Friday, May 2, 2014

When children have a Superman pajamas, Superman then Chuck Norris pajamas. When he was able to walk

Hello! I decided to add Chuck Norris jokes here, because he's just a very tough guy. If anyone knows more jokes about Chuck Norris, he can add them in the comments! When Chuck Norris has to adhere to the traffic police when they let him go with a warning. Aliens exist, yes ... but they are waiting until Chuck Norris is dead, then attack. When Chuck Norris wants to honey bees when she eats. If you have 5 euros and Chuck Norris has $ 5, then Norris is 10 euros. If you sleep with a gun under your pillow a few, then Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under the gun. Chuck Norris could defeat the twisted door shut with a bang. Chuck Norris does not wear a clock. He decides what time it is. Chuck Norris su flanker turning off the blow so powerful that it is from outer space with the naked eye can see. Chuck Norris was the first work on the carrier. The survivors were not. July 4th is America's Independence Day. Chuck Norris was born on the same day. Coincidence? Do not think so. If Chuck Norris wants your opinion heard, he kicks it out of you. Chuck Norris sperm can be seen with the naked eye. Every sperm is the size of a small coin. Chuck Norris once shot struck turning off the sales man. Telephone. Chuck Norris is able to split the atom. With bare hands. Some people say that Chuck Norris is a myth. These people are now dead. Chuck Norris is able to hit you so hard that it makes your DNA Time does not wait for any man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris is no theory of evolution. There is only a list of animals Chuck Norris who promises to live. Guns do not kill people. Chuck Norris kills. Handicap-parking does not mean that it is designed for the disabled. This is actually a warning sign that this place belongs to Chuck Norris and parks once you get there, then you become disabled. Chuck Norris does not own a house. He goes from house to house, and people are moving. Chuck Norris will never be beaten, he pretends that opponents would also be exciting. Chuck Norris does not go hunting. He goes around killing. Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills away. It made him blink of an eye. In the first Jurassic Park film, Tyrannosaurus rex did not drive jeeps behind. Chuck Norris Tyrannosaurus and jeeps back in time. Chuck Norris does not have purgiavajat. He just chews through the can. Chuck Norris once participated in the bull period. He walked. Chuck Norris is able to open your eyes to sneeze. Chuck Norris su flanker has never won an Oscar for acting. su flanker Because he is not an actor. Chuck Norris once lost TV remote away, but he retained control over the TV screaming about it.
Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette fully loaded revolver ... and wins ...
Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits. Jesus walked across the water, su flanker Chuck Norris walked over to Jesus. God wanted to create the world in 10 days, Chuck gave him a month. When Chuck Norris does push-ups, he does not push himself up, but the earth below. When the Boogeyman su flanker goes to sleep at night, he checks that Chuck Norris is not under the bed. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas with pictures. Chuck Norris tears in treating AIDS. It is a pity that he will never cry.
Chuck Norris read infinity, twice .. God wanted to create the world in 10 days, Chuck Norris gave him a seven. God said, "And let there be light", Chuck Norris said "Say please." Chuck Norris once had a heart attack ... heart lost. Chuck Norris does not have pubic hair because the hair does not grow on steel. Small children have a Superman costume. Chuck Norris is the Superman costume. Chuck Norris does not use condoms, for him there is no protection. Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad. When Chuck Norris does push-ups, he does not force himself su flanker to not only pushes the Earth down. Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a loaded gun and won completely. Chuck Norris touched MC Hammer (MC Hammer su flanker song 'You Can not Touch This') Chuck Norris tears in treating tumors .. sorry that he is not never cried .. Chuck Norris destroyed the Mendeleev's Periodic Table because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
When children have a Superman pajamas, Superman then Chuck Norris pajamas. When he was able to walk on water, Chuck Norris swims on dry land then. Chuck Norris does not like a stallion, the stallion is like Chuck Norris. When Chuck Norris plays Monopoly, it affects the entire world economy. Chuck Norris leaves messages before answering the phone tones. Chuck Norris is the only hand that can beat the Royal Flush Chuck Norris strikes, even the rotating door bang shut. When Chuck Norris does push-ups he does not push himself to the Earth's tarry no chin under Chuck Norris su flanker beard there is another fist Chuck Norris su flanker played Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun and won ... And ... Started. Chuck Norris does not turn off the lights off when he goes to sleep, not that he be scared of the dark, dark is afraid of him. Guns do not kill Chuck Norris kills. Chuck'i tears for treating cancer and AIDS, but the problem that Chuck never cry. U.S. sends to China meant that the nuclear bomb, or Chuck Norris ... sent a nuclear bomb, because it would be more humane su flanker :) Chuck Norris hardware is able to play the anaconda. After Chuck's visit to the Virgin Islands were called n

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