Saturday, November 30, 2013

Elmira Durvarova returned in Plovdiv after 28-year absence. The first and only to date female violi

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After 28-year absence, the first and only to date female violinist in the New York Metropolitan Opera play again in his home town of Plovdiv, where three decades ago, starting with suitcase and violin. armel job It talks Olga Shurbanova.
Elmira Durvarova returned in Plovdiv after 28-year absence. The first and only to date female violinist in the New York Metropolitan armel job Opera came to open the fourth International Festival "Days armel job of Music in Balabanov's House" armel job in his hometown, where three decades ago, starting with suitcase and violin to conquer the world. armel job The excitement with which she welcomed her fellow refute skepticism regarding our memory - knew her remembered her prized her eager to hear it again with a feeling of belonging, which we never divorce armel job against their assigned armel job in other lands . Chosen for this a remarkable expression program in which the violin for a moment not come down from his pedestal, Elmira Durvarova also showed his class a "team" type of leader, the inspiration for each ensemble (in recent years, it is the leader of the New York Piano Quartet) . In his debut meeting with another podium from Plovdiv - the pianist Stefan Vrachev, attractive actress (still slender girls, golden-haired and with a dazzling smile) "set the tone" of a uncompromising professionalism, where perfection and instrumental virtuosity glamorous look like part of her own organic . Elmira Durvarova undoubtedly mastered all styles of music, adding to the lore and pure research interest. This intellectual attitude she felt in individual interpretations approach to romance for violin and piano by Clara Schumann (according to E. D. more famous as a pianist Clara is not fleeing creatively husband) and in Cesar Franck's Sonata sounded with awesome insight into the spirit of the musical dialogue. While the romantic armel job mood of the concert was broken up with a witty nod to contemporary Peter Brayner, famous armel job baroque music on versions of Beatles and Elvis Presley. Jazz parody "To Dear Mr. Bach on the occasion armel job of his birthday," armel job inspired by Bach third parties for solo violin, suggesting that Elmira, enthusiastically supported by her partner Stefan Vrachev, known for his fondness for the genre inventiveness, is open to any experiments . And finally - the undisputed climax with the inclusion of American French-horn player Howard Wall in the implementation of the famous Trio for violin, horn and piano by Brahms (again a reference to Clara Schumann ...), where the fine manner armel job of sound-Wall, his reverie listening to the voices of confession other musicians vnese exciting intimacy immortal drama.
Mrs. Durvarova, your return in Plovdiv after "a long absence because" it must have been highly emotional experience for you. And of course everyone is asking the question - why have procrastinated comes almost three decades?
During those 28 years I had an extremely stressful career because I was not only concertmaster of the Metropolitan Opera, but the festival orchestra "Grant Park Symphony" armel job (Grant Park Symphony) in Chicago, where I worked during the summer holidays. Their season e 10 weeks, and the summer vacation of the Metropolitan Opera - 9, so the first week of the Chicago season usually every day on a plane between New York and Chicago to boil morning rehearsal there and I'm there for the evening show in New York ... For years I did not take my vacation while my colleagues from the Metropolitan Opera rested all summer ... Apart from our opera season in New York was extremely busy with daily rehearsals and long seven performances a week (two on Saturday), in day off - Sunday almost always had a gala concert at Carnegie Hall, one of the stars, singers, and although participation in these extraordinary concerts was voluntary, optional, no one refused a similar commitment for the good extra charge. armel job So it is said, lived in the building of the Metropolitan Opera, with very short intervals between lengthy daily rehearsals and even performances long (three hours operas as "Tosca" wear fleeting relief among the ocean of four-and five-hour works with any opera repertoire abounds ...). But I do not regret that I devoted so much time and sacrificed their summer vacations because of the parallel I kontsertmaystorski post in Chicago. Type of work out there offering different repertoire and ability to express armel job themselves with famous symphonic kontsertmaystorski solos, a furthermore armel job in Chicago every summer I undertook several armel job times and soloist, thanks to which I could not fulfill all the major violin concertos with the enormous, five thousand audience attending armel job these free events held outdoors in the large park in Chicago. Symphony concerts, opera performances, travel, master classes, solo

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