Friday, June 13, 2014

Aeronautics and Space Administration USA (NASA) will conduct a live report on the record mini link

Aeronautics and Space Administration USA (NASA) will conduct a live report on the record mini link ericsson approach to Earth asteroid with a diameter of 45 meters, which will be held on Friday at 14:25 on the East Coast of the U.S. (23:25 GMT). According to NASA scientists and experts comment on the pictures of the asteroid, which will be obtained in real time with an astronomical observatory in Australia and with a telescope in space center Marshall in Huntsville (Alabama).
Inviting everyone to follow this event with professional astronomers, NASA recalled that the asteroid poses no threat to any planet itself, nor a satellite in orbit, nor the International Space Station. Its trajectory is well studied, and it has no chance to hit the Earth, - said the head of the NASA observation near-Earth objects Lindley Johnson. According to specialists, the asteroid having serial number 2012 DA14, closer to the Earth by 27.7 thousand kilometers - the smallest distance, which was recorded for these celestial bodies. At this time, it will be approximately on the Indonesian island of Sumatra in the eastern Indian Ocean. Weight 2012 DA14, open year ago Spanish astronomers, is 130 thousand tons, and speed - 28 100 kilometers per hour or 7.82 kilometers per second. In case of a fall on the surface of the planet mini link ericsson he would call the same destruction mini link ericsson as the famous Tunguska meteorite or nuclear bomb capacity of 2.5 megatons. The next time this celestial body come close to our planet very long time: generally similar size asteroids mini link ericsson approach the Earth at the same distance about every 40 years. Scientists believe that as a result of the disaster falling on the surface of the planet occur on average once every 1,200 years. According to NASA, it is now known, more than 1,300 potentially hazardous asteroids whose orbits are on a cosmic scale, close to the Earth. When approaching the planet, they change its trajectory under the influence of gravitational forces - said University of Arizona mini link ericsson astrophysicist Edward Beshor. However, the expert adds, they are exposed to other factors - such as raising or lowering the temperature on the surface, depending on the distance to the sun. NASA emphasizes that one of the main objectives of the program monitoring near-Earth objects is precisely in making accurate predictions mini link ericsson of motion of asteroids in order to ensure security in the world. U.S. scientists hope that the valuable information on this topic will be able to get from the launch of the spacecraft to the OSIRIS-REx asteroid 1999 RQ36 in 2016. As noted Beshor 1999 RQ36 diameter of about 500 meters should be as closer to the Earth during the second half of the next century, and the probability of it falling on the surface of the planet is about 1:2400, ITAR-TASS reported.
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