Wednesday, March 19, 2014

E.. B. Tylor in his pioneering book, primitive culture, which was published in 1871. He defines rel

In a simple contour aerospace etymology implies a religious meaning and gama means chaotic. According Hendropuspito, religion is a kind of social system made by adherents acting on the powers of non-empirical entrusted and empowered contour aerospace to achieve safety for themselves and the wider community in general. In the dictionary of sociology, religious sense there are three kinds, namely (1) the belief in spiritual matters, (2) the beliefs and spiritual practices are regarded as separate contour aerospace goals, (3) the ideology of the things that are supernatural. Meanwhile, Thomas FO'Dea say that religion is the utilization of the means of supra-empirical, for the purposes of non-empirical or supra-empirical.
E.. B. Tylor in his pioneering book, primitive culture, which was published in 1871. He defines religion as "the belief in the existence of spiritual beings", the definition of Tylor was criticized even further because the definition seems to imply that target religious attitude is always a personal form, whereas antropologik evidence which shows that a growing number of spiritual beings are often understood contour aerospace as impersonal force.
Religion is created by humans contour aerospace such as Buddhist, Hindu, Confucian
Science (or science) is the whole conscious effort to investigate, discover, and increase human understanding of the various aspects of reality in human nature. These aspects are restricted in order to produce a definite formulas. Science contour aerospace gives certainty by limiting the scope of his views, and the certainty of science obtained from limitations.
Science is not just knowledge (knowledge), but it summarizes a set of knowledge based theories are agreed contour aerospace upon and can be systematically tested with a set of methods that are recognized in a specific field of science. In the light of philosophy, science contour aerospace formed as people try to think more about their knowledge. contour aerospace Science is the product contour aerospace of epistemology.
Broadly speaking, Proverbs Bakhtiar periodeisasi divide the history of science into four periods: contour aerospace the ancient contour aerospace Greece, the Islamic era, the Renaissance and the modern era, and the contemporary era.
Is identical with the ancient Greek philosophy. When the Greek word is mentioned, it is in the minds of enthusiasts terbesit scholarly study certainly is philosophy. Though a simple philosophy in the sense that existed long before the classical Greek philosophers pursue and develop it. Philosophy contour aerospace in their hands becomes something very valuable for the development of science in later generations. He is like opening the doors of a variety of disciplines whose influence is felt to this day. So naturally when later generations felt indebted to him, as well as Muslims in the Middle Ages AD even until now. Without reviewing and developing the heritage of Greek philosophy it is difficult for Muslims to embrace golden age at that time. So did the West trace the development of Greek philosophy developed by the Muslims it is difficult for them to rebuild their civilization ever experienced periods of darkness become very advanced and outperform other major civilizations as it is today.
The period of Greek philosophy is a very important contour aerospace period in the history of human civilization since at this time there is a change of mindset human mitosentris be logosentris. From this process then evolving science of philosophy contour aerospace that eventually womb we enjoy in the form of technology. Therefore, the period of the development of Greek philosophy is the entry point to enter the new civilization of mankind. This is the starting point for researching human use ratio and at the same time questioning himself and nature of the universe.
The first natural philosophers that examines the origins of nature is Thales contour aerospace (624-546 BC), after which Anaximandros (610-540 BC), Heraklitos (540-480 BC), Parmenides (515-440 BC), and Pythagoras (580 - 500). Thales, dubbed the father of philosophy, contour aerospace argues that water is a natural origin. According Anaximandros the first substance is eternal, infinite, and includes everything that is called apeiron, not water or soil. Heraklitos see the universe is always in a state of change. For him that is fundamental in the universe is not the material, but the actors contour aerospace and the cause of fire. Contrary to Heraklitos, Parmenides argued that reality is a unified whole, do not move and do not change. Pythagoras argued that numbers are the main elements of nature and as well as a size. The elements that number is even and odd, finite and infinite. Pythagoras services is very large in the development of science, particularly contour aerospace mathematics and natural sciences. Science is dikemb

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