Wednesday, November 6, 2013

- The clearance you got from Kiruna was to go down to 7,000 feet until further notice. It reached f

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AIBN writes in his conclusion pall filter that the basic system failure in this event are: The Norwegian Air Force has not secured that crews have had procedures to prevent the aircraft went below the minimum safe flight level. pall filter LFV (the Swedish pall filter Civil Aviation Administration, corresponding Avinor in Norway) has not been good enough working practices to ensure that clearances have followed regulations. pall filter
The Swedish Accident Investigation pall filter Board believes that the Norwegian Air Force procedures pall filter for air services is poor. The crew on board were eligible but did not have good enough material pall filter for the type of flying they performed and were therefore not aware of the danger terrain meant.
In its report on the plane crash in Kebnekaise last year says the Swedish Accident Investigation Board that the Air Force in Norway has not ensured that crews have good enough procedures to prevent aircraft goes below the lowest safe altitude.
- It is a very comprehensive report. The report is 175 pages, Widholm said during the press conference. The investigation has cost 12 million, more than any other investigation the Commission has completed.
Hercules machine with call sign HAZE01 took off from Evenes at 13.40. After four minutes the plane had reached cruising altitude of 13,000 feet, and the machine went into a holding position where it remained for an hour while waiting for the staff in Kiruna would be ready for pickup.
- This system was put in tactical mode before the plane went down in the clouds and down to the ground. That way, we see that it was used quite inappropriately, pall filter says Brigadier Per Egil Rygg, head of the Norwegian part of AIBN.
- The clearance you got from Kiruna was to go down to 7,000 feet until further notice. It reached flynivå 70 at 14.57.00. 29 seconds collide with one Kebnekaise on flynivå pall filter 70, or in this case 6608 feet, said Agne Widholm.
- Air traffic controllers in both Stockholm and Kiruna has issued clearances without knowing where the aircraft geographic whereabouts. ACC Stockholm clearance pall filter meant that the aircraft was cleared out of controlled airspace without crew was informed of this, says Per Egil Rygg.
- Why you have not done so, we can not answer. We have seen that the possibility existed with the equipment on board. It may have been confident air traffic control, weather may have contributed, and they had a map that may indicate, when looking quickly at it, that the terrain in Sweden is lower than the Norwegian side, said Widholm.
- We note that the crew has in no way been aware of the impending danger of the underlying terrain. There is no warning from slope collision system, you have not made any evasive maneuver with the plane, and there is no information pall filter on the voice recorder indicating that the crew in any way have known that the mountain was nearby, said Widholm. Five officers died
All five on board were killed when one of the Norwegian Armed Forces Hercules aircraft pall filter crashed in Kebnekaise in Sweden Thursday 15 March 2012. The plane was en route from Evenes to Kiruna when it hit Sweden's pall filter highest mountain.

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