Saturday, November 2, 2013

But otherwise it can be tough. Conservatives and the Progress Party was even part of buying expensi

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Defense Ine Eriksen Søreide said it quite obvious before yesterday's meeting of defense ministers of NATO, "NATO cooperation is the foundation for Norwegian svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening security and defense policy. Conservative Progress Party government will ensure that NATO continues to be a strong and credible alliance and ensure that Norway remains a relevant ally and partner. "
Was it really necessary to emphasize this? NATO has been the mainstay of Norwegian security and defense policy since 1949. Conservatives have been in government several times this year. FRP is admittedly new government, but is an equally strong supporter of the alliance as a government partner. No, the organization in Brussels can take it quite easy. The change of government will not cause any friction in the relationship between NATO and Norway - none of the two parties - not their supporting parties in parliament - has ever had in its manifesto that NATO-member U.S. is the "greatest threat to world peace."
It is thus clear whether any excess insurance from SØREIDE svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening page. Nevertheless, it is clear that both she and the new government will have major challenges in meeting commitments to the alliance and to make the defense of an efficient and graspable vehicle to secure Norway.
Too long have we been served a glossy picture of a modern effort defense, restructured, well-funded svensk fГ¶retagsfГ¶rening research, functioning. The reality - and it has certainly Eriksen Søreide learned that the former head of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee - see something different when it is presented by the Ministry to Parliament and the public in general. It does not automatically defense capability to count the number of ships, planes, tanks or other material. It does not help that Norway reports to NATO that we have 37 naval vessels that are "deployment ready" and 11 "in support" of international operations. 37 and 11?
KABUL (Aftenposten): Here are the arguments for and against. Today Norway operates one - 1 - fully manned frigate in the Gulf of Aden. It does what it should svensk företagsförening do. However, because the frigate force is hopelessly understaffed, two and a half crew of five frigates, is the other four largely to the wharf. The former defense svensk företagsförening minister claimed adamantly that it was the way it was meant to be: all frigates would not sail at all times. We know too, someone is always to training or maintenance. But just as one should have more pilots than aircraft to operate fighter and transport aircraft, the Navy must also have enough qualified personnel to do the job it is set to.
Then she must start immediately to create a balance between capacity and resources. Defense Minister can start with the easiest: She can tell NATO, Parliament and the Norwegian public that 5.4 billion to rent and international trade, embodied in the budget, not increase the defense capability.
But otherwise it can be tough. Conservatives and the Progress Party was even part of buying expensive New combat aircraft will have to go beyond all other defense investments until 2024. Although the new government will allocate money to purchase outside the regular defense budget, the money still taken from the public treasury. The costs of operating the aircraft will also be high above the current F-16 fleet.
Gorgeous paint time should be over. See also: For and against NATO exit from Afghanistan svensk företagsförening Comments The comments do not support IE8. Please upgrade or use Annn browser. The debate will be moderated in retrospect
24:17 Accident in Lianakktunnelen svensk företagsförening 24:15 - I think I dropped him off prematurely 24:04 British thought shipping Snowden data was terror 11:39 B

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