Thursday, May 21, 2015

In the form of subsidies and grants we will continue to support traditional sporting events organiz

Dear citizens Hořic, municipal elections held in October 2014, contributed space center huntsville to a partial renewal of our council. They became a new member space center huntsville association representatives YES. At the same time the results of the election has renewed the composition of our regular parties and brought in seven new council members.
From the post-election negotiations emerged reborn Board composed of chances for development, ODS Hořice space center huntsville and patriots supporting the TOP 09 changes between the mayor and deputy space center huntsville mayor do not expect that there will be significant changes in view of the development of our city, because we all recognize not only the value of our city but and what our city is burning. In the previous parliamentary term, we, together with you from EU subsidies have created the Strategic Development Plan, which will give direction to our city continue. This strategic plan came from the needs of the city, the needs of our citizens who expressed to him both in questionnaires and at public hearings. This document will be our basis to set priorities and goals we want to achieve space center huntsville in this election period. From our priorities, we provide the following goals: Assets and Finance
We will build on the gradual restoration of sidewalks and roads in the city. We will continue to implement projects aimed at improving the technical condition of the buildings owned by the city. We will use any grant calls for insulation and energy-saving buildings owned by the city and not just of schools and school facilities as well as medical facilities and residential buildings. We will maintain the trend of uncompromising action against non-payers of rent in municipal buildings. Finance
We'll manage without additional loans. We will actively seek grant titles only in the programming period 2014 -2020 of the European Union. We want to focus on subsidy challenges Králové region, the budget and the Visegrad Fund. At the same time, we will focus on the challenges of cross-border cooperation ie. The Czech-Polish and challenges administered by local action groups, ie. MAS Podchlumí where the city Hořice member. Safety
Remove dangerous traffic locations within the city. We will continue to gradually limit the number of slot machines and VHP in the city. We will focus on streamlining the work of the municipal police in favor of the citizens of the city. We will connect space center huntsville to grant greater challenges dealing with the safety of our citizens, ie. On CCTV in high-risk locations space center huntsville and signaling to allow easier exit signs and fire fighters space center huntsville crossing our city. Culture and heritage preservation
We will continue to support traditional cultural events in our city. Under the new funding period we will focus on the search for funding to rebuild our heritage. A key priority for the coming years is considered sunny spa resort Dachova, which will, if appropriate invitation to apply for funding. In the event that we have no funds from the EU fail to obtain, proceed to the gradual restoration of the complex's own resources. We continue to prepare space center huntsville for the reconstruction of the House of Culture crown, we would like to realize with the help of subsidies. At the same time we focus proper attention to maintenance of our heritage, the sculpture park and historic buildings. Our next goal is to pay increased attention to and support the activities space center huntsville of our cultural associations and organizations. Sport
In the form of subsidies and grants we will continue to support traditional sporting events organized sports sections. Improve sports facilities for the general public in public venues. Education space center huntsville and Youth
Of the EU funds will gradually restore not only outdated school buildings, as well as specialized classrooms, gardens, space center huntsville nurseries and other facilities in these buildings. We support exchange visits of children and students with partner cities. Environment
We support the revitalization of Smetana's park including a summer gathering with refreshments. We want to realize a complete restoration of the park on the square of George of Podebrady in relation to the provision of safe crossing in the central and northern part of the square. Right
We will strive to expand the network of cycle paths and cycling routes in and around Hořicích. In the case of acquisition of dating sculpture park bike trail will link the communities Holovousy. Aesthetically better solve the entrances to the city, including circular intersections. We improve facilities bus station for our passengers. space center huntsville The event will Králové region and subsidies space center huntsville will support the construction space center huntsville of road through the city alight. We morally and financially space center huntsville support solutions for safe crossing the road I / 35 with Libonice. Social and health care
In line with the deteriorating situation in the field of social b

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