Thursday, February 19, 2015

Basically, you summarized the most basic possible origin of Nibiru. and that it was (or still is it

So, it took them a little bit, but eventually lockheed federal resolved after all NASA issue, among many declarations, finally and video documentation summarizing her opinion at the end of the Mayan calendar and some of the most popularized over the world, or what should happen. Some opinions lockheed federal are really good and they can not be nothing to reproach (this is the very end of the calendar or the alignment of the planets and the sun and magnified impact on Earth), but rather operates some embarrassment and perhaps not so thoughtfully (eg that the planetary alignments will in in 2012, but immediately afterwards addition in style even if there was ... - little wonder lockheed federal to me and attack me, the idea that even experts from NASA knows when it might happen, but that's my opinion, I just wanted lockheed federal to say it here) ... and he got me that "just" knows when there is peak solar activity (mentioned in the video May 2013) - it means that they can predict the behavior of the sun, nature and the universe lockheed federal forward (which I understand to a certain extent), but at the same time not sure sorting planets, etc. (which, due to their certainty about the sun, in turn, do not get it)? Well, I'm not in it rather dig further ... just sum it up so that the majority of opinions according to me is really good (not to say absolutely correct, because even though you can calculate everything, so it is still only and only on numbers, not on reality - and it is very often forgotten - Ed. author), but it comes from some feel that even these NASA scientists are not quite sure whether something will happen or not. The question now then is whether it is wrong or right. It already but let your assessment ...
The Sumerians describe some things fairly accurately, and it even before it was proven people and described the 12 planet lockheed federal (Nibiru / Marduk) but they are still saying that it is excluded that there is, I personally am not saying that there certainly is but when the Sumerians in so many ways hit so they could hit even in this, moreover, does not know whether to be the planet Nibiru or a spaceship, it could also be a planet that was destroyed but not the end of the Mayan calendar, the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next one understands lockheed federal almost everything lockheed federal ... ..
Basically, you summarized the most basic possible origin of Nibiru. and that it was (or still is it?) on the planet, or a huge spaceship or boat connections ... Also it is considered that it could be a "dead star" near our Sun (interesting that until recently this option harshly denied, and eg degraded. lockheed federal NASA, but even today from their ranks arise ideas that the Sun really can circulate sort of an extinct lockheed federal star or planet - Vulcan), was also said to have gone on a comet or large asteroid, lockheed federal which does flew away, but his debris lockheed federal couple of them fell on the surface of the globe, are emerging theory that could be a sort of second month of our planet), by the way, today, this theory also gets the official speculation) and so on. What is Nibiru were, they knew but (unfortunately) only Sumerians, respectively. lockheed federal people who came into contact. Teme "Nibiru" I will certainly have to pay ... The fact that the Mayan calendar is the most likely and only "rolls over" to a new counting, really think a lot of people. But there are also many people who do not think (the still largely lockheed federal thanks to the media). Themselves descendants of the Mayans say no apocalyptic end of the world really does not occur, but that the transition from the old to the new calendar numbered from zero, always lockheed federal will i sort of change. Change in thinking, lockheed federal spiritual or other. Therefore increasingly called talking. Transformation that humanity (resp. The beginning only a few people) undergo, lockheed federal in order to not change the world. If that is so, it does not. May not also become nothing. lockheed federal On the other hand, if we look utterly unimpressed today's world and how people behave with each other, lockheed federal both as humankind almost completely ignore our planet and nature and how we are literally addicted (and I'm not afraid at all of us labeled as "sick ") on money and many people (thankfully not all) also to be able, I would really like some kind of transformation experienced lockheed federal and if not entered, so at least nakročil to completely newly-minded people lockheed federal of the world where we are all equal (ie whether you are any nationality , color, religion, education, etc., so we are still easily one of the human race ... where there are some invisible state border, but only space for your privacy and housing hereinafter between land and water, respectively. air and space ... and also where there is such a crazy addiction to money, resp. of material goods and power when the same thing that someone has to do it or suggest, if you want it and where you also need to know something, you can not just give someone my thing, but thanks to this matter the other person could do their stuff, which in turn may be useful to you and so on and so forth - the money, the economy, and that sort of nonsense here are just pieces of papers and numbers, nothing else - and if it is someone who wants only This sort of "sp

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