Saturday, May 31, 2014

@ Allan It is an ancient idea: panspermia, so nothing new under the sun here. So before you get mer

Ice lollies on asteroids may be more common than scientists previously thought. Now astronomers have for the second time found both water ice and organic material on an asteroid.
Cybele aerosystem one has a diameter of approx. 290 km, making it one of the largest members of the asteroid belt. This also applies to the well 200 km large asteroid Themis, which astronomers for the first time found evidence of water ice. Can change the perception of the origin of life
With the discovery of water-ice aerosystem one on two asteroids, it is likely that they are considerably more water in the asteroid belt than the researchers to date has been assumed. This has implications for our understanding of the Earth's water comes from.
The researchers consider that the inner planets - including Earth - has been 'born dry'. The water is then delivered later by a violent bombardment of objects containing water.
So far, comets contain both ice and dust and organic material have been popular candidates as sources of Earth's water. With the discovery of water ice on both Cybele and Themis it may be necessary to revise this view.
Partner Article
May 21, 2014 at. 10:23
@ Allan It is an ancient idea: panspermia, so nothing new under the sun here. So before you get merry, you should investigate things first. aerosystem one I can not take that theory explains the pros and cons - the ones you can even find online. I begejsteres just above the water is more abundant aerosystem one in our solar system than previously thought and that there are large amounts of ORGANIC material out there - so maybe we find the most useful molecules needed to create life chops might not. So I draw a theoretical inference - on a very loose basis - that if there is more water and organic material aerosystem one just outside our door - so there is little chance that it might be very common during aerosystem one the formation of solar systems are formed most places "space-is" or what we now need the clade thus increasing chan are to be found a lot of watery planets - far more than we previously thought possible. Which in turn means that we need to change some of the data we have previously thrown into the Drake equation. ~ .. A tiny frozen microbe may hold clues to extraterrestrial life "June 14, 2009 A new bacterium that has been trapped more than three kilometers below glacial ice in Greenland for over 120 000 years may hold clues to what life forms might exist on other planets. Dr. Jennifer Loveland-Curtze and a team of researchers from Pennsylvania State University report finding the novel microbe, which they have called Herminiimonas glaciei, in the current issue of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. team showed great patience in coaxing the dormant microbe back to life; first incubating their samples at 2 C for seven months and then at 5 C for an additional four and a half months, after which colonies of very small purple-brown bacteria were seen. H. glaciei is small even by bacterial standards - that is 10 to 50 times less than E. coli. Its small size probably helped it to survive in the liquid aerosystem one veins among ice crystals and the thin liquid film on their surfaces. Small cell size is considered to be advantageous for more efficient nutrient distribution, protection from predators and occupation of micro-niches and it has been shown that ultramicrobacteria are dominant in many soil and marine environments. Most life on our planet has always consisted of microorganisms, aerosystem one so it is reasonable to assume that this may be true on other planets as well. Studying microorganisms living in extreme environments on Earth can give insight into what kind of life forms could survive elsewhere in the solar system. "These extremely cold environments are the best analogues of possible extraterrestrial habitats", said Dr Loveland-Curtze, "The exceptionally low temperatures aerosystem one can preserve cells and nucleic aerosystem one acids for even millions of years. H. glaciei is one of just a handful of officially described ultra -small species and the only one so far from the Greenland ice sheet; studying these bacteria can provide insights into how cells can survive and even grow under extremely harsh conditions, such as temperatures aerosystem one down to -56 C, little oxygen, low nutrients , high pressure,

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