Saturday, May 24, 2014

Of course busbox it public on Facebook. So in the United States, where authorities have mastered Fa

Communication Forum | U.S. authorities on Facebook | Sibel Christensen
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Of course busbox it public on Facebook. So in the United States, where authorities have mastered Facebook art. See how public institutions in the U.S. use Facebook busbox to among other things busbox to create interaction, gather knowledge and build communities.
According to Statistics Denmark's 2.3 million people onto Facebook and three out of four Internet users find information from the public on the web. The potential for positive public presence on Facebook is there. This article gives five good examples of how public authorities abroad using Facebook. FB can: create interaction It is said before, but let's just repeat the main point: Facebook is a social media. This means liveliness. This means two-way communication. This means interactivity. Unlike one-way communication in the static website and brochures, communication on a social media more personal, busbox direct and present. The University of Kansas ( / KU) has understood the genre and in addition to their official Facebook page created several additional Facebook pages, among other things their students and various sports teams. Not only supports up internal communication at the university, but it also means that future students and families can get a good feel of the school, the community and possibilities. The tone of the university's Facebook busbox page is fun and easy. We talk directly to users by using the name 'Jayhawks' (referring to the school's mascot, a cheeky little eagle) and by involving users in different subpages. It gives a sense of community busbox and importance of the National Guard ( / national guard) use their wall on Facebook to communicate directly and personally with the users and to let them interact with each other. The topics can range from a user's nervousness busbox about an upcoming test to questions about admission requirements and rules. busbox All posts are commented busbox as much by other users of the institution itself. The National Guard thus supporting the social needs of the media is built. It creates community. And it has the particular busbox advantage busbox that the debate on the way to a large extent can be kept in-house, so it is both easier to follow and respond to. Gasper speaks directly to the National Guard and other users about his feelings for tomorrow's test and even promise to follow up on the situation FB can: gather knowledge of the number of members on Facebook presents a huge and complex busbox knowledge base that crowd-sourcing can be a good tool to create new ideas, to engage users and to save money by getting users to perform the same work. It could lead to new perspectives and views on tasks that alternative busbox solutions and user engagement and interest. User-generated content is a strategy that is well suited to the Facebook platform. As a government agency, it may be in the form of ambassadors or citizen profiles. It may be primary schools, involving students as Facebook ambassador, or libraries that lets book reviews, debates or shopping choices can be user-controlled. Everything can hardly function as purely user-generated content, but more likely as an aid to the authority or institution communication and citizen involvement. The advantage must be mutual. The Smithsonian Institution ( busbox / Smith Sonia Institution), the world's largest museum often involve users in their work and discoveries. In a statement demanded the museum help to identify individuals at old photos in the archive. busbox Several thousand busbox scattered issue further on other platforms and many welcomed in with help. The museum saves research time and achieves ultimately unique results. At the same time users feel themselves involved in this, meaningful and committed. The archives of the Smithsonian use their posts to enable users and involve them in research and knowledge gathering. They shall open a post with the exclamation "We need you" FB can: demonstrate results Dissemination of results and experience seem obvious at Facebook, also for the public. However, there must be a balance between current, busbox snappy performance communication and general extraneous busbox academic fagsnak. It is important that the user does not feel overwhelmed and baffled by the information. Target therefore the simple, tangible and unique results directly to

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