Monday, February 2, 2015

In Nham Horse (1822), King for buying a boat of French copper taken Hue, named Dien Duong, to model

(DVO) According to historical records, ships under the feudal dynasty man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Vietnam not only used for the purpose of increasing the hit in the raid crossing the battle, but also carrying food or gifts in the gift diplomatic ritual.
By being prepared Martial win chi, this is dedicated to the boat hit the fire, including two interlocking body, four oars, one sail. Frame boat to false (the mother ship) wrapped outside, in front of a boat actually smaller (the boat).
On the boat to the frame, it is the wood burning man truck & bus deutschland gmbh fire and medicine, the boat has spiked, hip boat full of nails and iron. When the enemy, who sat crouched in a small rowing boat quickly, working hard on the enemy ship, causing sharp spikes in the boat frame fake nose plugged into enemy boat.
Before the invasion of the Ming Dynasty, the Lake has to worry about defense consolidation. 1404, Ho Han Trade for making long boat neck - a large gunboat hob, two-story deck with dozens of hands crossed and a paddle controller, man truck & bus deutschland gmbh called the Central train load salary, stock long boat load of wages, salaries, but also to transport combat readiness.
As described, if the boat normally have a bottom, then this kind of boat do add a "bottom" again, ie one floor above the floor, belly boat split into two parts: the lower part to soldiers rowing, the soldiers on the hidden game. The boat is equipped man truck & bus deutschland gmbh with the Spirit gun, but materials on the boat Gu Lou remaining very rare.
History is written, Vietnam man truck & bus deutschland gmbh is one of the countries with troops early in the fishery boat floor, which is the simple inscription long boat Dong Son bronze drums, accompanied by images of soldiers are ready to fight with bow and arrows in the hand Evening of the 19th century, in the sense carvings nine sacred peak of the Nguyen Dynasty, the long boat was selected as a typical gunboat airphibious.
Boat female commander, not sailing, elongated body, above age 3 flagpole man truck & bus deutschland gmbh and flag Signal 2 rows along the hull, lady rowing and fishing are elite soldiers, and come back as dangerous flying, raids Incidentally, rapid retreat.
Under the reign of Le Thanh Tong, besides infantry, cavalry, infantry ... the hydro-war phenomenon has become an independent army divided into several sessions to clear as Thien Hai boat, boat Arena, Long Boat Fugue Kha boat, boat Lang Khai Hai Essence boat ... with the shape, structure, carved, color, different flags.
Here to talk about ships Xishan, then, shipbuilding technology in our country has made certain progress. At the end of the eighteenth century, John Barraw - Members of The Royal British - had to Cochin (Central and Southern Vietnam) and witness: "They played very nice boat, usually ranging from 50 to 80 pied (1pied = 0,30m). Sometimes a boat so only 5 boards, extending from its head to the other and fit together in a dream. Their marine boat go fast not very, but very safe. Inside is divided into compartments, this type are very sure can hit the reef without man truck & bus deutschland gmbh sinking because water only in a compartment only. Currently, Britain has imitated how to apply on the ship ".According to the history books, a large number of Xishan warships equipped with artillery, to increase firepower, make foray with power attack and destroy large. Tay Son Thuy team has 54 ships, 93 warships, 300 gunboats, 100 sailing ships equipped with quite powerful. However, Vietnamese kings owns the modern warships to the emperor Minh Mang - very interested to learn, acquire scientific and technical progress of the West, including technical improvements boat . Do not just focus on increasing the number, the king also for increasing the variety of boats, especially for boat copper in the form of the French.
In Nham Horse (1822), King for buying a boat of French copper taken Hue, named Dien Duong, to model boat building workshops in the capital research and development in the form closed. The crew completed the first copper was named Swiss Long; then every boat copper operations were closed primarily gunboat more ...
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