Friday, May 23, 2014

According to the researchers, we have thus dealing with two opposing effects that will be at stake

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Paradoxically climate: Global warming makes the troposphere rolly rockets warmer and polar stratosphere rolly rockets colder. This will lead to ozone holes over Denmark the next 10 to 20 years, says climate scientist. By Robin Engelhardt October 16, 2011 at. 13:00
The first actual ozone hole since records began measuring this kind in 1979, has now arrived in Denmark. In late March and early April 2011, the ozone layer in the 18-20 km altitude to about 80 percent weaker than normal, and this depletion had spread all over Scandinavia - with a significantly higher ultraviolet radiation at ground level and the risk of skin cancer as a result.
Niels Larsen, along with 28 other researchers from 18 institutions in 9 countries studied ozone loss in the Arctic by analyzing a large number of measurements rolly rockets from NASA's Aura satellite, NASA / CNES Calipso satellite and balloons. Then they compared the measurements with meteorological data and atmospheric models.
Polar stratospheric clouds over Scoresby. Cooling rolly rockets of the stratosphere leads to more polar stratospheric clouds. The need for very cold temperatures to be formed, but when the clouds are formed first, catalyzes the decomposition rolly rockets of ozone even more, since it is on the surface of the ice crystals in clouds, rolly rockets chlorine compounds converts into a form that can break down large values of ozone.
"The ozone is broken down in what we call polarhvirvelstrømmen, which typically is such a sausage, splashing around in the winter months and early spring months," says Niels Larsen engineer.
Polarhvirvelstrømmen is not completely fixed, and it swings sometimes over Denmark. The highlight of this vortex is that the air is isolated from mixing with other air from lower latitudes. It is within this vortex that is cold, and it is here that the chemical decomposition of ozone takes place. When the sun returns in the spring break up the vortex. Then mix the ozone-poor air over the polar region by air from the lower latitudes rolly rockets and ozone measurements over Denmark goes up again. 'Hard recovering
First, it takes a long time for the ozone-depleting substances to leave the atmosphere, as it is calculated according to the Montreal Protocol, rolly rockets the international treaty which since 1987 has banned the production of ozone-depleting CFCs (which consists primarily of chlorine - and bromine). Secondly, there has been an illegal rolly rockets trade in these gases, which the international community has learned to cope with yet.
Thirdly, the size of a complex environment. The increased amount of greenhouse gases makes the lower part of the atmosphere, called the troposphere, warmer because rolly rockets the heat can not escape just as well as before. But conversely, the air layers above the troposphere - called the stratosphere, mesosphere, termosfæren and so on - colder because the heat radiation from greenhouse gases in these layers may well get away, but not compensated with enough heat from below.
"We know that the chemical decomposition of ozone is strongly dependent rolly rockets on temperature. The lower the temperature in the polar regions, the greater the depletion of the ozone, "says Niels Larsen, adding that the greater ozone depletion only to the polar regions. This is due to the so-called polar stratospheric clouds, where chlorine is converted into a form that could damage the ozone when the light returns in the early spring months. At lower latitudes leads lower temperatures in the stratosphere actually less ozone depletion.
"It means that we are in situations where we have extremely rolly rockets cold winters in the North, will have a true Arctic ozone hole, and we can not rule out that the situation will arise again - at least over the next 10-20 years, until the concentrations of ozone-depleting substances have been brought down to the level they were at before the problems began to occur, "says Niels Larsen. Hot bottom, cold up there
According to the researchers, we have thus dealing with two opposing effects that will be at stake in the next 10-20 years: Climate change, which makes things worse, and the Montreal Protocol, which makes things better.
How this relates to and what it will mean for the ozone layer over Denmark is not easy to know, let alone explain, and appears to involve sophisticated climate models and even more advanced interactions rolly rockets between gases, radiation effects rolly rockets and increased atmospheric density - a phenomenon that some climate scientists with a powerful exaggeration said means' the sky is falling down on our heads. "
"Since the mid-1990s, the concentrations of freon and other halogenated gases in the atmosphere stagnated and the

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