Friday, May 9, 2014

Photos by Arne Ader Pokumättad

The second week in May: Spring Storm
Photos by Arne Ader Pokumättad's festivities: mätastarn booming BRIEF: Saturday was lennuilm. At the same time, once the capital of the sky five "black iron birds' lennutiire did was packing the city air is full of flying objects. Whistling in the big iron antennas flying spacecraft game saucers - the children were raised in the air trampolines as toys. Saturday I went flying spacecraft game objects also try myself. I listened currently in Tallinn, Mother Earth Fair lecture Estonian agriculture sustainable they are and how the small number of farmers spacecraft game is the Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary General, spacecraft game Illar Lemeti said that in recent years jookusul decreased by 16%, ie their activities are completed in six peasant, when it came to notice Tare town that my potipõllunduslik greenhouse has all six tomato vanished. It seemed a bit strange, because the wind was not exactly be the case in Tallinn, the skies were full of planes sibelevaid. We left the holy prayer Joarünkale gear and hurried home to try lenduläinut. Indeed, so great was the Tartu wind that nearly five ears off. The neighbor Kaido was a storm in our house growing agony of major building blocks of the adjacent hedged, Minemalendamata plants rescued a female neighbor of the family. But the end of the evening greenhouse snippets retrieved with another bike, the one I found this plot as much as two large handfuls of someone spacecraft game batuudivedrusid flown away. Storm had broken Merko grain bread, fired pots, aiajuppe, peenraloore and other bric a brac were scattered like America during the tornadoes. It takes a little bit baffled by storm attack, but vowed to wind, so that I just can not be forced to give up farming - greenhouse hammered metal structure has been straightened out, and now the building is already a well peipsi coastal wind-resistant construction techniques are considered. Exciting Flowering time delay, however, was a long drive to Spring aegteljel Tallinn-Tartu spacecraft game highway. Emajõe along the edge of a large bird in bloom, yet close to the capital in the first puhkemisrõõmus. Tartus is already fully leaf birches and quite green, but rather urvapunakad Pirita river. Haabadegi red is gone, and in some places in the southern half of the first green leaves of the trees on the outside. Puhkemisrõõmu will also enjoy aiapuud, this stone is at full bloom, spacecraft game the garden is tulpidemeri, also thrives in the chives. As soon going to bloom canola, spring-sown crops have sprung up. But the edge of the forest and blossoming globeflowers paepinnad closely nurmenuku full of yellow keys. Especially beautiful are now all pokumättad, tarnalehe peaks are valiantly erect and õisikuvarre ends hanging yellow õietutid. Great Crested Grebe mate Õnnekäo Flight Wind Fall is around here did other things evil jerk and toppled harakapesi. Anyway, arrived on Mother's Day morning, two harakapaari who were fighting with each other a bit and then took a pair of old Mirabelli end slot mend, bitch looks like a long tail for several hours only. Male occasionally goes suurnokkasid scaring, but they come back again and again because of last year ploomikivide lie on the surface of the soil is between pungitanud beautiful green iduke them suurenokalistele very nokkamööda. Last Thursday, however, happened quite a strange story, spacecraft game I came to the studio in the city KUKU Ilmaparandaja read the text on the balcony and enjoyed the pleasant sunshine, suddenly comes out of the big striped abdomen spacecraft game over the flat base ... and a cuckoo flying ever explains: "Fall, Fall! Fall-Fall in! "Bare and flight failure was so powerful that it reflects kilometers. Regime tried to sit on the roof of the house, even käokene tired, but went ahead with the Raadimõisa Park National spacecraft game Museum of luck to fall, as the evening's lucky. The camera has been spotted bird eggs among the People at large the news - islets are the sons of the first geese, woodcock chicks have also been seen. From - from the first finds of starlings on eggshells. My kodutihane but quietly incubated in a nest in that window. Back to the corncrake and the marsh warbler. Light gray, green fields patrolling off - harriers. At the end of next week, is expected to kaameralindudelt big news. Black Stork's nest with four eggs, of which the first may soon hear the thump. Spotted the nest one egg, three osprey eggs. I still do not get surprised how sitter

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