Friday, June 6, 2014

There are several birds that have aquatic laser designator habits, among which we mention the pengu

There are several birds that have aquatic laser designator habits, among which we mention the penguins, ducks, geese, pelicans, flamingos and albatrosses. Waterfowl can inhabit continental aquatic areas such as lakes, marshes, rivers or marine habitats.
The birds that inhabit these environments develop different laser designator adaptations as changes in the feet to act as fins through webbed fingers or so large that allow walk on without sinking aquatic vegetation.
Other birds have great legs, and calls for waders allow these exploit aquatic environments without needing to be with the rest of the body into the water. The size of the legs of wading laser designator birds is directly related to depth of water that they can exploit.
The duck (known in Portugal as dumb duck) is a bird that belongs to Anseridae family in which are inserted the sub-families Dendrocygninae, Anatinae, Sea Duck or Oxyurinae originally from South America
Are generally smaller than anserídeos birds (geese and swans) and can be found in both freshwater and saltwater. Ducks feed on aquatic laser designator vegetation, shellfish and small invertebrates and some species are migratory birds.
Males differ from females mainly by the difference of the sounds emitted by animals (the male emits a sound that resembles a blow, while the female emits a sound similar to something like [fi'fi]) and by having caruncles (" red warts ") in the head and around the eyes. Ducks are used by man in food, clothing (pens) and entertainment (game).
The duck-runner (jubata Neochen) anseriforme is a bird of the family Anatidae, a native of Venezuela to Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and the Amazon and central Brazil. These birds are about 53 cm long, with the back and belly brown, yellow head and breast, black wings, beak and red legs.
White Duck-Duck-White (Tadorna Tadorna) is a bird of the family Anatidae. It is larger laser designator than most other ducks and is characterized by predominantly white plumage, and redheads with green spots, and the red beak. As nesting, is distributed along the coastal areas of northern and central Europe and a large part of Central Asia. European populations are partially migratory and wintering Portugal laser designator hosts a population comprising a few hundred individuals. Since a few years, it has been established a small nesting population in the eastern Algarve. Duck-Duck-Falcado falcado (Anas falcata) is a bird, and belongs to the family Anatidae. By red and green tones of the head, the male can remember one Common Teal, however is quite larger than this species. The female is brown and resembles the beaded. This duck is distributed by Asia (eastern Siberia, Mongolia and China) and is very rare in Europe. The beaded beaded laser designator (Anas platyrhynchos) is a duck family Anatidae. One of the least colorful ducks in Europe, because the plumage is mainly gray and black. Females, more brownish, are similar to the female mallard. This little duck nests in temperate latitudes. Europe is present in regions south of the 60th parallel N. In Portugal beaded occurs throughout the year. There is a small nesting population, which in winter sees its reinforced with the arrival of wintering from other European countries herds.
The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is a anseriforme bird that inhabits temperate and subtropical areas of the Americas, Europe and Asia. The species has strong sexual dimorphism, with males a head of green very characteristic. It is the predecessor of today's most domesticated ducks.
The wild-duck, also known as duck-eating fox, in Brazil, and duck-mute, in Portugal, is a anseriforme (cairina moschata) orinário laser designator the Neotropics, common in most parts of Brazil. Larger than the domestic duck, it has the black back and a white band on the underside of the wings, but in the process of domestication, a wide variety of plumage coloration was produced. The wild ducks eat roots, seeds and leaves of aquatic plants, floating or trapped by filtering the mud at the bottom. Swim with head and neck sunk, while seeking food. Also catch small invertebrates such filtering. Widely distributed across laser designator the planet, is the ancestor of the domestic subspecies and, in Brazil, there are references that secure the wild duck was domesticated by indigenous peoples, laser designator even before the arrival in America

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