Thursday, February 26, 2015

They were there:-) But think of it this way, as if your garden at your house přivandrovali less ada

Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and Contact. About me. Orgon and Orgonite: basic concepts How to Make Orgonite codefine Vinegar dissolves chemtrails and artificial storm clouds Orgonite and Weather Control on OrgoNet FAQ: Why and how to manage the weather? Rauni Kilde Czech
Thanks for the tip on the reader an interesting article that probably will please technically oriented codefine readers. Reveals codefine in it that NASA used a highly sophisticated system of a television program, which enabled sophisticated edit or fake videos of the Apollo missions to the moon, we have not seen what we had seen - apparently evidence of extraterrestrial objects, perhaps even characters ...
Quindar tones are the beeps you hear when watching and listening to many video and audio recordings from NASA Apollo missions. (Name Quindar according to the manufacturer's technology - Quindar Electrics, ed. Orgonet).
Wikipedia about Quindar tones: Quindar tones, frequently referred to as the "beep" heard during the Apollo missions to the moon, were a signal, which turn on and off remote transmitter on the ground so that Capsule Communicator (CapCom) could communicate with the crew spacecraft. It was a means of signaling, codefine whose function is similar to the PTT (Push To Talk, Push to talk), which is commonly found on the walkie-talkie radios.
As you see in our videos, apparently that's not true. These tones are probably linked with a sophisticated top-secret video editing system that vyeditoval videos away from things that NASA did not want to see ...
The technology associated with this editing system called "sequential filtering frameworks" codefine - computer analyzes the video recording and comparing each frame with the previous one, which allows rapid detection of objects codefine that enter into the field of view or from it. (See
Audiodialog tape was later added in order to conceal the true meaning of these quindar tones. Object detection and tracking codefine system to allow what is called "discrete acceptance or rejection" of any objects microfilmed in the camera view. Familiar objects within the accepted and allowed their vision, and unknown "alien" objects that you did not see was discreetly removed, which means that these areas have been digitally retouched scenes using techniques "chroma key". (See
Watch the video (in English, understandable codefine without translation), in the introduction it says what you have just read, and which shows examples beep whenever the framework enters or exits from it astronaut or an object. Login astronaut or objects codefine in a frame or exit from it are red ...
Hi, we are looking for why something so daleko..proč looking for this cause in us ... it's so hard to understand that we are one and nothing else. Pay attention to your four-legged pets, they are trying only people behave worse than or animals ... pa Reply Clear
They were there:-) But think of it this way, as if your garden at your house přivandrovali less adaptable and aliens began there in addition to the brothel and plan how to dispose codefine of the land discovered. Would you took something very heavy, or something that has a high rate of fire, or at least large teeth and hungry and you explain to them that there have nothing to do and no matter where they came from stretch. But since they were high-ranking officials of their community, not in front of her to say how they got the ass and get it adjusted codefine so that u were at their Great King. Perhaps codefine somewhat simplified. Clear main counterarguments were owlish silence - the second superpower, with comparably developed kozmickým program and more than sufficient technical equipment, the Soviet Union never nevzniesol no objection nor express its doubts about this success. , Where necessary, revealed the fraud would certainly knew how to properly utilize propagandize. In spomienkovej literature Soviet and Russian astrophysicists to the period of 1968-1973 was quite regularly bind mentions of watching American monthly expeditions codefine and their radio, television broadcasting codefine and telemetry - none of them probably did not make even a hint of doubt about the reality of American moonstrike. He is still in Russia only minimum "pochybovačov" when they occur in doubt refer to earlier codefine reasons for rapid, essentially nečakaného, monthly termination of the program - and it happened almost codefine simultaneously in the US and the Soviet Union. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - LRO spacecraft imaged the US in 2009 landings of all places Appollo missions. On the imagery can discern the deserted landing stages lunárnych modules, some scientific equipment deployed in the vicinity of landing sites and traces of movement astronauts and their lunárnych vozítok. bite your caresses infromacie and on the other side Quote Clear
Did not you can just next

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