Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Apocalypse of 2012 I already wrote on the blog, as well as the video appeared here Deciphering

End of the World 2012, the Food Code and the demise of the planet Earth | Zdeněk navy fighter jets Večeřa
The Apocalypse of 2012 I already wrote on the blog, as well as the video appeared here Deciphering the past: the End of the World 2012. On YouTube lie about another pretty interesting videos. When we begin the weekend, so little relief hurt. Animation demise of planet Earth
Check out the resources listed at the end of the video. InAstroNoviny: Sun crazy about InAstroNoviny: When the sun storms NASA: A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field NASA: Solar Cycle Prediction media begin to publish scientists' concerns around 2012
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You may also be interested in: Apocalypse in 2012, or the end of the world is coming? The end of 2008 is here. We're going to balance New Yorker: big discounts, empty shelves (photo) Deciphering the past: The End of the World 2012 You survived Friday, the 13th?
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2:46 - Jamie Dornan Mr.Red_i at fifty shades of gray with Graham Norton

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Why Curiosity lamellfräs is looking for organic substances? Commented: 12 Ever wondered what a ...
Frittolova 15:56 - 22 September 2012 Pro to Reply You must be logged
Well, wait, it is therefore true! Teflon was created as a light frost and heat resistant layer for extremely low temperatures in space, but also against extreme temperatures that occur in the atmosphere. Eventually it was discovered that PTFE can be prepared very easily, it is no problem to use it at home. Well, at least we are taught to Friday
When it's not me here not to make use of web Robi všeličom the possible. Especially the technologies, the. More specifically targeted to projects DARPA, NASA, SpaceX lamellfrГ¤s and under. Mal would someone interested in translating articles from English? Once a day I would send links to brief articles. Altogether this is a translation to max. 5 min per day. Web is Given whereof the video, perhaps the admin has not deleted as a spammer. If someone should interested, lamellfrГ¤s please write to
Freeze-dried food? Without it, your life can imagine easily. As such velcro, bibs and the already mentioned ballpoint pen, a ballpoint pen? Without it, can not imagine it myself, so mainly those without diapers.
Kohba 19:23 - 22 September 2012
I can not see the video, it's the same as last week. newly added videos from last Saturday's problem is not, just yet with this: and no other older videos also do not see. someone has the same problem? can you please tell me what to do? thanks a lot
And what about the pen, she's missing and it uses a lot more people than things that were in the video. The funniest thing is that the development of spending so much money that they have nothing to write in the universe and the Russians invented so that he wrote in pencil: D
18 1
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2:46 - Jamie Dornan Mr.Red_i at fifty shades of gray with Graham Norton
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Friday, February 27, 2015

This paper examines the NASA project. What is NASA? National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA abbreviated (English National Aeronautics and Space Administration, russian jet fighters NASA) is a US government agency responsible for the US space program and general research in the field of aviation.
This paper examines the NASA project. What is NASA? National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA abbreviated (English National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA) is a US government agency responsible for the US space program and general research in the field of aviation.
The whole history of the space program on the emergence of Nazi scientists, including the alleged crash of a flying saucer in the 50s, the subsequent 40 years of secrecy, russian jet fighters the area known as Area 51, the area of the US government, hence the military all the time denied, the conquest of the month, which itself induces a wave of skepticism and conspiracy, ending with the death of John F. Kennedy. This whole past is shrouded russian jet fighters in mystery until one big mystery. Source: Wikipedia
In the United States since 1915. The research russian jet fighters was sponsored by the aviation National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) Since 1946, NACA also engaged in experiments with shuttles, like the supersonic Bell X-1. USA at that time benefited collaboration with the Nazis, whose engineers were transferred after the war to America to continue in technologies that have created for Nazi Germany and which has been a de facto NASA built.
Germans had first had the first jet airplane - Messershmitt and experimented with ballistic missiles V-1 and V-2. On July 29, 1958, US President Eisenhower signed the "National Aeronautics and Space Act", a law which created russian jet fighters the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
After the Mercury program showed that spaceflight Manned are feasible, the Apollo program was launched. He had originally aimed to further space exploration and eventually achieving orbit of the moon.
After meeting Kennedy to carry the man to the moon support for the US space program faltered. This was reflected in the premature termination of the Apollo lunar missions - although they were planned three more years, the program was terminated in December 1972 flight of Apollo 17 (it is interesting that it was the first and so far the last time on the surface of the moon got a professional scientist - geologist Harrison Schmitt).
- Lunar Prospector probe
- Mars Odyssey
- Hubble Space Telescope
Secret space program - space program that he knows of only a chosen few, and even the US government does not have access to this information. Why are we hiding the existence of UFO? Several buildings were certainly shot down and their research is subject to military purposes USA and utmost confidentiality. Star Wars?
It is clear that something had to happen, the 50th anniversary of the conquest of the month is not a world government "space charge" priority? Or have you heard of any planned or scheduled mission to the moon? I can not.
When did 50 years ago were on the moon, although it is possible that some of the shots are fake, I think that the moon was captured. Although at that time were already there, russian jet fighters where about are they now? What does he know? Why was the research of the moon postponed or even canceled when the plan base on the moon? They have access to free energy that would forever solve the energy crisis by burning fossil fuels? They also have a device with which it comes to control russian jet fighters gravity? And what wireless transmission of energy, who invented already Nikola Tesla? And what about the Moon, the latter is also divided?
I can not help, but it's still in me a wave raises unanswered russian jet fighters questions russian jet fighters that lead to one goal - to dominate humanity. Introduce us to ignorance and dependence on energy, oil and monetary system, which would have been necessary. Systems of which benefit only a handful of "world government" - the top 12,000, because the world do not speak of government, but people who have a lot of money. russian jet fighters Corporations and companies that have more "power" than government led by politicians, often just puppets of these corporations.
It is possible that the world's conflicts have moved somewhere in orbit and world powers battling for this area, while we do television desert beautiful fairy tale called "news". Because manipulate russian jet fighters the human mind can only help fear or love.
Links agrosymbols - what do they mean? Crop Circles and December 21, 2012 SECRET megalithic 1 Secret megalithic 2 SECRETS megalithic megalithic 3 Secrets 4 Recent Posts Cognition in agrosymbols, part. 1 Secret megalithic structures 4 white horses russian jet fighters in England, White horses in UK What are chakras and what influence? Imhotep russian jet fighters - the man who shaped the history of mankind Archives March 2013 November russian jet fighters 2012 August 2012 July 2012 May 2012 April 2012
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

They were there:-) But think of it this way, as if your garden at your house přivandrovali less ada

Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and Contact. About me. Orgon and Orgonite: basic concepts How to Make Orgonite codefine Vinegar dissolves chemtrails and artificial storm clouds Orgonite and Weather Control on OrgoNet FAQ: Why and how to manage the weather? Rauni Kilde Czech
Thanks for the tip on the reader an interesting article that probably will please technically oriented codefine readers. Reveals codefine in it that NASA used a highly sophisticated system of a television program, which enabled sophisticated edit or fake videos of the Apollo missions to the moon, we have not seen what we had seen - apparently evidence of extraterrestrial objects, perhaps even characters ...
Quindar tones are the beeps you hear when watching and listening to many video and audio recordings from NASA Apollo missions. (Name Quindar according to the manufacturer's technology - Quindar Electrics, ed. Orgonet).
Wikipedia about Quindar tones: Quindar tones, frequently referred to as the "beep" heard during the Apollo missions to the moon, were a signal, which turn on and off remote transmitter on the ground so that Capsule Communicator (CapCom) could communicate with the crew spacecraft. It was a means of signaling, codefine whose function is similar to the PTT (Push To Talk, Push to talk), which is commonly found on the walkie-talkie radios.
As you see in our videos, apparently that's not true. These tones are probably linked with a sophisticated top-secret video editing system that vyeditoval videos away from things that NASA did not want to see ...
The technology associated with this editing system called "sequential filtering frameworks" codefine - computer analyzes the video recording and comparing each frame with the previous one, which allows rapid detection of objects codefine that enter into the field of view or from it. (See
Audiodialog tape was later added in order to conceal the true meaning of these quindar tones. Object detection and tracking codefine system to allow what is called "discrete acceptance or rejection" of any objects microfilmed in the camera view. Familiar objects within the accepted and allowed their vision, and unknown "alien" objects that you did not see was discreetly removed, which means that these areas have been digitally retouched scenes using techniques "chroma key". (See
Watch the video (in English, understandable codefine without translation), in the introduction it says what you have just read, and which shows examples beep whenever the framework enters or exits from it astronaut or an object. Login astronaut or objects codefine in a frame or exit from it are red ...
Hi, we are looking for why something so daleko..proč looking for this cause in us ... it's so hard to understand that we are one and nothing else. Pay attention to your four-legged pets, they are trying only people behave worse than or animals ... pa Reply Clear
They were there:-) But think of it this way, as if your garden at your house přivandrovali less adaptable and aliens began there in addition to the brothel and plan how to dispose codefine of the land discovered. Would you took something very heavy, or something that has a high rate of fire, or at least large teeth and hungry and you explain to them that there have nothing to do and no matter where they came from stretch. But since they were high-ranking officials of their community, not in front of her to say how they got the ass and get it adjusted codefine so that u were at their Great King. Perhaps codefine somewhat simplified. Clear main counterarguments were owlish silence - the second superpower, with comparably developed kozmickým program and more than sufficient technical equipment, the Soviet Union never nevzniesol no objection nor express its doubts about this success. , Where necessary, revealed the fraud would certainly knew how to properly utilize propagandize. In spomienkovej literature Soviet and Russian astrophysicists to the period of 1968-1973 was quite regularly bind mentions of watching American monthly expeditions codefine and their radio, television broadcasting codefine and telemetry - none of them probably did not make even a hint of doubt about the reality of American moonstrike. He is still in Russia only minimum "pochybovačov" when they occur in doubt refer to earlier codefine reasons for rapid, essentially nečakaného, monthly termination of the program - and it happened almost codefine simultaneously in the US and the Soviet Union. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - LRO spacecraft imaged the US in 2009 landings of all places Appollo missions. On the imagery can discern the deserted landing stages lunárnych modules, some scientific equipment deployed in the vicinity of landing sites and traces of movement astronauts and their lunárnych vozítok. bite your caresses infromacie and on the other side Quote Clear
Did not you can just next

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

No, these are not even specks or burned pixely.Musela it would be really strange coincidence if a s

Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and Contact. About me. Orgon and Orgonite: basic concepts How to Make Orgonite Vinegar dissolves chemtrails and artificial storm clouds Orgonite and Weather Control on OrgoNet FAQ: Why and how to manage the weather? Rauni Kilde Czech Comment on youtube: (Translation fighter 150 OrgoNet) Video provides a detailed overview of the satellites SOHO STEREO fighter 150 Ahead + Behind. During the week NASA employees fighter 150 conceal information on UFOs near the sun. NASA denies access fighter 150 to images from the NASA STEREO Ahead in the period from 0.00 to 4.45, and the NASA STEREO Behind from 5.55 to 10.05. Why does not NASA - is a mystery. This numerous UFO near our Sun are real unidentified objects. They are of different sizes, structures and shapes. Many are surrounded fighter 150 by a kind of "energy" field. UFO are still around our sun. Fly in fly out the sun and out of the sun. Many of them flying to the sun and maneuvering at high speeds. The movements of the UFO can be seen on my previous reports UFO near the Sun on this channel. When I started exploration, I had a picture fighter 150 of good quality, but more than a year NASA provides the public with pictures of very poor quality. People asked NASA, and they replied that UFOs are specks of dust on the lens, they are burned pixels on the sensor lens that are meteorites and so on. Same excuses. NASA silent. But now, people should know the truth! For complete information about UFOs near the sun and read our book review our DVD. Information on the Web Watch in HD and full screen! Visit
Hello to Sunshine often looking to STEREO more than a year. When you look at the current date there are always broučci- ufo and missing time periods and different every day. Two days longer if you look back in the archives is usually time well and record groomed and bugs are there anymore or little. But there again is nice to see how Sluníčko pulses. Who knows why the current record is something that is not already in the archive. Why not remove it now? But all this already wrote here. But I would say that deserves more attention to the color of the sun, if you look for 2008 should be, it's much darker almost no bright spots. Today on orders brighter and warmer around too. Have a nice hello ostriches. Reply Clear
It already discussed here, too, that the sun increases its brightness to radiated heat and light on Earth. The highest activity fighter 150 had started in 2008, and this year 2012, it achieved fighter 150 its maximum. Therefore our screens chemodekami (but this is just one of the many reasons why you chemodeky over we still have). Clear
No, these are not even specks or burned pixely.Musela it would be really strange coincidence if a speck of it had the appearance of spaceships, as it means people představují.To green light, some of those chassis ... one of those spider with little feet. And they will add my impression: These ships must be huge but! Perhaps as our whole country? When you consider the animation of the planets, arranged according to the size of the sun beside fighter 150 dan. Reply Clear
UFO near the Sun is monitored for a longer time, full-year available are very good records. Of these, it is also apparent motion of these objects. Especially before the emergence of powerful eruptions there exist dozens of objects. And as he said himself, Mr. Kesh technology magneto-gravitational fighter 150 motion, so this technology exhibits the same characteristics as in the case of UFO. He probably mean magnetic shielding these objects, which makes these objects intrepid and also as he describes excludes their mutual srážku.To then can apparently also allow approach fighter 150 to the sun. In this context I for a little exhilaration said one passage parody, which I have heard: Russian space agency said that it managed to land astronauts on the sun. When a journalist asked how they did it, how to cope with the high temperatures fighter 150 tamnějšími and replied that the Sun landed at night. So as a joke. Good day to all. Honza. Reply Clear
Sun boss Horus. Then I saw him, he's a looker ...: -DD course "len" in the representation sighted people. For me, this is interesting: so as pictured looks very strict, typical of the eyebrows, thick outer ends of the elongated fighter 150 upwards. Výzorom Taki people here I go well between us. Mostly what I noticed as "cloudy" in the sunshine. Hi Clear
I personally think that Ringmakers come from the Sun and Saturn in and around him that carry out "maintenance or rescue work." It is however not excluded that each planet (whether solid or gaseous) and the sun is its people, their civilization! Clear
3 weeks ago
2015 (101) February 2015 (54) January 2015 (47) 2014 (275) December 2014 (23)

NASA and the SETI Institute has called for California residents huntsville al space center and priv

Yesterday we wrote to you on Sunday explosion in California, which caused a meteoroid flight through Earth's atmosphere. The weight of the original building could be up to 70 tonnes. The explosion caused the collapse of a meteoroid in the atmosphere, the energy released 5 kilotons of TNT.
NASA and the SETI Institute has called for California residents huntsville al space center and private companies that have sent videos passing meteor atmosphere. Assistance could, for example, records from security cameras. The aim is to clarify the flight path and potential impact site. Scientists have more than well motivated according to the first found pieces seems meteoroid was of carbon chondrite. These meteorites contain organic compounds and are very fragile, so few ever survive passage through the atmosphere. Because it is a really rare pieces.
Related articles: Extremely: Kepler space telescope apparently huntsville al space center ended MRO caught on Mars remains of Soviet probes Video: Russia flew over an extremely bright meteor New Meteor Shower: Countries might engulf the fragments of Comet
Latest Articles Exogeologie? Astronomers are on the trail of the composition of exoplanets Feb 20, 2015 Kepler found a new mission within ten candidates Feb 18, 2015 NASA published new images of the dwarf planet Ceres Feb 17, 2015 Cool gadgets: flying UFO, X-ray glasses, sci-fi and other alarm Feb 17 , 2015 Scientists shocked mysterious clouds on Mars Feb 16, 2015
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Date of discovery: Feb 2015 Location of discovery: Mars NASA photo: koreasat 5

UFO Mothership Seen In SOHO NASA Video, Possibly Nibiru Jan 15, 2012 VIDEO.
Date of sighting: koreasat 5 January 15, 2012 Location koreasat 5 of sighting: Orbiting Sun While looking at the SOHO Stereo Ahead EUVI 195 cam, a person recorded this video of multiple UFOs moving about in the suns corona. There are a few that really catch my attention though. Look closely at the dark triangle shaped koreasat 5 mothership koreasat 5 as it faces its nose toward the sun and then later is seen facing its nose away from the sun. Is this the famous Nibiru (Planet koreasat 5 X) that we all heard about or is this just a mothership that is 7-10 times the size of Earth? Either way, if that UFO hit us, we would be like a bug on a windshield.
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Date of discovery: Feb 2015 Location of discovery: Mars NASA photo: koreasat 5
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Dome & Old Man Face Side by Side, found by me, Scott C. Waring.
"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, koreasat 5 and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
Alien Moon Base Captured By Chang'e-2 Orbiter Video, Feb 2012 News.
Hi, my name is Scott C. Waring and I wrote a few books and am currently a ESL School Owner in Taiwan. I have had my own UFO sighting koreasat 5 up close and personal, koreasat 5 but that's how it works right? A non believer becomes a believer when they experience their first sighting. You witnessed it, your perceptual field changes, so now you need to share it.
I created this site to help the UFO community get a little bit organized. I noticed that there was a lot of chaos when searching for UFO sighting reports, so I hope this site helps. koreasat 5 I wanted to support those eyewitnesses who have tried to tell others about what they have seen, yet were laughed at by even closest of friends.
More koreasat 5 and more each day the governments of the world leak bits and pieces of UFO information to the public. They have a trickle down theory in hopes of slowly getting citizens koreasat 5 use to the idea that we are not alone in universe and never have been. The truth is being leaked drop by drop until one day we look around and find ourselves neck high in it.
Two UFOs Over Live Football Game On National TV!
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These concerns are based on an erroneous interpretation of the Mayan calendar. Around 21 December 2

It took a while longer than expected, but also NASA (specifically, 28 November 2012) commented on this "end of the world", which should be December 21, 2012. I have been here had a lot of articles on this topic, just They always (most specifically, space expo noordwijk but not entirely) to describe what could happen. Now it's time to look yet at the last option, according to many even have the only correct one. Let us therefore this report NASA closer (Ed. Of the author - it is a Czech transcript of ČTK server - original article here) ...
Scientists from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has temporarily put up to November 28, to soothe people with the fear of the end of the world December 21, 2012. It also pointed out that the rumors about the alleged Mayan apocalypse they also have a downside - scares Children and adolescents with suicidal tendencies who can actually fail fear of the end of the world, wrote a web server
These concerns are based on an erroneous interpretation of the Mayan calendar. Around 21 December 2012, the day of the winter solstice, closes 13th cycle of the Mayan calendar called Baktun. And although experts ancient Mayan culture agree that definitely space expo noordwijk did not perceive this day as apocalyptic, spreading rumors that a cosmic catastrophe that day with life on Earth will end.
And so to put matters NASA. Office created an information page 2012 (Ed. Author - available here for those interested), to eliminate popular statements space expo noordwijk about the Mayan apocalypse, for example, the idea that on December 21 in a runaway hit planet Earth and all killed. (In fact, astronomers are pretty good at detecting objects approaching the Earth, not to mention that any stray planet that would do us had encountered during space expo noordwijk three weeks, would now be the brightest object in the sky except the Sun and the Moon.)
"It has no basis," said NASA astrobiologist David Morrison. "It's just an artificial imagination." That according to Morrison, but can have real consequences. As one of the main speakers NASA regarding the myths about the destruction space expo noordwijk of the world, Morrison has received many e-mails and letters from concerned people, especially young people. Some he says, they can not eat, or they worry prevents sleep. Another in the head chasing thoughts of suicide. "While some people take it as a joke and others like mystery, there's a group of people who you do not really scared," he said.
"I think it's really bad for people to spread rumors on the internet that scares kids," said Morrison. Therefore, NASA scientists organized on social networks hour videodiskusi space expo noordwijk on which sank myths from rogue planet Nibiru space expo noordwijk to the danger of deadly solar flares.
In fact, it is true that the Sun is now in the active phase of their cycle, which means that it has increased its electromagnetic energy, said an expert at NASA heliophysics Lika Guhathakurtaová. Large solar discharges may affect electronics and navigation systems on Earth, but satellite monitoring gives plenty of time to issue a warning space expo noordwijk against space expo noordwijk increased electromagnetic space expo noordwijk activity, space expo noordwijk before hitting the atmosphere.
The earth does not resemble any object, whether planetary or otherwise, that would do it to December 21 crash, said Don Yeomans, a planetary expert at NASA tracking objects approaching the Earth. The only approach the asteroid will soon take place February 13, 2013, when an asteroid space expo noordwijk misses Earth at a distance of 4.5 radios (an idea: the radius of the Earth is 6378 km). This asteroid hits the Earth, said Yeomans.
Other rumors, for example, that suddenly reverses the magnetic field of the Earth or the planet disintegrates at nearly 30,000 space expo noordwijk light-years away and falls into the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, scientists also brushed aside. (A light year is the distance light travels in a vacuum in one year, or roughly ten trillion kilometers, which is ten, and after her fifteen zeros). space expo noordwijk
And finally agreed on one thing: Rather than fearing the apocalypse or cosmic catastrophe would be better to focus on and creeping problems, such as climate change. "The biggest threat to the country both in 2012 and in the future, represents only the human race," said Mitzi Adams, heliofyzička NASA.
And as a supplement to another article from Reflex space expo noordwijk by Susan M. Kostičová, which also bears in a similar vein, albeit this time from a different perspective. Article called The Case of the Mayan calendar: How great researcher made the phenomenon of the world. Just please excuse the mistake in the attached picture space expo noordwijk above article - not because of the Mayan calendar, space expo noordwijk but the Aztec sun disc.
Hmm .... I read it and I was embarrassed. Which government in the world would this voluntarily and truthfully confessed? Finally, the government says that people pracdu! Chaos and confusion that would arise following this communication can not be compared to anything. And what good would it serve a secret warehouse and shelters which are built around the world ...... I do not know where I found information on about 150 such devices with a length

Monday, February 23, 2015

Each month last year, the editors chose NASA Tech Briefs Product of the month has an exceptional sv

TZ: Innovative 3D CAD SpaceClaim became Product of the Year 2012
SpaceClaim, the leading svensk företagsförening provider of flexible and affordable 3D modeler for engineering, design and manufacturing announces svensk företagsförening that SpaceClaim Engineer was NASA Tech Briefs readers voted as Product of the Year 2012.
Each month last year, the editors chose NASA Tech Briefs Product of the month has an exceptional svensk företagsförening technical merit and practical value for their users. Subsequently asked readers to these products chosen one that they believe is most important novelty in its field for the year 2012.
"The product of NASA Tech Briefs readers are selected, ie buyers and users of these products. The winners are the best of the best - products that are according to the designers and engineers the most beneficial for the full year 2012, to help them do their jobs better and more efficiently. "Said Linda L. Bell, editorial director of NASA Tech Briefs.
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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and Contact. esa allowance About me. Orgon and Or

Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and Contact. esa allowance About me. Orgon and Orgonite: esa allowance basic concepts How to Make Orgonite Vinegar dissolves chemtrails and artificial storm clouds Orgonite and Weather Control on OrgoNet FAQ: Why and how to manage the weather? Rauni Kilde Czech
Thanks for the tip on the reader an interesting article that is not useful when we are talking about the Apollo missions .. A reader writes that it is clear what the implications - I'm afraid I was not entirely clear, I hope it'll help me clarify on too. Adapted from esa allowance
NASA fears for items left on the moon. It's the Google esa allowance 29 May 2012 14:05 Announcement of the race to the moon by Google makes wrinkles on the forehead NASA. She is afraid that they do not hurt the remains of the Apollo missions, until he landed on the moon first private machines. Google is sponsoring a competition for the conquest of the moon freeholders. | Foto: Google People from Google when announcing generously subsidized competition for the conquest of the moon about not think of the mind as the NASA head-turner. In terms of the special premium is renowned for his picture of human technology on the moon. He appreciates Google for $ 4 million (approx. CZK 82 million). Race for the Moon Google Lunar X PRIZE Google pays $ 20 million (about 410 miles. CZK) to a private organization, which first transported to the moon rover automatic. To make it simple, this machine has traveled to the moon mile and send to Earth image in high resolution. Those interested in the price it should they caught in 2015. NASA is concerned that the lunar landing, the dust can damage esa allowance machinery left on the moon. Therefore it announced the "quarantine zone" with a radius of two kilometers around the sites where Apollo spaceship landed. NASA rovers esa allowance will not prevent trips to places esa allowance of landing. The only exceptions are areas where ships landed on the moon, Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 - the first and so far the last manned craft, which reached planet Earth. According to the US Bureau these places are important from a historical point of view there is a risk that the rover will corrode esa allowance example, traces of astronauts in lunar dust. "The only misstep could forever damage this treasure of humanity, whose cost is incalculable," said NASA in a statement. It also called on the participants, to be kept away from the rover to less than 75 yards to the landing site of Apollo 11 and less than 225 yards to the landing site of Apollo 17. On the landing sites of other ships of the Apollo program, but NASA rover welcome. The Authority does has an interest to obtain detailed images of their art and what it has done 40 years in extreme conditions esa allowance lunar surface with alternating heat and cold, and where devices are continuously exposed to cosmic radiation. Information on the impact of monthly terms to terrestrial esa allowance technology would be able to show the way to build a building on the moon in the event that there would one day was habitable base. Authors: Roman Všetečka, ČTK
Sorry to digress from the subject .. but can then found someone, who I help you understand today's events .. This morning, a few minutes before 5 pole, I went to do mliečko daughter. Then I can Lahlou and they listened to loud spievanie birds. We slept in the open window, and now I Abbot vravela as strašne aloud to the fowl vystrájajú I wondered, or close the window .. I left it open, her daughter had no problem to sleep .. short of it is I začula sound. Krik ... as if they came from the outside, but odnikiaľ. esa allowance It was a weird cry, as if people kričali from fear .. Then it occurred to me, or it will not be any animal cry, whine, but I've never had anything similar did not hear it. I did not know to include the sound of a cry ... cry of fear, terror, such human-animal .. The sound was tichší as risers, esa allowance it was as such undertone, but with birds that had nothing in common ... I had to check to see that I do not sleep, that I am fully conscious, because I was not going to head. I know you imagine that such a loud sound released, so all naokolo esa allowance seizures same panic and fear for their lives ... the screams varied the volume level, but not above the singing of birds, until gradually it moved to wail, a whistle, a bit similar as when pískajú speakers esa allowance ... Then could not hear anything, not even birds, it was very uncomfortable and it took maybe even 20-30 seconds, to whistle up "ears Krutil" and I was afraid that it stops .. It struck me that it was terrible kričanie about an artificial sound, but did not make it all make sense to me .. Everything that lasted less than 10 minutes and I do not understand at all what it was ... I know recognize the sounds of ambient sounds from other households ... But this was completely different and was probably never know what I heard ... the only "reasonable" thing has been attacked .. "they probably esa allowance were trying esa allowance to speakers .. some kind of impending sonic or acoustic / visual event ... Although in our part of the world that was never much going on and I am skeptical ... For an explanation thank you .. Arden Reply

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Today: Page not found The importance of drinking and ingestion of aspirin use to prevent the concen

Archaeology and excavations Asteroids and celestial bodies without comment Blá Travel Tours mysteries huntsville space center What free reading articles on the continuation of Ancient Civilizations recommend Ghost-shit Spiritual Ecology Economy Esotericism Philosophy huntsville space center Forum History Books / Excerpts from the book The End of the World Conspiracy human body handling public Matrix 2012 Moon extraterrestrial races and civilizations Myths and Facts wrote about us on the intended Religion / Cults Wrote about us Riots and demonstrations Uncategorized News and instant messages you defend your opinion Revealed is only one original and ours always free Money Personality huntsville space center Personal Development huntsville space center Poetry Politics Food and Stories stories prophecies and predictions Psychology Nature 2012, with insight and hyperbole Sun Company mysterious and paranormal Technology Art Therapy UFO Space Science Research Videos Call Mysteries Things Earthquake Country Health Climate Change Lifestyle
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Today: Page not found The importance of drinking and ingestion of aspirin use to prevent the concentration of blood - misleading health advice sent by e-mail scattering blue light - it is normal that the supporters of chemtrails did not know why the sky is blue planet? Germans by "heartfelt" letter to citizens of Greece researchers looked at the mummy "mermaid" huntsville space center Al Bielek, which is the only time passed back and forth speaks of the future - there's only 100% socialism, everything is free Scientists predict solar electromagnetic storms and destruction huntsville space center of Katrina type already 15 years without huntsville space center food: Bretharián Walter "OMSA" Rohrmoser Vitamin C and to treat over 30 common diseases NERAŇAJKUJTE flakes or CEREALS
For the entire period: Page not found Pearls of discussions Rules Site Access denied - Access Denied error 403 Third World War is about to begin during the Winter Olympics in 2014, NASA keeps the radio signals coming from inside the country may be near death experiences EXPLAINING natural way or is a inexplicable and supernatural phenomenon? Useful links first of the ancient Egyptian mysteries ... We can live without food?
Last viewed: Images from the entertainment industry or symbolism in practice 01/15 How to interpret the clinical symptoms process your light body Philosopher Cílek: Janousek and the like, the price of food, fear ... Just a spark will badly Nostradamus - great books predictions PDF fifth Dimension - Ghosts 5th dimension - exorcism Historical disgrace: the revolt in the US Army Obama forced to retreat Spontaneous combustion people (1) The promoters of cyberbullying: TV Nova, Tepuy - Journey into the depths of the Earth (the whole film)
USA: December 21, 2012 is perhaps the most prominent date in the calendar, entitled "End of Days". Up to this date marked the winter solstice, the longest night thus this year, anything interesting we expected according to NASA. Phrase: "The 2012 disaster" searches on Google to 35 million people. huntsville space center A lot of them are just afraid of this magical date - December 21, 2012.
The ancient Mayan calendar has, as well as modern Gregorian calendar, 365 days. In addition to the year, measured in longer periods of time and in short, as we measure time now in decades, centuries and millennia. One of the problems is at the end from the perspective of the earth, huntsville space center the sun will cross the plane of our galaxy on this day. However, as the sun passes twice a year. Another concern is that the planet dubbed "Nibiru" or "Planet X" is supposed to head to Earth. Astronomer Don Yeomans (manager of the Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California) huntsville space center noted that the UFO known lover Nancy Leider, huntsville space center who describes herself as a person in contact with extraterrestrials from the star system Zeta Reticuli, initially predicted that Nibiru will cause widespread disaster in May 2003, only to later his vision became just on 21st December 2012.
There is no evidence that the planet Nibiru huntsville space center exists. If so, could not hide behind the sun forever, then we discovered huntsville space center it years ago. Presumptions that could be hidden behind the sun are unfounded, "said Yeomans. While those who believe in the existence of Nibiru, blaming astronomers from NASA of involvement in a plot to deny the planet Nibiru, to avoid panic. Astronomers refutes everything. There how it would be possible to conceal the existence of the planet. Also assure that the gravitational effects of the planets lined up (should they occur) in a row in 2012, can not affect the planet Earth.
"No planetary alignment on December 21, 2012, however, do not go," said Yeomans. The only entities that have a significant effect on gravity to Earth are the moon and the sun, which are the effects that we see as the ebb and flow of the sea. Tidal effects from other bodies in our solar bites

Friday, February 20, 2015

Snakes? No, canyons and Lake Powell parsisiusti torenta in Utah and Arizona from ISS. Credit: parsi

Snakes? No, canyons and Lake Powell parsisiusti torenta in Utah and Arizona from ISS. Credit: parsisiusti torenta NASA Nightlife in USA Suomi NPP Satellite. It is obvious parsisiusti torenta that it lives mainly in the east and in California. Credit: NASA Atlasov Island volcano on the island in Atlasovově Kuril archipelago (Russia) from the ISS. Credit: NASA Pyramids of Giza from the ISS. Credit: parsisiusti torenta NASA
Related articles: 1,129,177 photos of Earth from ISS: where to find them? The first photograph of the Earth from space: when and how? The first HD video of Earth from space published Curiosity parsisiusti torenta on Mars: September 10 best images of New Horizons took photographs of Pluto and Charon
Recent parsisiusti torenta articles Kepler found within the new mission dozens of candidates Feb 18, 2015 NASA published new images of the dwarf planet Ceres Feb 17, 2015 Cool gadgets: flying UFO, X-ray glasses, parsisiusti torenta sci-fi and other alarm Feb 17, 2015 Scientists shocked mysterious parsisiusti torenta clouds on Mars Feb 16, 2015 Kepler-432 b: dense planets around stars of death Feb 16, 2015
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Basically, you summarized the most basic possible origin of Nibiru. and that it was (or still is it

So, it took them a little bit, but eventually lockheed federal resolved after all NASA issue, among many declarations, finally and video documentation summarizing her opinion at the end of the Mayan calendar and some of the most popularized over the world, or what should happen. Some opinions lockheed federal are really good and they can not be nothing to reproach (this is the very end of the calendar or the alignment of the planets and the sun and magnified impact on Earth), but rather operates some embarrassment and perhaps not so thoughtfully (eg that the planetary alignments will in in 2012, but immediately afterwards addition in style even if there was ... - little wonder lockheed federal to me and attack me, the idea that even experts from NASA knows when it might happen, but that's my opinion, I just wanted lockheed federal to say it here) ... and he got me that "just" knows when there is peak solar activity (mentioned in the video May 2013) - it means that they can predict the behavior of the sun, nature and the universe lockheed federal forward (which I understand to a certain extent), but at the same time not sure sorting planets, etc. (which, due to their certainty about the sun, in turn, do not get it)? Well, I'm not in it rather dig further ... just sum it up so that the majority of opinions according to me is really good (not to say absolutely correct, because even though you can calculate everything, so it is still only and only on numbers, not on reality - and it is very often forgotten - Ed. author), but it comes from some feel that even these NASA scientists are not quite sure whether something will happen or not. The question now then is whether it is wrong or right. It already but let your assessment ...
The Sumerians describe some things fairly accurately, and it even before it was proven people and described the 12 planet lockheed federal (Nibiru / Marduk) but they are still saying that it is excluded that there is, I personally am not saying that there certainly is but when the Sumerians in so many ways hit so they could hit even in this, moreover, does not know whether to be the planet Nibiru or a spaceship, it could also be a planet that was destroyed but not the end of the Mayan calendar, the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next one understands lockheed federal almost everything lockheed federal ... ..
Basically, you summarized the most basic possible origin of Nibiru. and that it was (or still is it?) on the planet, or a huge spaceship or boat connections ... Also it is considered that it could be a "dead star" near our Sun (interesting that until recently this option harshly denied, and eg degraded. lockheed federal NASA, but even today from their ranks arise ideas that the Sun really can circulate sort of an extinct lockheed federal star or planet - Vulcan), was also said to have gone on a comet or large asteroid, lockheed federal which does flew away, but his debris lockheed federal couple of them fell on the surface of the globe, are emerging theory that could be a sort of second month of our planet), by the way, today, this theory also gets the official speculation) and so on. What is Nibiru were, they knew but (unfortunately) only Sumerians, respectively. lockheed federal people who came into contact. Teme "Nibiru" I will certainly have to pay ... The fact that the Mayan calendar is the most likely and only "rolls over" to a new counting, really think a lot of people. But there are also many people who do not think (the still largely lockheed federal thanks to the media). Themselves descendants of the Mayans say no apocalyptic end of the world really does not occur, but that the transition from the old to the new calendar numbered from zero, always lockheed federal will i sort of change. Change in thinking, lockheed federal spiritual or other. Therefore increasingly called talking. Transformation that humanity (resp. The beginning only a few people) undergo, lockheed federal in order to not change the world. If that is so, it does not. May not also become nothing. lockheed federal On the other hand, if we look utterly unimpressed today's world and how people behave with each other, lockheed federal both as humankind almost completely ignore our planet and nature and how we are literally addicted (and I'm not afraid at all of us labeled as "sick ") on money and many people (thankfully not all) also to be able, I would really like some kind of transformation experienced lockheed federal and if not entered, so at least nakročil to completely newly-minded people lockheed federal of the world where we are all equal (ie whether you are any nationality , color, religion, education, etc., so we are still easily one of the human race ... where there are some invisible state border, but only space for your privacy and housing hereinafter between land and water, respectively. air and space ... and also where there is such a crazy addiction to money, resp. of material goods and power when the same thing that someone has to do it or suggest, if you want it and where you also need to know something, you can not just give someone my thing, but thanks to this matter the other person could do their stuff, which in turn may be useful to you and so on and so forth - the money, the economy, and that sort of nonsense here are just pieces of papers and numbers, nothing else - and if it is someone who wants only This sort of "sp

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Don Yeomans, NASA scientist claims that the information sukhoi 26 about Nibiru and other stories ab

End of the World in 2012! It is only a short sentence that "mint" sukhoi 26 a lot of people. Those "smarter" they can get the most out of it quite nice pot of money. For example, the Amazon page. com in June 2009, offering more than 175 books on this topic. NASA has seen a number of questions relating to doomsday. It's really nothing to worry about?
There were rumors that the planet Nibiru (otherwise known as well as Planet X or Eris), discovered by the Sumerians, sukhoi 26 is heading sukhoi 26 towards Earth. Writer Zecharia Sitchin writes in his books of Mesopotamian civilization. Found and translated Sumerian writings, which is also mentioned Nibiru planet orbiting the Sun once every 3600 years. Nibiru sukhoi 26 was originally hit the Earth more in May 2003. But nothing has happened and the day of judgment was postponed to December 2012. According to scientists from NASA, however, this type of apocalypse excluded, because if similar body in space there on monitoring telescopes would be have long noticed. NASA responded well due to the fact that the internet has circulated many allegations of alleged covert information and introducing people. sukhoi 26
Almost everyone is on the wall, desk, in your pocket, and the like. calendar. sukhoi 26 When you turn the page, which is 31 December, comes the end of the world? So far this has not happened. Mayan Calendar has also its continuation. The only difference is that it covers a much longer period than ours, which we use.
Don Yeomans, NASA scientist claims that the information sukhoi 26 about Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are Internet podvody.Pre similar arguments as circulating around the world, there are no vieruhodné documents on which scientists could rely. They also argue, sukhoi 26 if the stories about Nibiru be confirmed, now would be observable to the naked eye. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet sukhoi 26 similar to Pluto and will remain in the outer solar system. sukhoi 26
According to NASA, the reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. The movement of continents are very slow. While the example Antarctica closer to the equator, it would have to go through several hundred million years. To reverse rotation poles that this has no vplyv.Mnohé page disclose various disasters to attract and deceive people. The magnetic reversal occurs on average every 400,000 sukhoi 26 years. It is known that as magnetic revocation sukhoi 26 has no negative sukhoi 26 impact on life on Earth. Magnetic reversal, however, for the next millennium highly unlikely.
Our planet is constantly exposed to the impact of comets and asteroids, but some great pieces are very rare. Recently a major disaster occurred 65 million years ago, which was due to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today, however, science is very advanced and NASA is able to record sukhoi 26 some great body long before sukhoi 26 they hit. While there is such a large asteroid, like the one that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
According to scientists, solar activity has a regular cycle, which culminates every 11 years. Solar flares can cause disruption sukhoi 26 of satellite communications, although engineers are currently developing electronics that is resistant to these effects. However, there are no risks that were associated sukhoi 26 precisely sukhoi 26 with the year 2012. Following solar maximum should occur between 2012-2014 and should be different than previous sukhoi 26 cycles throughout history.
Disasters and dramatic changes in 2012? Where is the science? Where is the evidence? All are fictitious claims which are recorded in the books, papers, on the internet or in the form of films. No one can change the fact. There is no credible evidence for any claims which would be to play in 2012.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

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NASA: End svta in 2012 will Urit
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The m by nkterch predictions cch pijtv on the Internet in 2012 and became inmtem stejnojmennho katastrofickho snmku, pichz Thursday in which i do eskch kin. Film 2012 reisra Roland Emmerich portrays Tenders nkladnm potaovm tricks zkzu svta that m Drink December 21, 2012, the day when the last con znm cycle Štarha mayskho calendar. Vdci on NASA's Internet strnkch swept this fact assertion e end svta so nepijde in okamiku which stops paying of calendar in the kitchen. According to them, the Mayan Calendar note you easily enter into Dalhem l3 communications careers analogies. "Remember the fuss about Y2K?" pirovnvaj vdci apocalyptic predictions for fear of mistakes that mla block potaespchodem 2000. One of zvst kolujcch the Internet is predicated, e the earth meeting with planets that bv oznaovna as Nibiru, Planet X or Eris. This planet discovered her Dajna hundred Sumerians. It stet the earth was originally oekvnv May, 2003. When nothing happened, so predictions shifted to match the end of calendar mayskho e. Vdci ujiuj, l3 communications careers ev foreseeable times the Earth stet with gout planet safe. "If that were the case, would Astronomers watched her trajectory nejmn ten years apibliujc the elements are vesmrn would not it mere mon eye, "pe strnkch at NASA.
Hubble ptr the earth slo 2 - tte HERE pr not shake the earth dn dangerous nor with the conjunction of the planets, or pi rotation jejho magnetickho field . Catastrophic predictions pr pi "oblbovn l3 communications careers people" zamuj rotation magnetickho field that Dajna pichz piblin ka DCH 400 TISC years and years to life on the nem country great influence with the threat of e would be within a few hours otoila earth's axis. NHL Changing oten planet is absolutely pr Exclusion. l3 communications careers Vdci NASA zakonuj Filipík his assertion, there is no single e references in which verifies apocalyptic scnev knihch and in movies. "Where is the science? Where are the references in?" ask the prophet's Internet.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Insert table test hydraulic pump on the application, the unit helps to overcome difficulties, reduc

6/1 day Global Times reported that South Korea has recently private space flight handed over to the Indonesian Air Force training aircraft 16 T-50. Recently Southern Airport Authority fined for passengers Luu Ngoc Vinh open the exit door to the plane fast. Photo: Construction cranes and palm trees along the entrance to the Boeing plant. The Defense Ministry official said the Japanese air force this country has had 69 visits for takeoff prevent Chinese aircraft entered Japanese airspace from month to month 9/2012 4/2012.
Insert table test hydraulic pump on the application, the unit helps to overcome difficulties, reduced effort for the team, save fuel and keep most engine life than when mounted on a plane to check. Last year, Boeing announced plans to build a larger version private space flight of the aircraft, in addition to four current version. In addition, many local residents saw the plane of the sky in Crimea, including in the city of Simferopol and Bakhchisarai neighboring towns. Information published after the telephone conversation between private space flight Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel private space flight on the same day. On 12/1 and 13/1, search and rescue teams have found and successfully private space flight salvaged the two black box flight. US and Israel I have monitored information private space flight transferred private space flight Russian missile on the Te-hey-ran for fear of owning an air defense private space flight system to be effective as S-300 could help I- Iran to block potential private space flight air strikes by Israel and the first American to enter the nuclear facilities of this country.
The fact that a J-7 crashed into a residential area near the airport Shantou City - Guangdong Province during pilot training dated 12.04.2012 is most clearly demonstrated. This is the second plane crash in Italy in the past two weeks. ANTD - Day 23-10, private space flight the Turkish army statement said it has deployed two aircraft F-16 to prevent private space flight a Russian reconnaissance aircraft in international airspace in the Black Sea as a this plane too close to the Turkish border. AirAsia Airbus (Artwork) Maybe you are interested in day 15. According to the engineer, the American aircraft was landing Iran cheated private space flight on its territory instead of landing in a field point has been programmed into the control system of the aircraft. private space flight So late flights (flights account for the timing of the trip after trip delay that series).
Air Force spokesman Chinese Science Than Tien said the plane above is deployed to conduct private space flight patrols as usual "remedies and in accordance with international practice". I can confirm this aircraft was flying at a height of 10. In emergency situations, when the plane was intercepted need immediate response from the aircraft blocked or not blocked aircraft to follow the instructions, Pilots can fly routes cross the plane is blocked, it is expected to turn in direction. Soviet Union has produced private space flight 300 aircraft of this type, used to late 90 century 20.Khoang private space flight contain hydroacoustic buoy Boeing private space flight P8-A Poseidon middle part of the plane is the main control station with 2 screens 24-inch high-resolution allows private space flight each station to work seamlessly with the Raytheon radar systems. On 03.06.1986 the Soviet Union used to not one but six MiG-31 sorties to intercept the SR-71 in the Barents Sea. III. US research and development aircraft 6th generation Chinese response
Five other candidates in the competition provides versatile combat private space flight aircraft (MMRC) for the Indian Air Force's private space flight F / A-181N Super Hornet from Boeing, Dassault Rafale, Gripen Saab (Sweden), MiG-35 Russia and the EADS Eurofighter Typhoon. Fighter and an early warning aircraft is that the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) private space flight in the East China Sea. China has built fleet of fighter bombers and almost exclusively for the Army, only very few exports to foreign customers. However, due to factors such as time, cost of manufacture, the need to use untested and should private space flight last official NASA and Boeing did not produce a complete model as well as formally private space flight incorporated into the minutes institutional use. However, the Indonesian Ministry of Transport said they could not confirm and verify this information. Even in cases where both the engine fails, the plane was still another 20 minutes to work automatically and pilots enough time to communicate with dispatchers.
The two blades moving in the opposite direction to help eliminate rotation torque on the fuselage, making aircraft fly very stable features. From 2000 to date, the Russian air force has lost a total of 16 aircraft of this type. It was the third aircraft private space flight accident within four months in Pakistan. Article points out, the fighter J-20 and J-31 are said to have stealth features. Equipment transponder built in the black box of the plane remains active even after the crash, even under water. Most recently, Airbus launched transfer targets 13 A380s in 2009, but CEO Tom Enders firm said late 10/2009

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Today, the rain! Image results for everyone as Binh Disorders ne: TRAIN TIME OF WAR WA warships, warships, is made vessels for use in combat. Warships are usually played in a way completely different from the freighter. In addition gasp eu to being armed, warships are designed to withstand damage and are usually faster and more flexible gasp eu moving freight train. Unlike cargo ships, ships often carry weapons, ammunition and ordnance for aquatic craft union itself. Warships usually belong to a navy, although at times they have been individuals or companies controlled. During the war, the boundary to distinguish ships and clear air. In war cargo ships are often armed and used as warships phase, ie the Q train groups of the First World War and Armed ocean liner of the Second World War. In the 17th century, with cargo ships groups often serve infrequent, not seldom more than half the fleet. Before gasp eu the 19th century gasp eu sailing ships often lack the large number of armed vessels often as the ship station-pear-review. Warships can also do duty passenger or cargo resupply troops as the French Navy in the 18th century or the Japanese Navy during gasp eu World War II. 1.The great historical development paddle boat neck of the era, such as Ancient Persia, gasp eu Ancient Greece, Ancient Roman ships usually oared vessels as ships BIREME, trireme and quinquereme. This is the ship elongated, being pushed by the oars and row to row. The ancient oared ships are designed to sink the enemy ship or stabbed by approaching enemy ships and sailors jumped gasp eu into melee. The development of catapults in the 4th century BC and technical elite then it allows the fabrication of the fleet first catapult devotees, naval guns, at the beginning of the Ancient Greeks. With the political gasp eu unification of the Mediterranean region around the 1st century BC 2-naval guns that are gradually removed, resulting in the battle of Actium was the last major naval guns used catapults. From Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages until the 16th century, the Navy's weapons of those who go on ships carrying and use as a key board, archer in the crew, a lot of different things fired as providing name, crossbows, crossbow Heavy Cross fixed on the vessel wall. War naval actions are pierced top and press should not need a dedicated special weapons. 2.Thoi gasp eu modern naval ship sails Fort redevelopment in the 14th century, however, the use of guns delayed. Fireworks can only be used as weapons in the sea when loading speed improved enough to reuse in a battle. gasp eu The use of multiple fireworks lead to loss of space for the boatman. Sailing man-of-war (the war) is run mainly by sailing boat excel in the mid 16th century 17th century warship development by increasing the number of friendly artillery, naval tactics ship sails towards bringing the ship to fire every frontline of the battle, the type of man-of-war vessels grow into the frontline ships (ship of the line). In the 18th century, the ship frai-gaiter and soap-armed magnifying too small to stand in the front line; used to escort merchant ships, enemy ships and reconnaissance find blockade the coast. 3.Thep, steam and paste it in the 19th century, the technical revolution brought gasp eu enormous changes in speed, structure and weapons of warships. Steam engines used at the end of the first half of the 19th century, initially for the paramilitary ship. War brings Crun strong stimulus for the development of a gun. The coconut shell for use soon led to put into Dun

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Recent san antonio aerospace Feedback JERRYN on NGUYEN ANH Nguyen raised DANGER DANGER ANH NGUYEN i

Twisted smile is not
Let's also very clumsy tail inclined floor
I shot horrendous stress ball
I'm off to class this morning
Perhaps san antonio aerospace in times of market economy, the poet has written enthusiasm for Children, is written in the Alexandrine be increasingly san antonio aerospace eroded. During the first decade of the 21st century, along with a few contemporary poet, Vu Xuan Administration for Children san antonio aerospace wrote a fairly regular san antonio aerospace basis.
What makes the poet spent emotions & my time to write for ages this lovely flower? Just can explain, is the love child of the author as a stream of pure, fresh as dew drops glistening collection hanging on the tips of the grass early morning. san antonio aerospace
Read two books of poetry published recently san antonio aerospace by author, you will find topics to write for Children is very diverse, such as school, family, birds, flowers ... was very close to their loved Daily. Puppies poem is an interesting example of how to write the animals for Children's Author.
There are many poet wrote about puppies. But the poems of the poet Puppies Yuchun Management has a different way of writing. The poem as a short story expressive spontaneity, lovely mid-pupil primary school with his dog house. Even the first stanza has confirmed his pupil puppy and can not seem half-step apart. Far you remember your puppy, Dog does not want to stay home, just want to go somewhere to shake off the sadness, although everyone loves the Dog. Puppies do throughout the day / Whenever I'm away as you Leu TEU / Just like nobody loves you? / Just me pamper you know it.
Primary san antonio aerospace pupil was putting faith Puppies, Puppies should be trained to become a class goalkeeper. Puppies have plastic hand, has repeatedly talent contests, with much less talent catch the goalkeeper illustrious one time. I shot horrendous stress ball / You leaned start the race shapes human. Football was never without surprises. Resources defending the goal of Puppies nobody denies. Yet once met balloons devilish way, the catch Puppies, crestfallen to pick bong.Vo pear diagonal grid My dog / Balloons in grid station snub me laugh.
The following verse flowed a circuit, such as a natural narrative, lively friendship glue between Primary pupil with dogs. Words in poetry are carefully selected author, poet quartet deep, smooth verses, emotion, pure magic as you read.
It seems pupil Elementary & puppies born to be friends. All activities, learning where only one that's both huh! Puppies are ready to skip meals, when you yourself are not in school. By bathing, night school must complete both: I run right eyebrow bath / shampoo bat for you to learn more co.Tao you also waiting / Guardian of the snout to the folder you look childish.
Two sentence of the poem very favorable, as closing short story about the deep friendship between the pupil and her dog, that you read and see sadly witness: Funeral me to class this morning san antonio aerospace / hand you sad filthy ... you brimming eyes!
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COLORS TIME Expert pages Literature - Art. Introduction: the land and people of Quang Ngai, the literary works of the author in and outside the province. Where to meet, exchange of friends near and far. Body invite you to collaborate. Mail, please send it works: Ho Nghia Phuong, Email: article Introduces New collections of poetry: Lao Tan's engineers Bui Minh Vu NOT HAVE TO LOVE? Ye poetry beam Spirit: Rain Wild "full of nostalgia in Ha Quang poetry BOOK ABOUT US:" Pham Ngoc Thai - Portrait great poet era "One country THIN TRADE DRESS ours Getting hung literary website title, title, Afterword
Most Read Articles Bui Duc Anh BEAM Beam Poetry Poetry: Poetry Bui Duc Anh Bui Duc Anh beam HAVE NOT LOVE? Bui Duc Anh Poetry CLUSTER (HCM) Beam poetry of "Moon" by Ngo Dinh Long Poem "At both ends nostalgia" by Tran Hoai Thu
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Recent san antonio aerospace Feedback JERRYN on NGUYEN ANH Nguyen raised DANGER DANGER ANH NGUYEN intensity on nhomai on beam poet Bui Duc Anh HOANG HOA on the poem "The Sea" ... Save Lang Lang hotel guests on beam poetry ARCHIVE
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Monday, February 2, 2015

In Nham Horse (1822), King for buying a boat of French copper taken Hue, named Dien Duong, to model

(DVO) According to historical records, ships under the feudal dynasty man truck & bus deutschland gmbh Vietnam not only used for the purpose of increasing the hit in the raid crossing the battle, but also carrying food or gifts in the gift diplomatic ritual.
By being prepared Martial win chi, this is dedicated to the boat hit the fire, including two interlocking body, four oars, one sail. Frame boat to false (the mother ship) wrapped outside, in front of a boat actually smaller (the boat).
On the boat to the frame, it is the wood burning man truck & bus deutschland gmbh fire and medicine, the boat has spiked, hip boat full of nails and iron. When the enemy, who sat crouched in a small rowing boat quickly, working hard on the enemy ship, causing sharp spikes in the boat frame fake nose plugged into enemy boat.
Before the invasion of the Ming Dynasty, the Lake has to worry about defense consolidation. 1404, Ho Han Trade for making long boat neck - a large gunboat hob, two-story deck with dozens of hands crossed and a paddle controller, man truck & bus deutschland gmbh called the Central train load salary, stock long boat load of wages, salaries, but also to transport combat readiness.
As described, if the boat normally have a bottom, then this kind of boat do add a "bottom" again, ie one floor above the floor, belly boat split into two parts: the lower part to soldiers rowing, the soldiers on the hidden game. The boat is equipped man truck & bus deutschland gmbh with the Spirit gun, but materials on the boat Gu Lou remaining very rare.
History is written, Vietnam man truck & bus deutschland gmbh is one of the countries with troops early in the fishery boat floor, which is the simple inscription long boat Dong Son bronze drums, accompanied by images of soldiers are ready to fight with bow and arrows in the hand Evening of the 19th century, in the sense carvings nine sacred peak of the Nguyen Dynasty, the long boat was selected as a typical gunboat airphibious.
Boat female commander, not sailing, elongated body, above age 3 flagpole man truck & bus deutschland gmbh and flag Signal 2 rows along the hull, lady rowing and fishing are elite soldiers, and come back as dangerous flying, raids Incidentally, rapid retreat.
Under the reign of Le Thanh Tong, besides infantry, cavalry, infantry ... the hydro-war phenomenon has become an independent army divided into several sessions to clear as Thien Hai boat, boat Arena, Long Boat Fugue Kha boat, boat Lang Khai Hai Essence boat ... with the shape, structure, carved, color, different flags.
Here to talk about ships Xishan, then, shipbuilding technology in our country has made certain progress. At the end of the eighteenth century, John Barraw - Members of The Royal British - had to Cochin (Central and Southern Vietnam) and witness: "They played very nice boat, usually ranging from 50 to 80 pied (1pied = 0,30m). Sometimes a boat so only 5 boards, extending from its head to the other and fit together in a dream. Their marine boat go fast not very, but very safe. Inside is divided into compartments, this type are very sure can hit the reef without man truck & bus deutschland gmbh sinking because water only in a compartment only. Currently, Britain has imitated how to apply on the ship ".According to the history books, a large number of Xishan warships equipped with artillery, to increase firepower, make foray with power attack and destroy large. Tay Son Thuy team has 54 ships, 93 warships, 300 gunboats, 100 sailing ships equipped with quite powerful. However, Vietnamese kings owns the modern warships to the emperor Minh Mang - very interested to learn, acquire scientific and technical progress of the West, including technical improvements boat . Do not just focus on increasing the number, the king also for increasing the variety of boats, especially for boat copper in the form of the French.
In Nham Horse (1822), King for buying a boat of French copper taken Hue, named Dien Duong, to model boat building workshops in the capital research and development in the form closed. The crew completed the first copper was named Swiss Long; then every boat copper operations were closed primarily gunboat more ...
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