Sunday, December 8, 2013

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Prosecutor Dermot Groome por me amar arianne told the court this week that although por me amar arianne the evidence against Mladic will be complete in two weeks’ time, he will ask to present further evidence from the mass grave in Tomasica near Prijedor, which was found earlier this year, after it has been fully exhumed in early 2014.
So far the remains of 470 people, believed to be Bosniaks and Croats killed in 1992, have been found at Tomasica since August por me amar arianne after the mass grave was discovered following a tip-off from a Bosnian Serb soldier.
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In July 1995 Srebrenica was shelled por me amar arianne and occupied by the Army of Republic of Srpska,VRS, despite being declared a protected por me amar arianne area by the United Nations. More than 7,000 people were killed, the victims of genocide.
The Bosnian Serb commander’s role in the genocide committed in Srebrenica is described por me amar arianne in detail in many indictments and verdicts pronounced before local and international judicial institutions. por me amar arianne
The Balkan Transitional Justice initiative is a regional initiative funded by the European Commission, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office FCO that aims to improve the general public’s understanding of transitional justice issues in former Yugoslav countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia).
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