Tuesday, May 19, 2015

After the war, July 18, 1946, came a rare and unique military action in Místku appreciate President

Although the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the German army had officially started hero fighter game March 15, 1939 morning, the first German troops entered our territory for March 14, 1939 in the evening. The local population felt that German troops to pass through the fledgling Slovak State, the real reason they were probably German concerns about the strategic industrial area did not occupy quicker Polish army.
The first column of Nazi troops driving past the town Czajankovy barracks without problems, but the second, which was probably the barracks to ensure encountered resistance guard barracks. And when he saw that this is an enemy, he pulled a gun from his shoulders, pointed it at the coming of a German officer, while loudly hero fighter game shouted "Stop!". German officer went further towards the guard who shot him without mercy. The officer still managed to burn and injure the guard, causing the start of a firefight. This shootout between hero fighter game Germans and crew barracks soon grew. They engage with more and more troops. Defending garrison commanded by Captain Karel Pavlik. The Germans deployed into combat hero fighter game armored vehicle and anti-tank cannon, but were repulsed. After a half-hour hero fighter game battle began Czech soldiers lead the charge. Finally, from the office of lieutenant colonel battalion commander splints sounded the trumpets "Hold your fire!". Karel Štěpina hero fighter game ordered Lieutenant Martinek to come out with a white flag and negotiated. While defenders of the barracks had only two lightly wounded, the Germans allegedly had counted up to 18 dead and six seriously wounded. After disarming the soldiers were to be taken to the prison camp, but the German commander hero fighter game decided to dismiss officers and soldiers home pay into the barracks.
After the war, July 18, 1946, came a rare and unique military action in Místku appreciate President Edvard Benes. hero fighter game During the ceremony, the president praised the bravery and decisiveness defenders barracks. In Místku Edvard Benes also said these words: "You were brave, it will never be forgotten! I can tell you only so much that, as in you have to stand in all garrisons. Then it could then perhaps the situation has created quite differently. Your brave resistance was actually the only fixed point on which we are abroad we could rest and where we later started to build. From your ranks not only did not fall. And even if that have happened, although it would be painful, but the victims will finally be reckoned with every fight. Today I am really happy and satisfied, because I was finally convinced that what I talked abroad is actually based on truth. "At the same time as the president and supreme commander of the army handed over the soldiers Místecká crew and its military commanders awards and orders. hero fighter game
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