Thursday, May 29, 2014

In the Memorandum of Understanding, which Flemming Hansen and his German space exploration merit ba

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Authorities lack many studies to conclude that the Fehmarn Belt bridge can be built for $ 35 billion, and the most obvious alternative, an immersed tunnel, costing seven billion dollars extra. By Ulrik Andersen July 5, 2007 kl. 15:20
Beautiful illustrations of an impressive cable-stayed bridge has spanned space exploration merit badge newspaper front pages and television screens, since traffic and Energy Flemming space exploration merit badge Hansen (C) last Friday announced space exploration merit badge that now was the agreement on the Fehmarn Link finally in place. But it is far from certain that it will be a cable-stayed bridge, in 2018, carrying cars, trucks and trains from Rødbyhavn to putt.
"Before the necessary environmental impact assessments (Assessment of Environmental Impact, ed.) Is implemented, we can not say with certainty whether we end up doing one, the other or a third bridge," says the director of the Fehmarn Belt A / S, Peter Lundhus.
Fehmarn Belt A / S is a company under Sund & Belt, on behalf of Transport and Energy is responsible for the Danish part of the preparatory work to establish a fixed link across the Fehmarn Belt between Denmark and Germany. German lack of money
So far, the Fehmarn Belt only made the initial parts of marine navigation studies. But the work has so far been hampered by the fact that the German authorities have not had the will and the money to participate in the study worked on an equal footing with Danish. space exploration merit badge
"The German authorities have not been particularly bothered with yet. They have not been trained to be helpful, and has not been given the money to participate in the work. Therefore, we have not been able to finish eg marine navigation studies, "explains Peter Lundhus.
The marine surveys are notably out to determine the number of ships sailing through the belt, how big they are, how they operate in the belt, and the scale of the captains think there are different technical solutions for a connection. Unknown risk
"It is especially gennemsejlingsproblemerne, we are yet to be uncovered. We do not know how the masters perceive the risk to sail through, so we have not been able to include in our design of the bridge, "he explains.
"With regard to the geotechnical studies, we believe that we know what that is. But we have not been out to examine the various places where we will place our piers, so we have to verify our data, "said Peter Lundhus.
In the Memorandum of Understanding, which Flemming Hansen and his German space exploration merit badge counterpart Wolfgang Tiefensee space exploration merit badge signed, it says that the preferred alternative to cable-stayed bridge is an immersed tunnel. The assessed according Driving and the Department of Energy to be 20 per cent., Equivalent to seven billion. DKK expensive.
"It's a very long tunnel, and even whether to establish one or two vent lakes, so it is not yet clear what is needed to achieve to be cleared by the authorities," he said. German environment joker
Another wildcard in deciding what really should be built, the German authorities and especially space exploration merit badge environmental organizations, who have vowed to fight against the bridge. Therefore, even more expensive solutions also come on the field.
Send a look at the opposition: Why would the Germans do not pay? June 29, 2007 Fehmarn bridge makes it impossible to run free across the Great Belt June 29, 2007 Fehmarn bridge: Cars and took a snail's pace on the German space exploration merit badge side 02 July 2007 Fehmarn bridge provides direct storm from the construction industry 05 Jul 2007 For too
Rostock - Gedser a better alternative in Rostock there is motorway and power trains all the way from the current port and to Berlin and Hamburg. The vast majority of capital expenditures, the fixed link will therefore be on the Danish side of the bridge. Flemming Hansen would probably only to itself and the government by working only for a connection space exploration merit badge that probably eventually anyway will never become a reality. If the government of Denmark really want a permanent connection to Germany would ensure space exploration merit badge that finangeringen on the Danish side was in order and that the Germans had the least possible cost and maximum benefit from the new facilities. Electrical person and freight operations would allow a more future-proof space exploration merit badge and environmentally friendly solution, also for our descendants.
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