Sunday, March 23, 2014

The early history of the discovery of electricity is by a Greek scholar named Thales, which mengemu

Electricity has been around since the beginning of the Universe itself. Before life emerged on the planet, more than four trillion last year, a bolt-lightning lit up the sky. Lightning is one of the forms of embodiment dramatic in nature we know as electricity. nasa open source
Ancient Greeks were pioneers in science in Europe. Thales of Miletus (625-547 BC), one of the Greek thinkers subsequently sought to investigate the phenomenon we know as electricity and magnetism. Amber is rubbed it can lift a feather. The phenomenon of static electricity has been considered since ancient times. The Greeks called the fossil resin is often used to demonstrate the influence of stati electricity called electrons, but no extensive studies in the field until William nasa open source Gilbert investigated the incident in 1600. In the next few years, there is a further investigation of the static electric charge by a number of researchers such as Otto von Guericke, who developed the first machine to generate large amounts of cargo, and Stephen Gray can load transmitting long distances through the silk thread. Charles Dufay shows that attract or repel one another charge against the other, which made him believe that there are two types of charge - a theory that we use to this day with the definition of a positive and negative nasa open source charge. Many people believe that the real beginning of the electrical era lies in Pieter van Musschenbroek and Benjamin Franklin. In 1745, van Leyden jars Musschenbroe introduced to store an electrical charge (capacitor first) and showed an electric shock (due to the power of this new form of energy). Franklin used a jar "Leyden" over the next seven years to establish that lightning is a discharge of electrical charge, and developed in a number of other important theories include definitions menegnai two types, namely positive and negative charges. From this discovery and new theories nasa open source seem to happen nasa open source more rapidly so a number of people doing research in the growing field.
The early history of the discovery of electricity is by a Greek scholar named Thales, which mengemungkakan phenomenon that amber when rubbed - rub will be able to draw feathers as electrical phenomena. Then after years - years after Thales nasa open source ideas put forward, and then appeared again penapat - opinions and new theories regarding electricity as researched and presented by William Gilbert, Joseph Priestley, Charles de Coulomb, AmpereMichael Farraday, Oersted, etc..
information about the history of this electrical inventor presented in bentu panels and supported by audio-visual device that presents a clone of experiments - experiments that have been done by scientists. Ben Franklin Many people think Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity famous kite experiment in 1752, but the electricity was not discovered all at once. At first, associated with the electric light. People want a cheap and safe way to light their homes, and the scientists thought possible electrical path. Battery Learn how to produce and use electricity is not easy. For a long time there is no reliable source of electricity for the experiment. Finally, in 1800, Alessandro Volta, an Italian scientist, made a great discovery. he's soaked paper in salt water, zinc and copper are placed on opposite sides of the paper, and observe chemical reactions produce electrical current. Volta had created the first electric cell. By connecting many of these cells together, Volta was able to "current string" nasa open source and make the battery. It is in honor of Volta that we measure the battery volts. Finally, sources nasa open source of safe and reliable electricity nasa open source is available, making it easy for scientists to study electricity. An English scientist, Michael Faraday, was the first to realize that an electric current can be produced by passing nasa open source a magnet through a copper wire. It was an amazing discovery. Almost all of the electricity we use today are made with magnets and coils of copper wire in a giant power plant. Both electric generators and electric motors based on this principle. A generator converts the energy of motion into electricity. A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Thomas Edison n 1879, Thomas Edison focused on creating a light lamps, nasa open source which will last a long time before burning. The problem is finding nasa open source a strong material for the filament, a small wire inside the bulb that conducts electricity. Finally, nasa open source Edison nasa open source used ordinary cotton thread that has been soaked in carbon. This filament does not burn at all it becomes incandescent, ie, he shines. The next challenge is to develop an electrical system that can provide people with a practical source of energy to power the

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