 mm cable Berpenampang, 2 core cable has a CRC 30A, has a current density of 8.5 A / mm . The current density is inversely proportional to the cross section of the conductor, the greater the smaller the current density of the conductor cross section. fighter planes games 4. Resistivity and Conductivity dissipation dissipation of metal material easy flow of electric current, copper and aluminum has a high electrical conductivity. Material consists of a collection of atoms, each atom is composed of protons and electrons. The flow of electric current is the flow of electrons. These free electrons fighter planes games flowing challenged as it passes through the atom next to it. The result is friction and this causes the electrons denganatom of heat. Prisoners conductor has inhibiting properties that occur in each material. Resistivity is defined as follows: "1 fighter planes games Ω (ohm one) is the resistance of a column of mercury whose length is 1063 mm with a 1 mm cross-section at a temperature of 0 C"

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