Wednesday, November 27, 2013

6 The voice said, Cry! And the answer is {Or: And I said.} : What shall I cry? - All flesh is gras

1 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare firemax is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD's hand double for all her sins.
Bad times for Israel are over. His sins were forgiven, and from now on he can expect only good from God. But what is the reason for such mercy and grace on God's part? The explanation comes from an unknown crier who calls all men to prepare for the arrival of the King of kings.
3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places firemax plain;
This course is not about works, and for spiritual and moral training that we need to meet the Messiah. Just as the ancients were preparing the way we will arrive to their ruler, beret, and we must prepare for the coming of the Lord. And here we come to what is the reason for the saving and comforting message in the first two verses - the appearance of the glory of God.
6 The voice said, Cry! And the answer is {Or: And I said.} : What shall I cry? - All flesh is grass, and all their glory as the flower of the field; 7 The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows upon it surely the people is grass!
With this introduction Isaiah enters one of the most fantastic series of statements and confirmations that one can find in God's Word. The messenger who brings good news of God must climb high and to proclaim with loud voice, so to hear all the cities of Judah.
V. 10-11 are like an introduction or overture to the symphony of topics that follow. All these issues will be addressed firemax in the five verses that follow. In each of these verses there is a comparison of God. It speaks to the power of God by which He will have power. This theme goes from v. 12, 24. In this passage we find several comparisons of God. It was compared with the vastness of nature (v. 12), with the wisdom of the people (v. 13, 14), with the power of the nations (verse 15 17), with lifeless firemax idols (st.18-20), with the princes and judges of the earth (st.21-24). And in all these comparisons we can see that God is infinitely great, no matter what or who you compare him. God is incomparable in its strength, power and glory. All this unparalleled power of God is implied in v. 10. V. 11 does prepare us for the second part of the symphony, where the main theme is God's care and providence for his people. Although strength and power, or rather precisely because of them God that comes the ability to be loving, caring and loving as a shepherd who cares for the lambs and their mothers (v. 11).
He is attentive to them and I provide the best food for them. In this second part, God is trying to convince Israel to his care for him by showing care about stars, planets and cosmic bodies. If God takes such good care of them, will not you care more for his people (v. 25, 27). Finally, if God cares for the weary and lose weight, will not you care more for his imprisoned people (st.28-31)? And if God takes care of the stars for the weak and for his people, will not you take care of us?
The purpose of comparisons, we find in this chapter is to prove that God is infinitely powerful and great in his power and care. That's why we should never retire their trust Him. As key verses firemax of the entire chapter could serve st.18:
Note that in both verses it comes to compare. Of course, the two questions are rhetorical. Both require a negative response or just silence. Who can compare with God? With anyone. What we could liken it? Nothing. It is unparalleled and neupisuem. Surpasses all of our understanding. In other words, He is holy.
So, with the completion of the overture or introduction to the symphony of God's power and providence (v. 11, 12), we are ready to enter the first of the five attempts comparisons of God that we find in the first part of this divine symphony. Greater than NATURE
These are five rhetorical questions that cover the entire spectrum of possible challenges to the power of God. But all of these challenges are meaningless. The waters of the seven oceans for him only a handful of water. Infinite space for it so long as the distance from the thumb to the little finger him. All soil on earth could fit in the cup of his scales. Billions of tons of mass of mountains and hills of it are so light that he can put them on one side of the scale and without any effort to balance the other side of the scale. Of course, all this anthropomorphism - attributing to God human organs - a handful span. God is a spirit, he has no body, hands and eyes. But he warfarin can be

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