Sunday, February 22, 2015

Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and Contact. esa allowance About me. Orgon and Or

Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and Contact. esa allowance About me. Orgon and Orgonite: esa allowance basic concepts How to Make Orgonite Vinegar dissolves chemtrails and artificial storm clouds Orgonite and Weather Control on OrgoNet FAQ: Why and how to manage the weather? Rauni Kilde Czech
Thanks for the tip on the reader an interesting article that is not useful when we are talking about the Apollo missions .. A reader writes that it is clear what the implications - I'm afraid I was not entirely clear, I hope it'll help me clarify on too. Adapted from esa allowance
NASA fears for items left on the moon. It's the Google esa allowance 29 May 2012 14:05 Announcement of the race to the moon by Google makes wrinkles on the forehead NASA. She is afraid that they do not hurt the remains of the Apollo missions, until he landed on the moon first private machines. Google is sponsoring a competition for the conquest of the moon freeholders. | Foto: Google People from Google when announcing generously subsidized competition for the conquest of the moon about not think of the mind as the NASA head-turner. In terms of the special premium is renowned for his picture of human technology on the moon. He appreciates Google for $ 4 million (approx. CZK 82 million). Race for the Moon Google Lunar X PRIZE Google pays $ 20 million (about 410 miles. CZK) to a private organization, which first transported to the moon rover automatic. To make it simple, this machine has traveled to the moon mile and send to Earth image in high resolution. Those interested in the price it should they caught in 2015. NASA is concerned that the lunar landing, the dust can damage esa allowance machinery left on the moon. Therefore it announced the "quarantine zone" with a radius of two kilometers around the sites where Apollo spaceship landed. NASA rovers esa allowance will not prevent trips to places esa allowance of landing. The only exceptions are areas where ships landed on the moon, Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 - the first and so far the last manned craft, which reached planet Earth. According to the US Bureau these places are important from a historical point of view there is a risk that the rover will corrode esa allowance example, traces of astronauts in lunar dust. "The only misstep could forever damage this treasure of humanity, whose cost is incalculable," said NASA in a statement. It also called on the participants, to be kept away from the rover to less than 75 yards to the landing site of Apollo 11 and less than 225 yards to the landing site of Apollo 17. On the landing sites of other ships of the Apollo program, but NASA rover welcome. The Authority does has an interest to obtain detailed images of their art and what it has done 40 years in extreme conditions esa allowance lunar surface with alternating heat and cold, and where devices are continuously exposed to cosmic radiation. Information on the impact of monthly terms to terrestrial esa allowance technology would be able to show the way to build a building on the moon in the event that there would one day was habitable base. Authors: Roman Všetečka, ČTK
Sorry to digress from the subject .. but can then found someone, who I help you understand today's events .. This morning, a few minutes before 5 pole, I went to do mliečko daughter. Then I can Lahlou and they listened to loud spievanie birds. We slept in the open window, and now I Abbot vravela as strašne aloud to the fowl vystrájajú I wondered, or close the window .. I left it open, her daughter had no problem to sleep .. short of it is I začula sound. Krik ... as if they came from the outside, but odnikiaľ. esa allowance It was a weird cry, as if people kričali from fear .. Then it occurred to me, or it will not be any animal cry, whine, but I've never had anything similar did not hear it. I did not know to include the sound of a cry ... cry of fear, terror, such human-animal .. The sound was tichší as risers, esa allowance it was as such undertone, but with birds that had nothing in common ... I had to check to see that I do not sleep, that I am fully conscious, because I was not going to head. I know you imagine that such a loud sound released, so all naokolo esa allowance seizures same panic and fear for their lives ... the screams varied the volume level, but not above the singing of birds, until gradually it moved to wail, a whistle, a bit similar as when pískajú speakers esa allowance ... Then could not hear anything, not even birds, it was very uncomfortable and it took maybe even 20-30 seconds, to whistle up "ears Krutil" and I was afraid that it stops .. It struck me that it was terrible kričanie about an artificial sound, but did not make it all make sense to me .. Everything that lasted less than 10 minutes and I do not understand at all what it was ... I know recognize the sounds of ambient sounds from other households ... But this was completely different and was probably never know what I heard ... the only "reasonable" thing has been attacked .. "they probably esa allowance were trying esa allowance to speakers .. some kind of impending sonic or acoustic / visual event ... Although in our part of the world that was never much going on and I am skeptical ... For an explanation thank you .. Arden Reply

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