Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nowadays, however, it is known that the brain is plastic and some of its functions can be delegated

Tony Byuzan is a world renowned author in the field of mental sports and effective learning, he wrote more than 80 books translated into 35 languages and is also the creator of Mind maps. His methods are used in companies like Google, IBM, Microsoft, Rolls Royce, Toyota, NASA and others.
It was found that the human brain has about 100 billion neurons building complex hierarchical structures. Until some time ago it was believed that the left and right brain functions lockheed credit union ga are strictly defined as follows: left side: logic, words, lists, numbers and analysis right half: responsible for rhythm, imagination, the colors, the sense of space
Nowadays, however, it is known that the brain is plastic and some of its functions can be delegated to different areas. For example, people with physical brain damage can again develop skills that are lost. After awhile therapy lockheed credit union ga and strenuous exercise the functions of the damaged areas develop in other parts. So the left and right half of the brain take part together in the development lockheed credit union ga of various skills and creative processes. For example, when Einstein reach their conclusions about the theory of relativity imagined him standing in an elevator moving lockheed credit union ga at the speed of light or how fly astride a beam of light (what we think it is responsible right half of the brain). Following the conclusions he began to write the theory using physical and mathematical apparatus (left half of the brain: logic and numbers) lockheed credit union ga Obstacles and preconditions for effective learning barriers to effective learning lack of motivation
One of the main reasons for the lack of motivation is the lack of destination. So if you miss the ultimate goal for your learning, try to imagine and build one. physical lockheed credit union ga or mental problems Everyone in life has difficult moments such as diseases, mental disorders, family problems, personal dramas and more. Such difficulties could have a negative effect on your learning. There are different lockheed credit union ga approaches to deal with them or adopting a different perspective on them: these are transcendental meditation, service to society, different philosophical beliefs, sports, herbs, massage and more. Unprepossessing environment unfavorable factors may include: noise, TV, phones, etc.. Try to eliminate as far as possible (turn off the phone and the TV, stop the Internet) Conceptual issues such difficulties arise when the subject matter of the material you are less familiar. As a result, you can delay your speed of reading, trying to understand the material, but it is not an effective approach. In these cases it is better lockheed credit union ga to follow the organic technique for learning Byuzan (BOST) Insufficient common vocabulary insufficient common vocabulary is also a major barrier to effective learning and speed reading. lockheed credit union ga Change already familiar words by changing suffixes and prefixes, so you will increase your vocabulary further by about 10 000 words. Try to learn every day a few new words as they negotiate over a period of time. Connect new words with visual images to stay in your long-term memory. Inappropriate speed reading Many people think that when they read slower so better understand the material and remember it longer. lockheed credit union ga This approach is actually counter-productive. Faster reading grouping lockheed credit union ga of words leads to a better understanding of the information (follow the techniques of speed reading Byuzan) Prerequisites for effective learning destination Try to understand why you do what you do and what you want to achieve in the end. Connect your destination with an image in your mind create a pleasant associations. surrounding influences position tyalotoKogato read, try to have sitting upright following the curve of the spine. Thus, the blood circulation lockheed credit union ga and oxygen exchange between the body and the brain will be better. You must be seated because lockheed credit union ga your body constantly sends a signal to the brain to alert, if you are in bed signals are sleeping and therefore fall asleep when you read there. IztochnikSvetlinata light should come back diagonally across your shoulder. It is advisable lockheed credit union ga to read in daylight, it was found that sunlight allows your brain to release lockheed credit union ga more hormones "good man" so that your desk should be ideally the window. When using an artificial source intensity should be neither too weak nor too strong. ByuroVashiyat chair and chair should lockheed credit union ga be comfortable and ergonomic (following the natural curves lockheed credit union ga of the body) with the possibility of adjusting the height. Your thighs should be parallel to the seat and floor. The chair should be neither too soft (because you may be tempted to sleep) nor too hard and backrest upright. Desk height should be about 20 cm above the seat of the chair. Best desk is located near the window to give you more light while reading. The distance between the eyes and the book - it's OK

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