Friday, May 22, 2015

Before the privatization of waterworks corporations often councilors promised to provide subsidies

It is obvious that in 2014 the water for most of the privatized waterworks again more expensive. Some politicians count on the fact that people think because, despite the decline in energy prices "explain" to people that the increase in the price of water causes an increase in energy netcents 2 prices. netcents 2 The smarter argues that the price hike is that the EU bureaucrats did not privatized waterworks subsidies. Forgotten, however, say: "WHY refused to grant EU funding?". netcents 2 The reason is because the fact that the cities were closed for onerous contracts, netcents 2 privatizing the profits originally district and regional waterworks into the hands of corporations. EU subsidies are designed to support the public netcents 2 sector and not for profit netcents 2 making corporations. The behavior of corporations more on
The real reason is unfavorable contracts with corporations privatizing profits waterworks. netcents 2 Contracts have been implemented in a number of regions based on the manipulation of representatives and making false promises. District and county waterworks due to lost significant financial netcents 2 source netcents 2 (nezdražující water prices) for EU subsidies. Investments must be financed solely from payments to people for water and sewage, netcents 2 while 60-80% of the necessary investments could cover just subsidies from the EU.
A second, equally compelling reason is that even the people's money collected for water does not stop with infrastructure investments. Profits from the water corporations calculated in the price of water flowing into foreign accounts of corporations and a large part of the money collected for water ends in the infrastructure owners' accounts multinationals, completely out of water infrastructure Czech Republic. Lack of money for investment must be subsidized from public budgets of cities and towns.
The reason for the continuous growth of water prices are particularly unbalanced contracts with companies which, as pointed out by the European Commission for cities and disadvantage people because they allow unfavorable redistribution of money collected for water and sewerage.
It was and is the only proper netcents 2 source of finance netcents 2 for water supply. The privatization of him held by them cities and towns. When needed the money to invest, raise the price of water and collected money from people to invest in infrastructure. Due to unfavorable contracts today paid water and sewer serves solely as a source of finance for the development of water networks, but also serves as a source of profits of foreign corporations. netcents 2 These logical business and their aim is to attain profits. The politicians Corporation before privatization did not say, on the contrary - they promised increase of water prices on inflation. Water concerns today "only" selling netcents 2 water and "just" collect netcents 2 profits, which are cities netcents 2 and municipalities owning expensive infrastructure, not dream.
Before the privatization of waterworks corporations often councilors promised to provide subsidies from the EU and its co-financing. The reality is exactly the opposite. County waterworks, where after privatization netcents 2 remained beyond the obligation to finance the investment, the European netcents 2 Commission refused to provide a subsidy because it threatened abuse of subsidies for development of the public sector, profits for private corporations. EU subsidies while they significantly help finance the development netcents 2 of water infrastructure in the Czech Republic.
It works differently for neprivatizovaných waterworks? Yes. Water prices are generally cheaper, sometimes by 10-15 CZK / m3. Elsewhere, price increases more slowly than in the privatized water companies. While investing in infrastructure more broadly than those privatized, because realizing netcents 2 large investments netcents 2 with EU support free money from the water and sewage are used in place of dividend payments to finance investment. netcents 2
In 1968 he moved to the Czech Republic in the framework of international assistance to the Red Army. It turned out that they were all different, but not aid. Something similar, even worse, happened after 1998 in the Czech Republic again for the waterworks industry. This time, it concerns international aid with subsidies and inflationary rise in the price of water. Again, it shows that all other regards, but not aid.
If politicians netcents 2 do not want the people and the public budgets do dairy cows, (already very malnourished) and need to contracts concluded on the basis of lies and manipulations they were canceled, and water sold to people directly, without intermediaries, district and regional waterworks.
Privatization "of water" were implemented in a number of regions based on the manipulation of the aldermen. It is therefore time for politicians to turn to the courts and police, ending netcents 2 unfavorable contracts with corporations. Obviously already have evidence that the current netcents 2 system of selling water to the city and people disadvantageous. netcents 2 Furthermore he knows that these treaties people and become damaging, because of EU subsidies and inflationary rise in prices of water (the most important and the only handling arguments that councilors were persuaded to vote for the privatization of "selling water") does not apply.
March 1, 2014 1.25
I'm at work I care too few water networks, which deliver water to individual entities in our campuses. Also, we repair the pipe, clean drains, digging holes in the asphalt, they get to them. Also we operate boreholes (wells), sewage and water tanks. And we, too outdated, the same time as the water pipes in cities. We have calculated that the price of repairs represent less than seven (7Kč) crowns per cubic meter of water. S

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