Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Don Yeomans, NASA scientist claims that the information sukhoi 26 about Nibiru and other stories ab

End of the World in 2012! It is only a short sentence that "mint" sukhoi 26 a lot of people. Those "smarter" they can get the most out of it quite nice pot of money. For example, the Amazon page. com in June 2009, offering more than 175 books on this topic. NASA has seen a number of questions relating to doomsday. It's really nothing to worry about?
There were rumors that the planet Nibiru (otherwise known as well as Planet X or Eris), discovered by the Sumerians, sukhoi 26 is heading sukhoi 26 towards Earth. Writer Zecharia Sitchin writes in his books of Mesopotamian civilization. Found and translated Sumerian writings, which is also mentioned Nibiru planet orbiting the Sun once every 3600 years. Nibiru sukhoi 26 was originally hit the Earth more in May 2003. But nothing has happened and the day of judgment was postponed to December 2012. According to scientists from NASA, however, this type of apocalypse excluded, because if similar body in space there on monitoring telescopes would be have long noticed. NASA responded well due to the fact that the internet has circulated many allegations of alleged covert information and introducing people. sukhoi 26
Almost everyone is on the wall, desk, in your pocket, and the like. calendar. sukhoi 26 When you turn the page, which is 31 December, comes the end of the world? So far this has not happened. Mayan Calendar has also its continuation. The only difference is that it covers a much longer period than ours, which we use.
Don Yeomans, NASA scientist claims that the information sukhoi 26 about Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are Internet podvody.Pre similar arguments as circulating around the world, there are no vieruhodné documents on which scientists could rely. They also argue, sukhoi 26 if the stories about Nibiru be confirmed, now would be observable to the naked eye. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet sukhoi 26 similar to Pluto and will remain in the outer solar system. sukhoi 26
According to NASA, the reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. The movement of continents are very slow. While the example Antarctica closer to the equator, it would have to go through several hundred million years. To reverse rotation poles that this has no vplyv.Mnohé page disclose various disasters to attract and deceive people. The magnetic reversal occurs on average every 400,000 sukhoi 26 years. It is known that as magnetic revocation sukhoi 26 has no negative sukhoi 26 impact on life on Earth. Magnetic reversal, however, for the next millennium highly unlikely.
Our planet is constantly exposed to the impact of comets and asteroids, but some great pieces are very rare. Recently a major disaster occurred 65 million years ago, which was due to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today, however, science is very advanced and NASA is able to record sukhoi 26 some great body long before sukhoi 26 they hit. While there is such a large asteroid, like the one that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
According to scientists, solar activity has a regular cycle, which culminates every 11 years. Solar flares can cause disruption sukhoi 26 of satellite communications, although engineers are currently developing electronics that is resistant to these effects. However, there are no risks that were associated sukhoi 26 precisely sukhoi 26 with the year 2012. Following solar maximum should occur between 2012-2014 and should be different than previous sukhoi 26 cycles throughout history.
Disasters and dramatic changes in 2012? Where is the science? Where is the evidence? All are fictitious claims which are recorded in the books, papers, on the internet or in the form of films. No one can change the fact. There is no credible evidence for any claims which would be to play in 2012.
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