Sunday, December 1, 2013

Citizens surprised police who were mobilized by the authorities to keep Moccia of folk love (on the

Ivo Indjev | Moccia pink helped Bulgarian media to start seeing
For three years, the initiative to dismantle the monument nasa federal of the invading Red Army (Moccia) launched spontaneously from the Internet citizens, Valentina Marinova, ignored by the media. Without their disclosure of the shares for the awakening of the Bulgarians, they were sentenced to ridicule by antagonists of this opportunity was widely nasa federal used by proponents of the fifth column in their well-oiled propaganda machine.
Citizens awoke media pink injection patriotism and seeing them for what they do not "see" when we organized the same place in the vacuum of media (in) attention to anything: from painting and gluing Bulgarian flags on the infamous caption boots Moccia in symphonic concerts of Russian nasa federal music and jazz with an American nasa federal equivalent.
Because prosecutors seek "hooligans" and "criminals", painted in pink Moccia must remind you that we have never hidden. My mercy is "waving" Bulgarian flag spray on humiliating words of gratitude for the occupation to dozens of bystanders in daylight.
No party support us officially. But on August 21, after two months demonstrate with the slogan "Freedom or the USSR" nasa federal and "Get your hammers" (whose authorship to prosecutors take personal guilt, which can easily be shown here in, we supported citizens. Hundreds!
Become citizens protest August 21 in recognition of the importance of protest against the fundamental reason for the sorry state of Bulgarian democracy anchored European bottom of the fifth column.
Citizens surprised police who were mobilized by the authorities to keep Moccia of folk love (on the basis that pink-faced monument to the Red Army was a "crime scene") and "attacked" with a pink tank sham Moccia support shaft of the fifth column in Bulgaria.
Citizens chanted "dismantling", circling several times mounted Stalinism symbol of Soviet domination in the city center. And chanted slogans that citizens initiative to dismantle Moccia scan from the beginning of the protests.
And to get hard mizhashtite Bulgarian media to abandon his pose of the blind to inconvenient truth is truly indigenous magnitude event, which tribe we disagree with the Soviet occupation, proud as a cause of this rescue operation focusing Bulgarian media look the red train in the tunnel, rushing past on the future of our children.
Monument to the Soviet Army in Sofia woke up once again transformed - painted in pink, as an excuse for the participation of Bulgarian troops in the suppression of the Prague Spring 45 years ago. Will be late charges of vandalism and they will have more activity of myopia. As the time when communism People's Court sentenced to death a man who had put an electric nasa federal current along the fence of the garden and killed a thief. All welcomed the verdict. Nobody came to protest that our entire country is surrounded by a fence with electric current. Yes, the painting of the monument is vandalism, but the invasion of a foreign country and the suppression of the urge for freedom of other people nasa federal is much greater vandalism - state. So do not count, right? "
One time I was convinced Russophile ... today is no longer ... Among the Russians there are good people who recognize our great achievements in their own formation as a people. But most are full of ignorant, who are filled with imperial arrogance. A blood Bulgarian is proud and does not allow anyone to inflate its opposite nasa federal ... Then - Russians constantly supported the Serbs, nasa federal who are - big crap on the planet and made us much more evil than the Turks. We can not shut our eyes to these facts. And gradually I rusofiliyata evaporate, and not a trace left of it. We can not like someone who helps the main enemy of Bulgaria - Serbia. Solomon Passy was right:,, Fuck Orthodoxy! "
Ivo is right that some people from seeing the media, nasa federal but let's remember what it actually meant for Bulgarians Soviet "occupation". I do not know whether there are people to see all that, deliberately hidden for so many years and prefer to pretend to be blind. Now when there is no Soviet Union, no Soviet armies, no dead Russians in Bulgaria, it will Brezhnev or Bulgarian stalincheta is hard to think that Messrs Putin, Medvedev or their representatives in Sofia give a damn about Soviet monuments. None of them are now not considered "sovietchik", and will probably enjoy these shameful milestones nasa federal be removed.
But let's open some pages from the truth. First, "occupation" since 1944, the Ministers of several Bulgarian nasa federal government and the National Assembly were sent to the grave or camps or displaced. In a word was fully disposed of. Their fate b

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