Thursday, March 13, 2014

in the industry to filter particles that are not in want of gas before the exhaust to the atmospher

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Static electricity in the definition space technology in india of it as a physical space technology in india phenomenon which can show the occurrence of an interaction between space technology in india objects that have an electrical charge. Type of electrical charge in each of these objects can be positive or negative payload. When the physics of the phenomenon is exemplified, then as when we rubbed amber with silk cloth until it generates an electrical charge. Evidence of this electricity we can see by juxtaposing small pieces of paper, which led to the paper will be attracted and stick to amber. space technology in india
Thunderbolt occurs when rain is not a cloud in neutral, ie the number of electrons and protons are the same. Well when it was raining, there was friction between the particles that cause air diawan with dihasilkanya cloud of charged static electricity. Then when the release space technology in india of the electrical charge from the clouds started, it will generate an electric spark that we are familiar with the title of thunder.
Benjamin Franklin was the first time that in 1700 states that lightning is one application of static electricity in everyday life. In the investigation it reveals that the so-called space technology in india static electricity that can move quickly depending on the medium or instrumentality of certain materials. Called also that the surface of the taper shape or uncing also will easily attract space technology in india more electrons when compared to a flat surface.
Hair will stand as Van de Graaff generator. Laboratory-research laboratories commonly used plant machinery called Van de Graff generator. This is the second example of the application space technology in india of the generator of static electricity in everyday life because it is a tool used to generate the static electricity. The way it works is the friction method, which is rubbed between the bottom of the cylinder with a rubber belt that makes the existence of a negative electric charge on the rubber belt.
Elsewhere, the friction between the cylinder space technology in india politilen top and rubber belt will cause a positive electrical charge disabuk the other rubber. Then move to the top of the rubber belt will carry a negative charge generated flows through the tip of the taper at the top kekubah.
At this point the electrons scattered dome surface, but inside the dome does not contain electrons. At the same time, there was a downward movement of the rubber belt to carry a positive electrical charge. This positive electric space technology in india charge will flow through the ground to neutralize the pointy end.
Is the final process, the bottom of the cylinder logan run the electric motor takes up the rubber belt moves continuously and the result is a negative space technology in india electrical charge flowing kekubah. This process can produce a very large electric charge on the dome of the Van de Graff generator, which could amount to 200,000,000 volts.
The working principle space technology in india of electricity electroscope by induction, that if an object is contacted electrically charged electroscope head then charge similar to the electrically charged objects were going to leaf electroscope. As a result both leaf electroscope be charged similar space technology in india to repel (leaf electroscope open). 5. Electrostatic photocopiers photocopiers work based on the principle of attractive forces between charges which are not similar. Given a positive charge on the cylinder almumunium (Al) plated space technology in india selenium (Se). The next cylinder illuminated with projected images / text to be in the coffee. Selenium merupakanFotokonduktor, ie materials that are insulators in the dark and is a conductor if it gets light. Se-exposed parts will be conductive and will conduct electrons from Al to neutralize the positive charge in that section. Se part that does not get fixed beam of positively charged. Toner particles will stick to the positively charged Se layer. A sheet of paper was given a positive charge in the cylinder so miss out on the negatively charged toner particles to the paper in the attraction towards the positively charged. Toner particles on the paper pattern will form a shadow text / image on coffee. Toner will be attached to the next paper is passed between heated rollers plate. This principle also applies space technology in india padaprinter laser.
in the industry to filter particles that are not in want of gas before the exhaust to the atmosphere through the chimney asap.Di houses, electrostatic filters used to filter dust so as not to disturb the occupants breathing. The gas will be put in a filter tube with equipment that can ionize par

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