Saturday, May 31, 2014

@ Allan It is an ancient idea: panspermia, so nothing new under the sun here. So before you get mer

Ice lollies on asteroids may be more common than scientists previously thought. Now astronomers have for the second time found both water ice and organic material on an asteroid.
Cybele aerosystem one has a diameter of approx. 290 km, making it one of the largest members of the asteroid belt. This also applies to the well 200 km large asteroid Themis, which astronomers for the first time found evidence of water ice. Can change the perception of the origin of life
With the discovery of water-ice aerosystem one on two asteroids, it is likely that they are considerably more water in the asteroid belt than the researchers to date has been assumed. This has implications for our understanding of the Earth's water comes from.
The researchers consider that the inner planets - including Earth - has been 'born dry'. The water is then delivered later by a violent bombardment of objects containing water.
So far, comets contain both ice and dust and organic material have been popular candidates as sources of Earth's water. With the discovery of water ice on both Cybele and Themis it may be necessary to revise this view.
Partner Article
May 21, 2014 at. 10:23
@ Allan It is an ancient idea: panspermia, so nothing new under the sun here. So before you get merry, you should investigate things first. aerosystem one I can not take that theory explains the pros and cons - the ones you can even find online. I begejsteres just above the water is more abundant aerosystem one in our solar system than previously thought and that there are large amounts of ORGANIC material out there - so maybe we find the most useful molecules needed to create life chops might not. So I draw a theoretical inference - on a very loose basis - that if there is more water and organic material aerosystem one just outside our door - so there is little chance that it might be very common during aerosystem one the formation of solar systems are formed most places "space-is" or what we now need the clade thus increasing chan are to be found a lot of watery planets - far more than we previously thought possible. Which in turn means that we need to change some of the data we have previously thrown into the Drake equation. ~ .. A tiny frozen microbe may hold clues to extraterrestrial life "June 14, 2009 A new bacterium that has been trapped more than three kilometers below glacial ice in Greenland for over 120 000 years may hold clues to what life forms might exist on other planets. Dr. Jennifer Loveland-Curtze and a team of researchers from Pennsylvania State University report finding the novel microbe, which they have called Herminiimonas glaciei, in the current issue of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. team showed great patience in coaxing the dormant microbe back to life; first incubating their samples at 2 C for seven months and then at 5 C for an additional four and a half months, after which colonies of very small purple-brown bacteria were seen. H. glaciei is small even by bacterial standards - that is 10 to 50 times less than E. coli. Its small size probably helped it to survive in the liquid aerosystem one veins among ice crystals and the thin liquid film on their surfaces. Small cell size is considered to be advantageous for more efficient nutrient distribution, protection from predators and occupation of micro-niches and it has been shown that ultramicrobacteria are dominant in many soil and marine environments. Most life on our planet has always consisted of microorganisms, aerosystem one so it is reasonable to assume that this may be true on other planets as well. Studying microorganisms living in extreme environments on Earth can give insight into what kind of life forms could survive elsewhere in the solar system. "These extremely cold environments are the best analogues of possible extraterrestrial habitats", said Dr Loveland-Curtze, "The exceptionally low temperatures aerosystem one can preserve cells and nucleic aerosystem one acids for even millions of years. H. glaciei is one of just a handful of officially described ultra -small species and the only one so far from the Greenland ice sheet; studying these bacteria can provide insights into how cells can survive and even grow under extremely harsh conditions, such as temperatures aerosystem one down to -56 C, little oxygen, low nutrients , high pressure,

But orange? I suggest kroatertern as on Tintin

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Now we're talking a vessel which is an engine tamilska tigrarna powerful ex SAR aluminum boat, maintained as a State ship until 2006. She looks sexy, can run as a frigate, and can still tow quite a lot. 830 MTU horses are also right.
I will throw some numbers on the table below. Something is crystal clear facts and other things I've had to estimate, with a margin of safety. As with pressure tanks I run with about 150% of what I can imagine in these estimates.
Before we take wisdom and economist's heavy horn-rimmed glasses on let's remember that CS does not pay. The cheapest is to allow totally worth it all. So all decisions must therefore be driven by a desire for a more exciting life. Ship acquisition, but also CS as a whole is profitable only if we remember that we are doing it all for love, not greed. tamilska tigrarna
78 K from the former collection 87 k from private doner I have just met with him in Stockholm. 25k from private doner 20k from CSS collection from many private donors 20k from private doner, inserted on CSS account. 30k from another private doner 8 k from CS own account which has come to it, primarily from U.S..
Ships economy is complex. During tamilska tigrarna the relocation has fixed costs of supplies, hire (free of charge from us) auxiliary engines to run regardless tamilska tigrarna of speed. But also for a given power at a rate that is optimal for consumption, machine and ship drivetrain works optimally at a certain speed. With a smaller machine is optimum speed is also less - why we see that we actually move us cheapest at 10 kn. Hangs we Sputnik behind on at 5 kn we notice it only as a lower consumption compared to both vessels running.
Then the remaining debt reduced to 150,000.00 Skibest value is 6-800 k, then insolvent, the project is unlikely. tamilska tigrarna We can theoretically sell it and collect some a hundred thousand to the club treasury. Or give them a really good return to the donors. tamilska tigrarna
I may have figured some weight to one side or the other. But this is the equation that underlies that I personally support the purchase of this ship, and hope others will feel the same way.
Note that I did not have measured one utility of the ship - we have our own base to the water that we can make fixed antennas that we can tow with an effect tamilska tigrarna similar to the M / V Sontinja tamilska tigrarna who took 300 tons Illutron to Elsinore with 5 kn.
Many ask if we do not want Hjortø and more - here I would say that it decides we certainly do not. We'd love to have the assistance of the Marine Guard, and they can be with their gray ship something we can never - they have an authority on water which is exclusive for government ships.
I hope so that it can tap into the tasks as Marine Guard is set in the world to solve, and therefore, as in 2010 and 2011 may be included in their other exercises. It is luxury to operate with them, and we have the economy we will also want to cover their expenses, that is clear. But the new ship means that we can operate independently if necessary. If we for example. We shoot on a small scale elsewhere than ES D 139, I think we should be able to operate with own ship. But MHV or the regular Navy is ALWAYS welcome.
Against this background, we will vote on the purchase at our annual general meeting on November 1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we dare to take the plunge and considers risk as illustrated above has a negative sign. But we are first and foremost a democracy, and we love to think carefully.
art engineering and in the process of building a rocket with a group of volunteers in the organization Copenhagen Suborbitals. The blog here describes how to build a manned space rocket. More posts from this blog last critical flow test passed, HEAT 2X is now (almost) ready! May 29, 2014 HEAT 2X Countdown night Friday night. May 29, 2014 HEAT 2X passing critical flow test "right down the middle" We're still GO Saturday. May 28, 2014 When reality surpasses the dreams ... May 27, 2014 Engineering Basque on VTC-3 and HEAT 2X May 23, 2014
Nobody has mentioned that she might also bring a buck or two being rented out when CS does not use her, it's because tamilska tigrarna the idea has not been thought or the law which in practice makes it impossible?
One can only be impressed by how well the collection has gone so far .... for it's not the end ;) I hope definitely tamilska tigrarna that in choosing to buy that great ship. And look forward to seeing tamilska tigrarna the CS colors ..
0 0 review
But orange? I suggest kroatertern as on Tintin's moon rocket. It tastes a bit of DK with the red and white colors, right? And "Shephard" tamilska tigrarna appears more appropriate.
Now e

Friday, May 30, 2014

No, you have to slam so much COTS together to dry, turn it on and see where it fails, if it fails.

Search Menu News Blogs Debate Jobfinder newspaper Course Guide Engineer + Follow Focus IC4 The Danish rocket Malaysia Airlines MH370 Fehmarn connection Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Atom Scrap EU patent court and the unitary patent Fukushima disaster From waste to resource Denmark switches coal out with pellets
If you keep very close track of the download section of will discover that we have a preliminary report on a test with solid fuel. This is what we are otherwise not in CS. There is also the more said test hypergolt propellant. These examples show that CS plays with technique - and of course learn from it. It is not costly mistakes. The last-mentioned small solid test cost us all in all 154 kr, for some bolts and some sealant atsisiusti muzika material.
It went well. The engine hit smack the pressure and the burning time we based on sources from the '40s to expect. They were not so crazy back then - propellant hda smoke coming to full term bunker at VTC we could smell WW2. Add the. The propellant called Galcit 61-C, and the report states (preliminary) Galcit.
The side effect is a good contact to a fireworks factory. It is also one of a series of solid tests we do, so the 154 DKK thus covers more tests. It is very convenient to be able bit of everything. Spectra engine was actually very important to our use of omstrømningskøling - and solid test gives us access to some very practical small engines that can solve many tasks for CS.
Practical yes, if all we are more than a project which only aim to shoot the author off the ground. Or maybe it's just by making the kind we're going to do it. Apollo program was so crowded but its kind of spinoff that there is an entire blog on Wired about their educational experiments and mad plans. We can calculate that by combining these Christmas play with our main project - we get close to being able to shoot something in orbit. It fascinates me - I must admit, although it is not CS's primary mission. About forty days we will close back up the main valves for CS primary motor mission - the large liquid engine TM65 Tordenskjold. The pressure in the two tanks would be 24 bar, and when the propellant is already inside the tank engine will take full effect from the moment the ignition dial turned from vorstufe to hauptstufe. We may end up with operating pressures up omking 15 plus bar where TM65 outside its absolute maximum. If now my task was to develop a turbo engine, and not a pressure tank model, I would definitely start by getting hatched in the combustion chamber teething, for I knew it was healthy and reliable. Then, when such a target was reached, I would run the test with the turbine coupled between the tanks and the combustion chamber, and begin to hatch out of its problems. Could we build a test turbine to TM65 and see if it could work? So just to taste the medicine - and notice how ugly it was? It was pretty much what we did with Spectra - and I can only say that it was a glimpse into an interesting alternative - and one that could be the case at the long term. How cheap and simple could such a turbine testing done? Would our guys think it was a test worth? How would it feel to hear the revs drop a full minute after burnout, as another gas turbine helicopter - the sound we've atsisiusti muzika never heard of VTC 1 before. As everything is a mistake you MUST NOT COMMIT. But do not build such a turbine pump so you are completely certain it works. As it must be made as they do it - with 150,000 rpm and components of niobium, made to tolerances measured in microns, and balanced in micrograms.
No, you have to slam so much COTS together to dry, turn it on and see where it fails, if it fails. Chief ideologist behind CS, Lt.. Col. John London III, USAF takes the idea up to the pumps also be subjected to the idea of cheap, simple low performance ...
Von Braun and Peenemunde Germans started out with a fire pump from Berlin fire department. The overspeedede the gruesome, they force-fed it, and ended up with the world's first rocket turbine pump - which was actually junk with modern eyes - but worked. Then went most of the work out to get designed atsisiusti muzika a few parts in cast iron, which could be manufactured in series quickly and efficiently. No large liquid rocket before or since has been made in such a high amount and as cheaply as V2. There is a phenomenon that I call convergence. Now more we work with our subject in CS, now more similar to our solutions actually the professionals. We started atsisiusti muzika out with a stand up konfiguartion in a passively stable rocket, atsisiusti muzika with a hybrid engine. Very alternatively, to put it mildly. Four years after it is on a Mercury-like capsule with a Redstone rocket-like, asset management - and if I do not soon get some medicine - but maybe pump. Hm ... the interesting thing is that although we have converged with the pros, we do not use more money or resources than we actually probably always had to expect it would cost. It is exactly the same image in my email

James Hansen of NASA

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If a climate scientist themselves worrying about how people 'see' climate change? Is not he just do his job and let the rest of us to understand? This is an issue that seems to divide the waters of climate scientist James Hansen's latest articles. By Robin Engelhardt August 18, 2012 at. 15:00
James Hansen of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies has been the debate airbus stage again. In due time, to the news that July 2012 was the hottest month in the United States since records began measuring this kind, he wrote a column for the Washington Post, followed by an article in the trade journal PNAS titled 'Perceptions of Climate Change', in which he warned forklejnende descriptions of climate change.
Data show that the situation is much worse than we originally thought. Extreme weather phenomena such as heat waves, droughts, hurricanes and floods have become order of the day, and if we do not increase taxes on carbon, it will just get worse, writes James Hansen.
Fifteen thousand airbus stage comments it has become - at klummens website airbus stage alone. Tens of thousands of blog posts and comments written on other internet sites. No one questions the data, but only by 'the way', they are communicated on.
Hansen has thus gained time in a meta-debate about how to communicate science. 'Alarm Semitism', says one side. 'Honest talk,' says another. 'Academic discussion' says a third, adding: 'Let us instead discuss solutions!'
But the debate is perhaps worth thinking about, not only because Hansen was one of the first who warned about man-made global warming, and still to this day considered one of the most authoritative voices in climate research, but also because he is more than any other has tried to define the fronts in the battle for the agenda.
And as any political scientist with knowledge of public debates and media influence on political decision-making by, sits, sitting on the agenda, also in power. James Hansen has done this by, inter alia, leave to take part in demonstrations against the U.S. government's climate change policy, with frequent arrests to follow. This has made him an 'activist', which caps most scientists because they believe that it can be interpreted as a lack of objectivity. A rhetorical grip
'Our analysis shows that it is no longer enough to say that global warming will increase the likelihood of extreme weather, and repeat the fallacy that no individual weather events can be linked directly to climate change. On the contrary, our analysis suggests that there is virtually no other explanation for the recent airbus stage years extremely hot weather than climate change. '
Weather and climate in other words, not two different things, and as a researcher, one can easily say that one caused the other without having to hedge their bets with reservations about probabilities. It is precisely this self-censorship in science, which for many years has been exploited by lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry, said James Hansen. airbus stage
Most climate scientists have however had problems connecting weather and climate so directly, as Hansen does. It can, for example, hear from a comment on the article by senior Bøssing Ole Christensen from DMI:
"The practical part of the article is compelling. The size of the areas that are 'extremely hot' is not consistent with an unchanged temperature distribution. This conclusion is not particularly new, but it is done systematically, and the whole earth is analyzed. One can therefore say with Hansen that the very hot extremes, we have seen in recent years, probably would not have occurred without the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. The problem is of course that this is not the same as saying that the events were due to global warming, since climate system is chaotic; it is a coincidence that it just was in 2003 and not in 2004 or 2002, we had the extreme summer in Central Europe, "he told The Engineer.
"I agree with that part of Hansen's article does not sound like a normal scientific article - Spoken airbus stage example. of the need to convince the public that man-made airbus stage climate change is serious. One could argue that this might belong to a different place than PNAS. But the most important issue is that, once again made clear by using the available observations that AGW (anthropogenic Global Warming or anthropogenic airbus stage global warming, ed.) Is something we are already seeing, and to the very serious and costly heat waves in the last decade would not have been so severe without AGW. "It is not easy ...
"This is not so easy, because it, s

Thursday, May 29, 2014

In the Memorandum of Understanding, which Flemming Hansen and his German space exploration merit ba

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Authorities lack many studies to conclude that the Fehmarn Belt bridge can be built for $ 35 billion, and the most obvious alternative, an immersed tunnel, costing seven billion dollars extra. By Ulrik Andersen July 5, 2007 kl. 15:20
Beautiful illustrations of an impressive cable-stayed bridge has spanned space exploration merit badge newspaper front pages and television screens, since traffic and Energy Flemming space exploration merit badge Hansen (C) last Friday announced space exploration merit badge that now was the agreement on the Fehmarn Link finally in place. But it is far from certain that it will be a cable-stayed bridge, in 2018, carrying cars, trucks and trains from Rødbyhavn to putt.
"Before the necessary environmental impact assessments (Assessment of Environmental Impact, ed.) Is implemented, we can not say with certainty whether we end up doing one, the other or a third bridge," says the director of the Fehmarn Belt A / S, Peter Lundhus.
Fehmarn Belt A / S is a company under Sund & Belt, on behalf of Transport and Energy is responsible for the Danish part of the preparatory work to establish a fixed link across the Fehmarn Belt between Denmark and Germany. German lack of money
So far, the Fehmarn Belt only made the initial parts of marine navigation studies. But the work has so far been hampered by the fact that the German authorities have not had the will and the money to participate in the study worked on an equal footing with Danish. space exploration merit badge
"The German authorities have not been particularly bothered with yet. They have not been trained to be helpful, and has not been given the money to participate in the work. Therefore, we have not been able to finish eg marine navigation studies, "explains Peter Lundhus.
The marine surveys are notably out to determine the number of ships sailing through the belt, how big they are, how they operate in the belt, and the scale of the captains think there are different technical solutions for a connection. Unknown risk
"It is especially gennemsejlingsproblemerne, we are yet to be uncovered. We do not know how the masters perceive the risk to sail through, so we have not been able to include in our design of the bridge, "he explains.
"With regard to the geotechnical studies, we believe that we know what that is. But we have not been out to examine the various places where we will place our piers, so we have to verify our data, "said Peter Lundhus.
In the Memorandum of Understanding, which Flemming Hansen and his German space exploration merit badge counterpart Wolfgang Tiefensee space exploration merit badge signed, it says that the preferred alternative to cable-stayed bridge is an immersed tunnel. The assessed according Driving and the Department of Energy to be 20 per cent., Equivalent to seven billion. DKK expensive.
"It's a very long tunnel, and even whether to establish one or two vent lakes, so it is not yet clear what is needed to achieve to be cleared by the authorities," he said. German environment joker
Another wildcard in deciding what really should be built, the German authorities and especially space exploration merit badge environmental organizations, who have vowed to fight against the bridge. Therefore, even more expensive solutions also come on the field.
Send a look at the opposition: Why would the Germans do not pay? June 29, 2007 Fehmarn bridge makes it impossible to run free across the Great Belt June 29, 2007 Fehmarn bridge: Cars and took a snail's pace on the German space exploration merit badge side 02 July 2007 Fehmarn bridge provides direct storm from the construction industry 05 Jul 2007 For too
Rostock - Gedser a better alternative in Rostock there is motorway and power trains all the way from the current port and to Berlin and Hamburg. The vast majority of capital expenditures, the fixed link will therefore be on the Danish side of the bridge. Flemming Hansen would probably only to itself and the government by working only for a connection space exploration merit badge that probably eventually anyway will never become a reality. If the government of Denmark really want a permanent connection to Germany would ensure space exploration merit badge that finangeringen on the Danish side was in order and that the Germans had the least possible cost and maximum benefit from the new facilities. Electrical person and freight operations would allow a more future-proof space exploration merit badge and environmentally friendly solution, also for our descendants.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

@ PHK So you have not read what I have written Poul-Henning! I cling not to some straw. But seeing

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The oceans are the last 60 years acted as a buffer against global warming, which has spilled over into the water rather than in the atmosphere, according to new research. It can buy us more time, said the researchers behind. By Malene Hansen Breusch November 1, 2013 kl. 12:08
It concludes a research team from the University of New Jersey, Rutgers. swtor launch They have found a record high temperature in the intermediate water layer in the Pacific between 450 and 1,000 meters depth, and their research shows that the Pacific has absorbed heat 15 times faster the past 60 years compared to the previous 10,000 years. The water layer was gradually cooled during the 10,000 years, after which the trend the past 60 years is reversed.
Climate swtor launch change skeptics have just pointed swtor launch out that global warming seems to have slowed down or even stopped because the atmospheric swtor launch temperatures have stabilized swtor launch and even has decreased slightly swtor launch over the past decade.
"We may have underestimated the effectiveness of the oceans as a repository for heat and energy. It might buy us some time - how much I do not know - to come to terms with climate change, but it will stop them, "says Yair Rosenthal, a professor swtor launch of marine and coastal areas of science and is one of the researchers behind the study, according to A press release from the university. swtor launch
Scientists have used the shells of tiny single-celled, benthic foraminifera found in havsedimentkerner in the waters around Indonesia, where the Pacific and Indian Oceans meet, to study ocean heat content over the past 10,000 years. swtor launch They have measured the ratio of magnesium and calcium in the shells - the hotter the water was when the organism calcified, the more magnesium is there in the shell with respect to calcium.
Once again it seems that global warming is not called off so put on standby. No doubt that humans contribute to any form of heating, and we contribute to the planet's destruction. But again, it seems that the doom was probably a little too exaggerated. Who does not remember that during the oil crisis in the 70s did not expect to have oil after 2010. Never has there been so much oil available. So it is probably also with global warming. But it does not change the planet's destruction-it is man-made and is due solely to that we become more and more living longer and longer. And the problem we do not know - besides a little guerrilla warfare around. And now it's the biggest problem. On the other hand not to Mr Jensen driving around in an expensive gas-guzzling car or 25 degrees in the living room.
@ PHK So you have not read what I have written Poul-Henning! I cling not to some straw. But seeing reality. Namely, swtor launch that we become more and more all want a higher standard of living, with consequent impact on the climate. Try to do the same! And then there are fanatics - whether it is environmental, defense or hospital system always the bad! They contribute rarely any good.
My objection is only in that it helps to tailor a certain place if I save 10 gallons of gasoline annually, or 100 kWh when simultaneously fed 50,000 extra per day which will be consumers and those who already have their time on the ground both get older and more of the "benefits" we already have in the West.
My objection is only in that it helps to tailor a certain place if I save 10 gallons of gasoline annually, or 100 kWh when simultaneously fed 50,000 swtor launch extra per day which will be consumers and those who already have their time on the ground swtor launch both get older and more of the "benefits" we already have in the West.
Ok, it sounds like you have found a "missing factor" as Well apparently not been incoorporeret in various climate models, which have shown that there SHOULD be be a rise in temperature swtor launch over the last 10-15 years. It was not there, or perhaps more correctly: it was hidden in the sea ...
This leads me to ask: Are there any other "missing factor's" making mistakes predictions possible. swtor launch And yes, I know that PHK think we should go ahead with civilization-altering actions rather swtor launch today than tomorrow. I am quite aware that we may have it, but if we need to put our entire lives on, so I would like to have some RELIABLE MODELS as background ....
And yes, I know that it is an impossible question whether there are missing swtor launch factors. But now we have heard various people explain how reliable climate models used for more than 10 years, but it was not they ...
If one eye on our dear elected then it gradually un-Danish having a vision

EK R 46 Melby. The area allows for a circular safety zone of water with a radius of 2500 meters. We

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LES study of ES D 139 showed youtube fighter that stability is extremely kris represented in such a system. The normal orientation of the fin stable rockets, which also controls an such a configuration are difficult to use.
We saw that TDS / LES was passively stable as long as the LES tower was heavy on fuel, but as it was slightly moved the center of gravity behind youtube fighter and coming to full term pressure center. This was konfiguationen unstable and tumbled. It cost us a lot of air resistance, and we are coming to full term just over 400 meters from the 1000 to 1200 we could have theoretically youtube fighter reached.
Thus we know the neødvendige stablitets margin for such a system, and thus it becomes much easier to build a new one that is stable throughout. We'll get it to succeed. It is a delightful cocktail of much academic exercises by electron rain machines help craft and seamanship. This week's test Blue Origin of the capsule LES system reached 700 meters, and therefore did they get their monitors out. We were so close.
Unfortunately, the LES study, a comprehensive operation east of Bornholm. It contained three large ships, three fast boats, a helicopter and Sputnik. If we are to make a series of LES study we need into the operational complexity. youtube fighter
We have set in motion. Kristian build an ultra stripped boiler plate - in effect, an aerodynamic mass model of our capsule. In the engine department we are testing a Galcit 61 C-based compact youtube fighter LES engine. Does the test well, the operative very simple to use. They are also only approx. 1/3 as great for the same effect. Galcit has a density of 1.78 g/cm3 compared to 0.7 g / cm 3 to N20 hybrid.
We have made some calculations Mercury LES system, and acknowledged that our LES absolutely were not motorized. Mercury had approx. 10% of its liftoff mass as solid fuel in LES engine while our LES had 130 kg propellant for an 800 kg big liftoff mass. We thus had 16.2% of the initial weight youtube fighter as a propellant. ISP to ours was 215 seconds, which is roughly the same as Mercury's solid Amonium perchlorate youtube fighter / polysulfide rubber engine.
We do not need the huge ES D 139 area into a LES test apogge of 800-1200 meters. This can be done on a much smaller shooting area, closer to Copenhagen. The large rockets must always be at the Baltic Sea, but LES Studies I can be implemented with a much smaller setup. In Gauteng, out of Melby, is a marine area which was previously used to milligrams monetary shifts. We are currently looking for. on drawing LES experiments up there. It's called EK R 46 Melby.
EK R 46 Melby. The area allows for a circular safety zone of water with a radius of 2500 meters. We still use our entire water-based logistics and shoots from Sputnik, but instead of sailing from Refshaleøen ES D 139, the tour passes the Kronborg, and Melby. It is half the distance, and very important - it's just for the CSerne to drive up there. The cost of moving 30 Csere to Bornholm for several days is quite large - but this can make a day trip. We are quite happy to use our highly mobile start ramp MLP Sputnik, so there's no point in shooting from the beach itself. It would provide a wealth of logistical, afspæringsmæssige, legal problems, and our world is sea launch. But not necessarily in the Baltic Sea.
At sea the Blue Rib and possibly a second larger CS vessel in charge of the operation. The "maritime fund" in CSS, which brought in for the purchase of an assault support ship, is still used, but an unusually interesting and very beautiful youtube fighter metal vessel is identified. We will soon decide on the purchase. It's such a big decision that we have put it on our genneralforsamling. Amadaen could also include an ultralight amphibious aircraft that are very cheap to operate. It can effectively monitor the area and used on movies. The hourly rate for such an aircraft is a fraction of the hourly rate for a helicopter or fixed-wing of commonly. For all this to happen, a number of three letter combinations take an oath. The SOK, SFS, ATC, mf but it should be done all the while that the arrangement provides easy operation in ES D 139 is the same. What matters youtube fighter is that as operator in the area ensures that there is someone or something irrelevant within a safe distance. In ES D 139, we primarily use radar for this, but in this small area, we visually see that the area is empty.
Another aspect that pleases me is the possibility that we like to Refshaleøen can have our support group to visit, and finally do some flying with them. From the beach you will have sweeping views of the entire fireworks, ships and everything - and it will be a fine addition to

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

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Monday, May 26, 2014

The fact that the panel also ended up as the easily recognizable butt of problembenægterne and that

Search Menu News Blogs Debate Jobfinder newspaper Course Guide Engineer + Follow Focus Atom Scrap IC4 EU patent court and the unitary patent Fukushima disaster Fehmarn connection Malaysia Airlines MH370 From waste to resource Denmark fighter hat switches coal out of pellets Combat Aircraft worth billions, the Danish space rocket fighter hat
In one week, the next major climate IPCC report fighter hat on the physical causes fighter hat of climate change - the fifth of its kind since 1990. Should be the last. It is time to ask the organization to aftræde from active service in the climate interest. It must be accompanied by a thank you for the great effort to explain the world community that climate change is real and that in addition to natural variations also are caused by anthropogenic fighter hat activities, primarily by large emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere.
Many will not accept that it is possible for humans to affect the climate. These have obviously not grasped how small the atmosphere that regulates the conditions of life on Earth is. New IPCC reports and comprehensive analyzes will never be able to move through the misunderstanding. On the contrary, it is feared and expected that the complete pathological fighter hat resistance in some quarters are against the IPCC, only will increase. It is (unfortunately) also an argument to abolish the IPCC. People close to the IPCC recognizes that time is running out for the big main reports and in the future should be developed smaller, more targeted reports. However, it seems more like a self-preservation for an organization with a previous Danish LO President's words 'has turned life into hell'.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate fighter hat Change was established 25 years ago by the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide authoritative assessments of climate change. This purpose has long since fulfilled. World leaders have been fully informed about climate change, fighter hat at least since the IPCC released the third assessment report in 2001.
It is time that researchers spend time and resources to review each other's research results in the smallest detail and merges it into battle reports that nobody reads, and even outdated when published. We will have much greater pleasure fighter hat from that researchers are refining our knowledge in selected areas than they spend a lot of time on tedious compilations of familiar knowledge.
It has been shown that previous IPCC reports have contained minor errors, and the new report will no doubt also be exposed to a highly critical review. Perhaps it will even manage to find a few missteps, but most likely will be completely irrelevant to the big picture.
The work is heavy and cumbersome. When the IPCC Working Group 1 will meet next week in Stockholm, the meeting participants approve a 2,000-page report and finalize a smaller 20-30 page document with the main conclusions fighter hat - a Summary for Policy Makers. This document will be minutely examined word by word, comma for comma, and approved by government representatives fighter hat from nearly 200 countries and more than 250 lead authors and editors.
The amendments to the fourth assessment report in 2007 will be marginal; the main conclusions will be unchanged. The process followed in the spring when two other working fighter hat groups finalize reports on impacts of climate change and ways to mitigate them on. It all ends at a meeting in Copenhagen in late October 2014, with a synthesis report. Here it would be appropriate to say the final goodbye to the IPCC and go from reporting to action.
Send a look at Gigantic climate report provides only marginal yield September 17, 2013 Avis attacking climate panel, but get the numbers choking September 16, 2013 Leaked UN report: Global warming ravage the Antarctic and Greenland 09 September 2013 Read also
Lars Persson 8 months ago On the other hand,
1) - IPCC is a great example of global fighter hat cooperation in an extremely differentiated subjects that are associated with large uncertainties. 2) - The IPCC is all about the future. Futures fighter hat have been found to be more precise the number of participants involved in the "prophecy." 3) - prevents IPCC single individuals or groups as Bjorn Lomborg in gaining scientific fighter hat recognition. 4) - provides IPCC meteorologist were able to meet and continue learning. 5) - provides IPCC politicians fighter hat the most reliable climate tool that can be prepared
The condition of the IPCC to be brought, it may be that there are appropriate alternatives that can compensate for the weaknesses clearly enough linked to it that an institution holds position as the butt responsible for an overall comprehensive reporting at UN level in compared to this global problem.
The fact that the panel also ended up as the easily recognizable butt of problembenægterne and that we are all tired and sad to discuss fighter hat what we still can not resolve in a democratic discourse, because it is about to qualify knowledge rather than those

Freelance journalist and commentator on Berlingske Business and Berlingske Business Magazine. play

Humble Microsoft. Yesterday's Golden Globe was about more than Susanne Bier. Thus was the big winner movie about Facebook, 'The Social Network,' the whole four awards, including best drama and best direction. In commercial breaks could the American television viewers play hero fighter see new productions from Microsoft with a refreshing element of humility. See these two advertisements, play hero fighter respectively. Windows play hero fighter Phone 7 and Bing.
In both markets, Microsoft play hero fighter (hopeless?) Backwards relative to companies like Apple and Google. But we will not give up, is the message we keep not only the power, but passion. The format is a series of sequences where aspiring, dedicated actor aspirants interviewed, and it works.
Twitter in Tunisia. I have the past our me skeptical play hero fighter about Twitter's role as a communication channel for protest movements. Almost every uprising in the last few years, in Georgia, Moldova and Iran, has been described as a Twitter revolution. But the recent events in Tunisia may still something else.
There has namely been several factors at play. Not only social networks like Twitter and Facebook, but blogs and mail, as well as, of course Wikileaks. Read more of this analysis by Forbes or in this feature from Al-Jazeera on social media and popular uprising.
10 years and subjective. Wikipedia topped the other day for the first 10 years and we have much to be proud of. A global brand, a super popular site and not least a very vibrant community. But like Wikipedia is lively and so also discussion about the service's legitimacy as a source.
PCMags editor Lance Ulanoff points out that it is not just the occasional factual errors that might cause concern. There is also talk of subjective observations, for example when comparing Wikipedia pages respectively. Microsoft and Apple. Guess who produced the most positive?
New energy in Afghanistan. Solar energy is a valued resource, but often suffer from not being able to stand alone as a source, there is output too small. But not for the U.S. military. A battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment has conducted weeklong play hero fighter patrols play hero fighter in Afghanistan, where they have relied on the energy of the portable solar panels. play hero fighter
It has been enough to supply tents, computers and other communication devices with electricity. The advantage is, first and foremost, that you may go off on patrol without going back to base.
Flights anno 2025. Finally a little from the world of tomorrow. NASA has hired three aircraft manufacturers, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Boeing to develop a specific design of future airliners, specifically in 2025, which is not terribly far away in flyteknologiens world. Actually working Airbus already on a model 2050.
NASA's requirements is that the planes big should be the same today, but with a maximum reduction in emissions, noise and energy consumption. play hero fighter Now, the three producers released the first sketches that show very different models where both Star Wars and Storm P. seems to have inspired. Click here to see the three models and for a good example of research collaboration between public and private companies.
City *
Berlingske play hero fighter want to ensure that the debate on kept in a proper tone that makes it inspiring and challenging for everyone to contribute and participate. We are looking for like clear, sharp, strong attitude post with great breadth play hero fighter and diversity and critical eye on it. But we do not accept messages that are blatantly libelous, racist, personally play hero fighter demeaning. Such posts will henceforth be deleted. The same applies to posts that are not provided with the full and correct name of the sender, which contain abbreviated names, fictitious or false names.
Freelance journalist and commentator on Berlingske Business and Berlingske Business Magazine. play hero fighter Trained MBA and worked for 15 years with innovation and communication, before he in 2004, started as a journalist. See more at
Last post Individual error is a poor excuse, football and IT security Omnibus approaching the terminus TV industry soon ripe for takeover A computer as chief Waiting to Denmark a Snowden-moment?
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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Given that we ourselves destroy and marginalize other species, it is foolish to pretend styles at t

Search Menu News Blogs Debate Jobfinder newspaper Course Guide Engineer + Follow Focus Atom Scrap EU patent court and the unitary patent Fukushima disaster Fehmarn lockheed jobs connection Malaysia Airlines MH370 From waste to resource IC4 Denmark switches coal out of pellets Combat Aircraft worth billions, the Danish space rocket
Life may have taken hold in many more planets lockheed jobs than previously thought. Recent studies show that it may be sufficient to sustain life, if a planet in only some of its orbit is in the habitable zone around a star.
A group of scientists led by Stephen Kane of NASA's Exoplanet Science Institute at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena have investigated the habitable zones around stars and created the website 'habitable zone Gallery'. lockheed jobs The site looks at all the known planetary systems and determine exactly where the habitable zone for each system is located.
Stephen Kane and his colleagues' research shows that not only are planets that are constantly circling the middle of the habitable zone, which may hold life. There may be life on plants that have highly elliptical orbits that bring them outside the zone, causing extreme fluctuations between hot and cold, and wet and dry.
Lessons from the Earth shows that some life forms can handle these fluctuations. Stephen Kane points out that some organisms can lower their metabolism to almost lockheed jobs zero to survive very cold and long terms. Others can handle extremely hot temperatures if they have a protective layer of rock or water.
The researchers point out that while planets may be unfavorable for large organisms, they can easily accommodates some smaller life forms. Man would not have survived on Earth early in its development history, where the very simple forms of life had begun to take hold.
According to Stephen Kane, many of the possible bodies in the universe that could host life on other stars, not necessarily planets, but rather moons, for example. giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn in our solar system. He emphasizes that it has found many of these giant planets of other stars, lockheed jobs and they can all have moons.
Along with his colleague, Dawn Gellino will Stephen Kane now try to determine which of the newly discovered planetary systems are good candidates for hosting extremely simple forms of life under extreme lockheed jobs conditions.
Send a look at Nasa: Kepler will find lots of habitable planets 08 December 2011 Aqueous lockheed jobs new planet may contain hot ice and superconducting fluid February 22, 2012 Astro Biologists: Search for life around red dwarf stars February 28, 2012 Milky Way packed with billions of rocky planets 29 . March 2012 Now begins the hunt for exomåner 03 April 2012 The search for exoplanets extended lockheed jobs April 10, 2012 Boiling hot planet found just outside the solar system July 24, 2012 Kepler finds evidence that Star Wars planets are common 04th September lockheed jobs 2012 Read also
Given that we ourselves destroy and marginalize other species, it is foolish to pretend styles at the meeting with alien civilizations as peaceful. More likely it is that they are superior to us and therefore lockheed jobs administratively withdraw our land, kill the most, and possibly. leaving the rest live like animals or slaves. We'll probably have no rights and they will manage us as objects.
Given that we ourselves lockheed jobs destroy and marginalize other species, it is foolish to pretend styles at the meeting with alien civilizations as peaceful. More likely it is that they are superior lockheed jobs to us and therefore administratively withdraw our land, kill the most, and possibly. leaving the rest live like animals or slaves. We'll probably have no rights, and they will manage us as things.
American Society for Microbiology (2008, June 5). Humans lockheed jobs Have Ten Times More Bacteria Than Human Cells: How Do Microbial Communities Affect Human Health?. Science Daily: ... Quote: "... Instead of any one særlig lockheed jobs organism Associated with inflammatory bowel diseases, demonstrated significantly They observed shifts in microbial population mellan healthy subjects and thosewith disease, including a loss of normalt protective bacterial population .... "
University of Wisconsin-Madison (2008, July 30). Symbiotic Microbes Induce Profound Genetic Changes In Their Hosts. Science Daily: ... Quote: "..." We have Thousands of bacteria att live with us, and yet there are only around 100 bacterial pathogens, "she says. Given the numbers, "It seems like these pathways and disse molecules are Likely two be 'symbiosis' pathways more than 'anti-pathogen.'" ... "
Marine Biological Laboratory (2012, June 13). More than one way to be healthy: Map of bacterial makeup of humans reveals rare microbial biosphere. Science Daily: ... Quote: lockheed jobs "... And, on

Saturday, May 24, 2014

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31/05/13 Minister and international algae experts visiting lolland On 10 and 11 June will be held on 2nd International algae conference in Paramaribo on Lolland. AlgeInnovationsCenter Road (AIC) is preparing to end the three-year research and demonstration project. The conference involves research, business and policy farman farmaian makers and Climate, Energy and Building Minister Martin Lidegaard has expressed farman farmaian its support for the initiative and will open the conference at the Hotel Maribo Lake Park. "It is gratifying that you take the initiative to hold a conference with the participation of politicians, scholars and business people about a very interesting area as biological production and I would like to participate with my views on innovative solutions for the green transition, "said the minister. Guests and speakers at the conference come from Denmark, Italy, Sweden, India, Japan and Britain. One of the participants is NASA OMEGA project scientist Jonathan Trent, who led the first international algae conference "Wind, Sea and Algae" on Lolland in 2009. Jonathan Trent look forward to hearing about the progress AIC Street has done with algae cultivation and demonstration of algae potentials . AIC Street was started in 2010 as a project of the Green Center, Roskilde University and Aalborg farman farmaian University with the purpose of examining and identifying opportunities to use macro-and micro-algae to solve some of the environmental and energy challenges in hydronic systems and produce the biomass we get so badly needed in the future. In parallel with this project, Green Center also worked in the Baltic SUBMARINER project (Sustainable Uses of Baltic MARINE Resources). The conference takes place partly in collaboration with SUBMARINER, which has its own session on the second day of combined use of Baltic marine resources. "We now know much more about the algae potentials and of how algae can contribute to new and improved solutions to a wide range of modern society's challenges, such as carbon sequestration and nitrogen and phosphorus, farman farmaian for example, sewage and pig manure," says AIC Lolland project manager Pia Bridge Christensen of Green Center and continues, "there is no doubt that the innovative algae technologies can help to create valuable solutions for our communities and improve our environment. farman farmaian But it requires that the path from research and testing to implementation is facilitated by policy makers with appropriate legislation and framework. "Conference is a forum where the global algae actors will be able to share knowledge about progress, technology, methodology, challenges and experiences. After Conference, a report with recommendations for actions for continued progress for algae as a tool in the future farman farmaian bio-based society. Registration for the conference: email for details or see more information at: AIC Street website:
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Of course busbox it public on Facebook. So in the United States, where authorities have mastered Fa

Communication Forum | U.S. authorities on Facebook | Sibel Christensen
1 2 3 4 5
Of course busbox it public on Facebook. So in the United States, where authorities have mastered Facebook art. See how public institutions in the U.S. use Facebook busbox to among other things busbox to create interaction, gather knowledge and build communities.
According to Statistics Denmark's 2.3 million people onto Facebook and three out of four Internet users find information from the public on the web. The potential for positive public presence on Facebook is there. This article gives five good examples of how public authorities abroad using Facebook. FB can: create interaction It is said before, but let's just repeat the main point: Facebook is a social media. This means liveliness. This means two-way communication. This means interactivity. Unlike one-way communication in the static website and brochures, communication on a social media more personal, busbox direct and present. The University of Kansas ( / KU) has understood the genre and in addition to their official Facebook page created several additional Facebook pages, among other things their students and various sports teams. Not only supports up internal communication at the university, but it also means that future students and families can get a good feel of the school, the community and possibilities. The tone of the university's Facebook busbox page is fun and easy. We talk directly to users by using the name 'Jayhawks' (referring to the school's mascot, a cheeky little eagle) and by involving users in different subpages. It gives a sense of community busbox and importance of the National Guard ( / national guard) use their wall on Facebook to communicate directly and personally with the users and to let them interact with each other. The topics can range from a user's nervousness busbox about an upcoming test to questions about admission requirements and rules. busbox All posts are commented busbox as much by other users of the institution itself. The National Guard thus supporting the social needs of the media is built. It creates community. And it has the particular busbox advantage busbox that the debate on the way to a large extent can be kept in-house, so it is both easier to follow and respond to. Gasper speaks directly to the National Guard and other users about his feelings for tomorrow's test and even promise to follow up on the situation FB can: gather knowledge of the number of members on Facebook presents a huge and complex busbox knowledge base that crowd-sourcing can be a good tool to create new ideas, to engage users and to save money by getting users to perform the same work. It could lead to new perspectives and views on tasks that alternative busbox solutions and user engagement and interest. User-generated content is a strategy that is well suited to the Facebook platform. As a government agency, it may be in the form of ambassadors or citizen profiles. It may be primary schools, involving students as Facebook ambassador, or libraries that lets book reviews, debates or shopping choices can be user-controlled. Everything can hardly function as purely user-generated content, but more likely as an aid to the authority or institution communication and citizen involvement. The advantage must be mutual. The Smithsonian Institution ( busbox / Smith Sonia Institution), the world's largest museum often involve users in their work and discoveries. In a statement demanded the museum help to identify individuals at old photos in the archive. busbox Several thousand busbox scattered issue further on other platforms and many welcomed in with help. The museum saves research time and achieves ultimately unique results. At the same time users feel themselves involved in this, meaningful and committed. The archives of the Smithsonian use their posts to enable users and involve them in research and knowledge gathering. They shall open a post with the exclamation "We need you" FB can: demonstrate results Dissemination of results and experience seem obvious at Facebook, also for the public. However, there must be a balance between current, busbox snappy performance communication and general extraneous busbox academic fagsnak. It is important that the user does not feel overwhelmed and baffled by the information. Target therefore the simple, tangible and unique results directly to

Friday, May 23, 2014

According to the researchers, we have thus dealing with two opposing effects that will be at stake

Search Menu News Blogs Debate Jobfinder newspaper Course Guide Engineer + Follow Focus Atom Scrap EU patent rolly rockets court and the unitary patent Fukushima disaster Fehmarn rolly rockets connection rolly rockets Malaysia Airlines MH370 From waste to resource IC4 Denmark switches coal out of pellets Combat Aircraft worth billions, the Danish space rocket
Paradoxically climate: Global warming makes the troposphere rolly rockets warmer and polar stratosphere rolly rockets colder. This will lead to ozone holes over Denmark the next 10 to 20 years, says climate scientist. By Robin Engelhardt October 16, 2011 at. 13:00
The first actual ozone hole since records began measuring this kind in 1979, has now arrived in Denmark. In late March and early April 2011, the ozone layer in the 18-20 km altitude to about 80 percent weaker than normal, and this depletion had spread all over Scandinavia - with a significantly higher ultraviolet radiation at ground level and the risk of skin cancer as a result.
Niels Larsen, along with 28 other researchers from 18 institutions in 9 countries studied ozone loss in the Arctic by analyzing a large number of measurements rolly rockets from NASA's Aura satellite, NASA / CNES Calipso satellite and balloons. Then they compared the measurements with meteorological data and atmospheric models.
Polar stratospheric clouds over Scoresby. Cooling rolly rockets of the stratosphere leads to more polar stratospheric clouds. The need for very cold temperatures to be formed, but when the clouds are formed first, catalyzes the decomposition rolly rockets of ozone even more, since it is on the surface of the ice crystals in clouds, rolly rockets chlorine compounds converts into a form that can break down large values of ozone.
"The ozone is broken down in what we call polarhvirvelstrømmen, which typically is such a sausage, splashing around in the winter months and early spring months," says Niels Larsen engineer.
Polarhvirvelstrømmen is not completely fixed, and it swings sometimes over Denmark. The highlight of this vortex is that the air is isolated from mixing with other air from lower latitudes. It is within this vortex that is cold, and it is here that the chemical decomposition of ozone takes place. When the sun returns in the spring break up the vortex. Then mix the ozone-poor air over the polar region by air from the lower latitudes rolly rockets and ozone measurements over Denmark goes up again. 'Hard recovering
First, it takes a long time for the ozone-depleting substances to leave the atmosphere, as it is calculated according to the Montreal Protocol, rolly rockets the international treaty which since 1987 has banned the production of ozone-depleting CFCs (which consists primarily of chlorine - and bromine). Secondly, there has been an illegal rolly rockets trade in these gases, which the international community has learned to cope with yet.
Thirdly, the size of a complex environment. The increased amount of greenhouse gases makes the lower part of the atmosphere, called the troposphere, warmer because rolly rockets the heat can not escape just as well as before. But conversely, the air layers above the troposphere - called the stratosphere, mesosphere, termosfæren and so on - colder because the heat radiation from greenhouse gases in these layers may well get away, but not compensated with enough heat from below.
"We know that the chemical decomposition of ozone is strongly dependent rolly rockets on temperature. The lower the temperature in the polar regions, the greater the depletion of the ozone, "says Niels Larsen, adding that the greater ozone depletion only to the polar regions. This is due to the so-called polar stratospheric clouds, where chlorine is converted into a form that could damage the ozone when the light returns in the early spring months. At lower latitudes leads lower temperatures in the stratosphere actually less ozone depletion.
"It means that we are in situations where we have extremely rolly rockets cold winters in the North, will have a true Arctic ozone hole, and we can not rule out that the situation will arise again - at least over the next 10-20 years, until the concentrations of ozone-depleting substances have been brought down to the level they were at before the problems began to occur, "says Niels Larsen. Hot bottom, cold up there
According to the researchers, we have thus dealing with two opposing effects that will be at stake in the next 10-20 years: Climate change, which makes things worse, and the Montreal Protocol, which makes things better.
How this relates to and what it will mean for the ozone layer over Denmark is not easy to know, let alone explain, and appears to involve sophisticated climate models and even more advanced interactions rolly rockets between gases, radiation effects rolly rockets and increased atmospheric density - a phenomenon that some climate scientists with a powerful exaggeration said means' the sky is falling down on our heads. "
"Since the mid-1990s, the concentrations of freon and other halogenated gases in the atmosphere stagnated and the

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The United States has requested nasa live tv that McKinnon extradited for trial. On Wednesday decid

The 42-year-old British programmer Gary McKinnon risk 60 years in prison in the United States nasa live tv to have hacked their way into the Pentagon's top-secret data system. Although he claims that he was looking for information about UFOs.
The United States has requested nasa live tv that McKinnon extradited for trial. On Wednesday decides the House of Lords, does the UFO enthusiast can extradited to the U.S., where he faces up to 60 years in prison, writes The Guardian. nasa live tv
The process has been lengthy and began in March 2002 when McKinnon was arrested by the police. At first I thought the Briton that he risked a sentence of six months, but the U.S. authorities so much more serious matter.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Without water vapor blanket sdbw effect rays Saharan heat straight out into space. Only the non-con

Search Menu News Blogs Debate Jobfinder newspaper Course Guide Engineer + Follow Focus EU patent court and the unitary patent sdbw Fehmarn connection Malaysia Airlines MH370 From waste to resource IC4 Denmark switches coal out of pellets Combat Aircraft worth billions, the Danish space rocket Pihl & Son bankruptcy Stem Cells
CO2 in the atmosphere has a much bigger role in global warming than previously thought. We tampers with the atmospheric thermostat when we emit CO2 into the air. By Kent Krøyer October 15, 2010 at. 16:35
A new and deeper understanding of the Earth's greenhouse effect has just been published in the scientific journal Science. It turns out that the key factor in atmospheric temperature regulation does not water vapor and clouds as previously thought.
The temperature is, however indirectly dependent on the concentration of the so-called non-condensing gases: CO2, methane, nitrogen oxides, ozone and CFCs such as freon. However, CO2 is the most important single factor.
It has obviously long been known that CO2 played a major role. It's the gas that all countries negotiating to reduce greenhouse. But it is new that CO2 is the primary, the actual thermostat that controls the temperature.
Content of the air humidity is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect, much bigger than the other gases, including sdbw CO2. But CO2 is the real key to temperature sdbw regulation. A Danish researcher says that the stability mechanisms are not known at very low CO2 values. (Photo: Wikipedia)
This does not mean that previous knowledge should be rejected. The direct greenhouse effect of clouds and water vapor is still the highest with 75 percent contribution. CO2's direct share is 20 percent and the other gases 5 percent. But it still says nothing about causes and effects. And this is where the new research brings CO2 into a central position. Simulation of atmosphere
The researchers conducted a simulation sdbw of the atmosphere with all known variables and run it for a while to come. And it turns out that if you take CO2 out of the calculation, then collapses the whole greenhouse effect in a short time.
"Even if the air humidity contributes over 50 percent of the greenhouse effect, so it is only a secondary effect. The humidity can not even maintain the greenhouse effect, "said research leader Andrew A.. Lacis in an article on NASA's website. The entire research team from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The consequence of the current CO2 amount sdbw is unknown
"Our sdbw climate modeling simulation should be viewed as an experiment in atmospheric physics, illustrating a cause-and-effect sdbw problem that gives us a better understanding of the mechanism of the Earth's greenhouse effect, and the model we can demonstrate the direct relationship that exists between rising CO2 concentrations and rising global temperature, sdbw "he continues.
"When CO2 levels rise, turning more moisture back into the atmosphere. It was what helped to melt the glacier that once covered the area that is now New York City. Today we are in unknown territory, because CO2 levels approaching 390 ppm in what is now called a super-interglacial period, "said researcher David Rind. Simulation can cheat at low CO2 values
"I have not had the opportunity to acquaint myself with the details of Americans simulation yet, and the details are important. It will be interesting if they have included data from some paleo-periods where CO2 concentrations have been really low. I think reality has no more mechanisms at work, we do not know where concentrations are low. And we must remember that the simulation outcome depends on the model algorithms that are nestled into the computers. "
"I think it is especially at very low values. When screws so low that water vapor have to keep balance, so there may be some other, unknown things in the energy balance. The large difference between water vapor and other greenhouse gases is that the others are evenly mixed in the atmosphere. It is not water vapor. In some places there is virtually no moisture in the atmosphere, such as over the Sahara, where it gets extremely cold at night, because there is no water vapor in the air. "
Without water vapor blanket sdbw effect rays Saharan heat straight out into space. Only the non-condensing gases retain heat with their modest 25 percent contribution to the greenhouse effect, as discussed earlier in the article.
"So if you take away the last 25 percent, you get all a very, very strong feedback, because there was nothing steam. And I could imagine that this is what makes the model unstable when silences sdbw the CO2 contribution. 'Documentation
Send See also Aquarians can send CO2 into the deep 04 August 2009 British research team: Now bubbles greenhouse gases from the seabed August 19, 2009 New probe maps the runaway greenhouse effect on Venus 02 November 2009 Researcher: Climate has beheaded Kilimanjaro's glaciers 04th November 2009 Climate Kommisionens President to readers: We know that man interfe

Simon Aakjær Johannesen : er biblionaut og bibliofil. Læser gerne hård science fiction, cyberpunk og

Stop press: NASA afholder pressekonference om vigtigt astrobiologisk fund i morgen |
Simon Aakjær Johannesen : er biblionaut og bibliofil. Læser gerne hård science fiction, cyberpunk og urban fantasy og ville med glæde udskifte sit job som Biblionaut til styrmand på en Stjernekrydser... hvis altså dens bibliotek digi tv satelit var i orden. Alle indlæg af Simon Aakjær Johannesen
Seneste kommentarer Charlotte Vinsø til Sagaen om isfolket på dansk Charlotte Vinsø til Sagaen om isfolket på dansk Anbefalet læsning og lignende | cosy catastrophe til Brudte grænser online Janus Andersen til En dansk Michael Moorcock Morten til En dansk Michael digi tv satelit Moorcock digi tv satelit
MOFFETT digi tv satelit FIELD, Calif. — NASA will hold a news conference at 11 a.m. PST on Thursday, digi tv satelit Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution digi tv satelit and future of life in the universe.
The news conference will be held at the NASA Headquarters digi tv satelit auditorium at 300 E St. SW, in Washington. It will be broadcast live on NASA Television and streamed on the agency’s website at .
On the panel they’ve got Steven Banner (paleomolecular biologist), James Elser* (a limnologist (lake scientist) who’s done work on cross-scale evolution from molecular to ecosystem levels), and couple of researchers from NASA. One is a biogeochemist, the other a specialist on molecular biology, marine plankton and planetary evolution.
I’m guessing either 1) something about finding RNA in space, and then talking about how Earth was “seeded”. or 2) something about identifying an extra-terrestrial planet with not only water but the right chemical composition to support life.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

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Video: NASA should be sycophants of Muslims | Veritas Universalis ken johnston nasa
NASA chief Charles Bolden, an impressive kinds Marine Corps Major General and astronaut, recently waxed eloquent about his tripartite mission to the space agency he was entrusted with by President Obama. Strangely, his third "and perhaps be most" målsætning is apparently ken johnston nasa "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and commitment much more with dominantly Muslim nation two helpthem feel good about sin historic bidrag two science, math, and engineering." This, ball Explains, is part of the president's "Cairo Initiative," a reification of the speechmaking he offered til Muslim world last summer in Cairo.
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Monday, May 19, 2014

S / Y Mathilde blog here is a collection of travel letters, and other information that is updated r

You can keep on dreaming. The ocean is big, the world is great. The more you move into it, the bigger it becomes. It would be right to believe that last summer's nasa shop big adventure would saturate for a while. It did not happen, on the contrary: the hunger grew bigger. I have long been aware that our plans to sail on the Swedish west coast this year have not satisfied the longing in his chest. The Swedish archipelago is one of the best sailing regions of the world, absolutely wonderful in every way. But that is not far enough nasa shop above. The longing that I have tagged grow, stretching out towards the ocean. The large, wild and remote, my good little boat. More adventures on the conditions of nature. Therefore, the plan now changed: the end of June I will try to sail S / Y Mathilde to the Faroe Islands, about 700 miles away. Attempt because the weather will play a crucial role in the success. nasa shop The time frame is not as elastic (read: large) as last year. Anne-Marie and the boys will encounter in Torshavn when they get vacation, by ferry or plane. We will then have a few weeks in the Faroe Islands, before I head back, once again alone on board. It tickles throughout the body at the thought. I'm going back to the North Atlantic, as the pathological view has occupied me so cold, wild and uncomfortable it is. For the first time ever going to Mathilde beyond the continental shelf, where the water depth is 40 miles northwest of Shetland falls over a mile. That's the sea! And on the other side waiting detteher: and detteher: More inspiration that certainly has turned us, here I immediately thrown me over the preparations. The boat is being stripped of all that miserable electronics from NASA Marine, which was installed five years ago IFB. preparations for Shetland trip. It was a diodelanterne, an AIS receiver, a Navtex receiver and a log / plumb. Of these devices, only the AIS receiver that still works. nasa shop Never buy cheap! nasa shop The wind, we borrowed from his Kokholm during departure last summer, was unfortunately damaged during the severe jibe in the North Sea shortly before homecoming. Skipper has healed by itself (nature is brilliant), while the mill requires repair. The wings are changed, but evidently the electronics inside also been damaged. It is taken down and be a walk in the workshop. Within the next weeks I get my own mill which has since been repaired in Nykøbing return. There are a lot of logistics of preparing for the long haul, every time. It's a fun sport itself to get it all to go up, so the boat is ready on day of departure. I negotiate with ACE Sailmakers nasa shop in the United States on preparation of a Jordan seriedrivanker to replace / complement to my faldskærmsdrivanker. Scientific reasoning nasa shop and broad practical experience of thousands of sailors around nasa shop the world have convinced me that this ingenious invention is the best answer, a boat can have on extreme weather on the high seas. And when I remember nasa shop forecast the obligatory nasa shop "there are gale warning for the waters around the Faroe Islands" dating back to my childhood, I want to be, if possible, even better nasa shop dressed to face the forces of nature. The principle of seriedrivankeret is illustrated below:
Survival during the storm has always interested me so far on the theoretical level. Are you a member of FTLF, come to themed evening in the fall of heavy weather sailing by myself and sailmaker Pallet Hemdorf - otherwise you need to hurry up and become a member! See "Events" on this page. You can read more about the Jordan-anchor here. Interesting reading if you are a little geeky, or just fascinated by human ingenuity when it comes to meeting the wild - and get away with it!
S / Y Mathilde blog here is a collection of travel letters, and other information that is updated regularly. All pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them. The blog is written and edited by Mads Bo Falk. View my complete profile
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Friday, May 9, 2014

Photos by Arne Ader Pokumättad

The second week in May: Spring Storm
Photos by Arne Ader Pokumättad's festivities: mätastarn booming BRIEF: Saturday was lennuilm. At the same time, once the capital of the sky five "black iron birds' lennutiire did was packing the city air is full of flying objects. Whistling in the big iron antennas flying spacecraft game saucers - the children were raised in the air trampolines as toys. Saturday I went flying spacecraft game objects also try myself. I listened currently in Tallinn, Mother Earth Fair lecture Estonian agriculture sustainable they are and how the small number of farmers spacecraft game is the Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary General, spacecraft game Illar Lemeti said that in recent years jookusul decreased by 16%, ie their activities are completed in six peasant, when it came to notice Tare town that my potipõllunduslik greenhouse has all six tomato vanished. It seemed a bit strange, because the wind was not exactly be the case in Tallinn, the skies were full of planes sibelevaid. We left the holy prayer Joarünkale gear and hurried home to try lenduläinut. Indeed, so great was the Tartu wind that nearly five ears off. The neighbor Kaido was a storm in our house growing agony of major building blocks of the adjacent hedged, Minemalendamata plants rescued a female neighbor of the family. But the end of the evening greenhouse snippets retrieved with another bike, the one I found this plot as much as two large handfuls of someone spacecraft game batuudivedrusid flown away. Storm had broken Merko grain bread, fired pots, aiajuppe, peenraloore and other bric a brac were scattered like America during the tornadoes. It takes a little bit baffled by storm attack, but vowed to wind, so that I just can not be forced to give up farming - greenhouse hammered metal structure has been straightened out, and now the building is already a well peipsi coastal wind-resistant construction techniques are considered. Exciting Flowering time delay, however, was a long drive to Spring aegteljel Tallinn-Tartu spacecraft game highway. Emajõe along the edge of a large bird in bloom, yet close to the capital in the first puhkemisrõõmus. Tartus is already fully leaf birches and quite green, but rather urvapunakad Pirita river. Haabadegi red is gone, and in some places in the southern half of the first green leaves of the trees on the outside. Puhkemisrõõmu will also enjoy aiapuud, this stone is at full bloom, spacecraft game the garden is tulpidemeri, also thrives in the chives. As soon going to bloom canola, spring-sown crops have sprung up. But the edge of the forest and blossoming globeflowers paepinnad closely nurmenuku full of yellow keys. Especially beautiful are now all pokumättad, tarnalehe peaks are valiantly erect and õisikuvarre ends hanging yellow õietutid. Great Crested Grebe mate Õnnekäo Flight Wind Fall is around here did other things evil jerk and toppled harakapesi. Anyway, arrived on Mother's Day morning, two harakapaari who were fighting with each other a bit and then took a pair of old Mirabelli end slot mend, bitch looks like a long tail for several hours only. Male occasionally goes suurnokkasid scaring, but they come back again and again because of last year ploomikivide lie on the surface of the soil is between pungitanud beautiful green iduke them suurenokalistele very nokkamööda. Last Thursday, however, happened quite a strange story, spacecraft game I came to the studio in the city KUKU Ilmaparandaja read the text on the balcony and enjoyed the pleasant sunshine, suddenly comes out of the big striped abdomen spacecraft game over the flat base ... and a cuckoo flying ever explains: "Fall, Fall! Fall-Fall in! "Bare and flight failure was so powerful that it reflects kilometers. Regime tried to sit on the roof of the house, even käokene tired, but went ahead with the Raadimõisa Park National spacecraft game Museum of luck to fall, as the evening's lucky. The camera has been spotted bird eggs among the People at large the news - islets are the sons of the first geese, woodcock chicks have also been seen. From - from the first finds of starlings on eggshells. My kodutihane but quietly incubated in a nest in that window. Back to the corncrake and the marsh warbler. Light gray, green fields patrolling off - harriers. At the end of next week, is expected to kaameralindudelt big news. Black Stork's nest with four eggs, of which the first may soon hear the thump. Spotted the nest one egg, three osprey eggs. I still do not get surprised how sitter