Monday, March 3, 2014

30 minuuttia sitten

30 minuuttia sitten
Spring Clearance Sale on my Paintings noordwijk space expo - It’s noordwijk space expo time for another sale on my paintings. I have no room left in my storage racks, and I’m painting more than ever. Please buy one! I’ve cut just about a...
Lets Be Candid - Bureaucracies have brainwashed many people into thinking “nothing can change so “hide the truth”, don’t noordwijk space expo put things out in the open because it isn’t politic...
Kyky luovaan ajatteluun edellyttää rajaamista, valikoivuutta ja jopa unohtamista - *Vaatimus että ihmisen pitäisi muistaa kaikki lukemansa on yhtä mieletön noordwijk space expo kuin ajatus, että ihmisen pitäisi kantaa sisässään kaikki syömänsä * [Schopenhauer...
The Biggest Passion Myth That’s Keeping You From Your Great Work - *This is a guest post by Pace Smith.* You want to get paid to exist. You want a zero-hour workweek. You want to blaze your own trail, follow your own pat...
The Kalamidas Experiment--Easy Pickins - Demetrios Kalamidas: "Prove me wrong--on my own terms!" I am no stranger to faster-than-light signaling schemes. I even wrote a book about such schemes. So ...
Primal Generative: Form Constants & Entoptic Geometry - Subjective Visual Phenomena – Johann Purkinje [From Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Sehens in subjectiver Hinsicht, 1819] The most primal generative visual expe...
Bioengineered monkeys with human genetic diseases have almost arrived — and that's awful - Looking to create more accurate experimental models for human diseases, biologists have created transgenic monkeys with "customized" mutations. It's consi...
How To Be A Literary Writer or Overweening For Beginners - *With unconvincing apologies to my friends and teachers in the worlds of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.* Once in a while I ask myself the question...
LQ Podcast 56: Doris Kearns Goodwin - Goodwin discusses her latest book, The Bully Pulpit, with our very own Lewis Lapham.. The Pulitzer Prize–winning historian speaks with Lewis Lapham about h...
Annihilation: Jeff VanderMeer New York City Tour–Three Nights of Music, Conversation, Readings - I’ll be in New York City the week of February 24 for three events, two in Manhattan and one in Brooklyn. Please come out and help me celebrate the release ...
Five-fold lifespan extension in C. Elegans by combining mutants | KurzweilAI - See on noordwijk space expo – Knowmads, Infocology of the future New research published published online noordwijk space expo in Cell Reports on December 12, 2013 (open access) with the ne...
Guns for Armes: The Amazing True Story of the World’s First Real Life Superhero - By Klint Finley Every night dozens of people around the world don masks and costumes and venture into the streets to fight crime. Phoenix Jones and Master ...
Ben Marcus: A Rotten, Filthy Heart - An interview with Ben Marcus, author of The Age of Wire and String, Notable American Women and The Father Costume. Ashley noordwijk space expo Crawford 19.01.10 "I’m never work...
liqwda: thoughts are blurring...mind keeps churning...but im not learning...they keep spilling on the floor... -
A segment of an actual note written by a hurt person that I do not know, to brighten everyones fucking day. - “Dear, the person I am supposed to call dad You say you love me, But you don’t. You say I am the best thing that happened to you, But you were the worst ...
Fiction science: An interview with Tania Hershman - Armed with a canvas bag brimming noordwijk space expo with vintage chemistry glassware, Tania Hershman looked like someone off to set up some insane experiment noordwijk space expo when I met up ...
4 vuotta sitten
Tähdet ja avaruus -lehden nettisivut uudistuivat - Tähdet ja avaruus -lehden verkkosivut ovat uudistuneet. Uudistuksen myötä RSS-syötteiden osoitteet muuttuivat. Uudet RSS-syötteiden osoitteet löytyvät tä...
Mietteitä hallitsemattomasta todellisuudesta - Kuten viljalti tunnettua, sotilas- ym. poliittisista kannanotoista pidättäytyminen on ollut henkilöni toiminnan keskeinen vaikutin. En kuitenkaan malta oll...
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Russia to Establish Courts for International Child Custody Cases
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Better Democracy NZ
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Wikileaks: The Iraq War Logs
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Education In The Streets
SBS Dateline | United States
▼  2014 (43) ▼  helmikuu (23) Lähes 5-vuotias aamiaispöydässä, "Suomi, Suomi, tä... Varautukaapas jo Streat #Helsinki noordwijk space expo -katuruokatapaht... omínguez, 32, scored the first before Joel Campbel... KRITIIKKI VOI VAIN VIEDÄ LOPPUUN SEN, MIKÄ TEOKSEE... e olis oikein että Ruotsi nylkis huomenna Kanadan.... Meinasin v

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