Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Located in the eastern part of the Virgin, halfway between Iota and Mu Virginis stars. Have brightn

EARTH TO HEAVEN .......... ......... AND THE INFINITE is a welcoming work I have been doing the 88 constellations of the Starry Sky and Virgin maurizio cheli is the first to be published .. . starry With a hug, Janine Milward
EARTH TO HEAVEN .......... ......... maurizio cheli AND THE INFINITE is a welcoming work I have been doing the 88 constellations of the Starry Sky. The first greeted the entrance of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere is on the constellation of Virgo! With a starry embrace, Janine Milward
NASA / IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) - operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract maurizio cheli with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
The night sky atlas creates images of any part of the night sky, Allowing easy location of any object. Detailed chart images maurizio cheli show all stars visible to the naked eye, the constellations, Messier maurizio cheli objects, and names of the brightest maurizio cheli stars.
Galaxies maurizio cheli can be considered as the basic building blocks of the universe. These are not isolated, independent in their neighborhoods, but they occur on systems that consist of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of members who are attracted by their gravitational forces. These systems are called maurizio cheli Clusters of Galaxies - the Superclusters
The Virgo cluster is a massive cluster of galaxies dominates the Virgo supercluster Which. There are roughly 2000 galaxies in this cluster (although ninety percent of Them are dwarf galaxies). This cluster has a diameter of Approximately 15 million light years eldery is much larger than our Local Group but it contains fifty times the number of galaxies. This map shows 600 of the brightest galaxies Within 7.5 degrees of the center of the cluster - this is an arbitary border, there are many other galaxies beyond this limit Especially to the south of the cluster where there are several additional galaxy groups. The 160 largest galaxies are labeled on this map.
Galaxies can be considered as the basic building blocks of the universe. These are not isolated, independent in their neighborhoods, but they occur on systems that consist of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of members who are attracted maurizio cheli by their gravitational forces. These systems are called Clusters of Galaxies - the Superclusters.
Located at the far east of the Virgin - Star 109 Virginis, magnitude 3.8. This spiral galaxy has a magnitude of 11.6 and loading shine towards your well pronounced core. Wide-aperture telescopes (14 "and beyond) can display a darker plan this galaxy when appropriate maurizio cheli for this observation (dark and transparent skies) locations.
This galaxy is located about 18 'southwest of NGC5746 is very bright featuring a magnitude of 12.7. Telescopes with apertures from 12 "may well solve this object.
Located in the eastern part of the Virgin, halfway between Iota and Mu Virginis stars. Have brightness with magnitude 9.6 and is very wide (4.9 '), rounded and gradually brighter core. Can be well solved through your stars of magnitude 19. A magnitude star located southeast maurizio cheli 8. Telescopes with apertures between 16 'and 20' may better observe this cluster.
are two spiral galaxies enteragindo each other, about 300 million light-years away in Sagittarius. Both galaxies are distorted due to the gravitational interaction and are both connected by a bridge.
(Translated by Janine )
NGC 5257 is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Virgo. Notably the galaxy is interacting with the spiral galaxy NGC 5258. The two galaxies are listed together the 240 in the Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. [2] Both galaxies are distorted by the gravitational interaction, and both are connected maurizio cheli by a tidal bridge, as can be seen in images of these galaxies.
Italian: Ammasso maurizio cheli della Vergine di Galassie con l'indicazione delle Galassie visibility. Immagine ripresa presso l'Osservatorio Serafino Zani during una proof in field per i componenti del corso di gruppo al iscritti astronomical photography del 2012 di Somma of 59 immagini di un ciascuna minute poses. Elaborazione con logarithmic stretching and RINFORZO di A. Soffiantini Date 12 May 2012 Source Own work Author Hyperion13

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