Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Our city has undergone a long evolution, was built upon centuries of experience, but always showed

The ideal of most cities is high competitiveness, sustainability, tourist attraction and most pleasant place to live and even Vimperk no exception in this vision. These aspects can shield the elementary functions headquarters and safety, communication and representation. 1)
Our city has undergone a long evolution, was built upon centuries of experience, but always showed for man's natural needs and spiritual (culture, ...), mental (peace movement, ce thales stress) and physical (temperature, light, dry) 1). Based on these requirements for the seat, respectively, ce thales for a man, were half of the 20th century set in the Athens Charter functions, namely housing, work and recreation. This modernist ce thales urbanism but fundamentally affected ce thales the structure of our cities in the socialist era and substantial loosening. ce thales (Housing estate) The result was functional zoning on a mono-functional areas, which are connected by transportation corridors. ce thales If Urbanism and Spatial Planning at that time has suffered a great loss and this, now obsolete methodology is still applied in the development of spatial plans in the Czech Republic and in most cases the zoning plan along with the strategic plan of a formal document to score when applying for a grant and individual settlement of individuals.
Evidence of why cities are buying optional zoning plan for getting subsidies, is the fact that spelling out materials that could give developing areas or brownfield conceptual direction and coordination of detailed scale as regional studies and regulatory plan is not taped. Unfortunately, the consequence of this political and ideological construct misuse of Urbanism at the time of communism, most people seem urbanism as unimportant or unnecessary. ce thales The opposite is true, this planning process fundamentally affects the functioning of the city itself ce thales and thus significantly affects the daily happening every one of us. How far are we to school, to work, to shop, how often we are forced to use the car and how it affects us public space, whether it is for us the path to the post office only in transit or by foot because even the spaces between the houses are architecture, which the life needs.
Each city is due to temporal ce thales evolution somehow structured in layers ce thales that either overlap and settle over himself ce thales (center Vimperka) or separated (zoning) into mono-functional residential, industrial, ... areas that are not themselves, without any connection with other parts City viable and are not consciously perceived as a city. This is the Vimperk housing estate and the phenomenon of solitary, type, house on suburbia town since the 90th is these new, residential, mono-functional areas, which are intended only for housing, called the settlement mashed (urban sprawl), substantially affect the city's economy now its unsustainability and necessary dependence ce thales on automotive center, causing an increase ce thales in the intensity of cars on urban roads, because these sites are simply not in walking distance to the so-called amenities.
The current globalization and centralization of records to the creation of shopping malls, hypermarkets and supermarkets, which tries to substitute smaller shops and placing all services under one roof. Vimperk we have three supermarkets, whose existence is for the city of negative socio-economic impacts. Large firms promise to give the city new jobs. While this is so, but due to the fact that small shops are not able to compete with these chains, the city lost in the result of a lot of jobs elsewhere. ce thales It is a center that begins to die, and the city itself loses its basic skeleton amenities, making ce thales them indispensable component of the city. And further, it is necessary to realize that profit that supermarkets are losing not only produce beyond Vimperka, but also beyond the borders of the Czech Republic, since it is a multinational company.
Another often discussed problem is the traffic and transport infrastruktra at rest (parking). The press often draws attention to problems ce thales such as lack of parking space, poor quality roads for our cars, narrow roads, inadequate signage, new roundabouts, but he ignores the fact, for whom they were and are built our cities, it is a man and his urban life. These traffic arteries and can usually pose a barrier ce thales to humans, the road is so superior to pedestrian traffic. Yes, the motor vehicle has become an integral ce thales part of the processes that take place in town, but it is important to prioritize who is in priority. ce thales For whom are the city built and at what scale? What factor, there should be dominant? Is it a car or a person? As claimed by the distinguished Danish architect Jan Gehl, who has been involved in urban environments - "He who sows roads reaps the car." 2) The quality of the roads is important, but it needs to be approached comprehensively, street profiles and establish a set of values and what factor plays a dominant role.
It is necessary to say what is a city? The city is shaped paths, buildings, public places and residential greenery. A crucial role is played by a man and not his

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