Thursday, June 5, 2014

One day, Persephone was gathering flowers in the field and was sighted by Pluto, the god of Inferos

PAGE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION ... and certainly will remain so for a long time ... until the 88 Constellations nasa research are ready. HOWEVER, THE CONSTELLATION ALREADY COME BEING SHOWN CAN BE FOUND IN THE LISTING OF POSTS. See each Constellation presented also shows the link that will take you to its own page. Thanks for your patience, dear reader!
From earth to heaven and my Infinity is a project that intends to bring to the attention of Skywalker, the Friend of the Stars, the 88 Constellations welcoming their data, their myths, their stories, their stars, their nebulae, nasa research globular clusters and their open their clusters of galaxies, superclusters its .... its walls of light and shadow .... in short, everything that can fit in our astronomically pamphlets - or at least all that I, Janine, simple lover of the starry skies, achieve amass from my understanding still always just amateur and respectfully braheana.
The drawings formed nasa research by the stars - the constellations - are like windows that open to the infinity of the universe and allow our minds to go realizing that there is more, much more, between heaven nasa research and earth ...; and realizing that chaos, slowly becomes Cosmos and this in our mind being cognized.
This constellation represents Erigone, Icarius daughter, who hanged himself because of the great pain caused by the death of his father. Others say it is Astraea, nasa research daughter of one of the Titans, and some gods who fought against his own father.
In another version, this constellation represents Persephone, daughter of the sister of Jupiter, Ceres (Demeter). Ceres is the goddess of agriculture and one that taught men to plant the wheat, nasa research harvest and make the bread that feeds them. (The Star-Alpha Virgo is the ear of wheat, is Spica).
One day, Persephone was gathering flowers in the field and was sighted by Pluto, the god of Inferos worlds, which is hopelessly in love with her and wanted to marry her and so that kidnapped her and took her to the Inferos worlds where dwelt .
Jupiter then had to intervene in this situation and the Ceres announced that her daughter could return to his side - provided you do not eat anything at all while still in Inferos worlds. However, Pluto offered some grains of pomegranate to Persephone and ate them in a way that takes a good memory of her husband and his life in Inferos worlds.
When Ceres heard the incident, Persephone had already been brought Inferos worlds of Mercury and met with his mother. In this case, Ceres was informed that would be accompanied by her daughter for 8 months of the year - spring, summer and fall - and the other four months, suffer the absence of Persephone who would be returning to Inferos worlds and to meet her husband Pluto: is winter.
In the Euphrates valley, where the constellations were created, the Virgin symbolized the goddess Istar, daughter nasa research of the Queen of heaven and stars. Represented with a spike in hand, was the symbol of fertility.
Erastosthenes identified with the Virgin Isis, the goddess of a thousand-names, with the ear of corn in her hand and was later dropped to form the Milky Way, or holding in her arms her son Horus, the Sun God , the last of the divine kings.
This ancient symbolism reappeared in the Middle Ages as the Virgin Mary with her son Jesus and through the eternal words of Shakespeare: Good Boy in Virgo's lap (The Good Boy Colo in the Virgin).
Zodiac in Sinhala, was the woman in the ship and holding a bunch of wheat in her hand. Possibly, the ship was named after the star Beta, Eta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon, representing the keel of the ship.
This constellation is immense and cut by Lines of Ecliptic and the Celestial Equator. There is the intertwining of these two lines - what we translate as the point of the Autumn Equinox, which occurs very close to the star Beta Virginis, Zavijava, located in the head of the Virgin. (It is interesting to know the fact that the solar eclipse of September 21, 1922, happened close to this star and that was used by Einstein to confirm his theory).
In terms of the Ecliptic nasa research line and coming from the constellation nasa research of Leo, held its apparent path the Sun and Moon and Planets, entering all the Head of the Virgin, very close to the star Beta, Zavijava, and then through the shoulder and chest, finding Zaniah, and since the height of the waist, sits the beautiful Porrima. All these situations are witnessed by the constellations Cup and Corvo, on the southern border. Spica, the stalk of wheat in the hand of the Virgin, is pretty much the last time that line the ecliptic actually touches the virginal body, heading for the c

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