Monday, February 10, 2014

We must stop dangerous climate change. Should we Norwegians ready to do our part of the job, we mus

We must stop dangerous climate change. Should we Norwegians ready to do our part of the job, we must understand warplanes that we are part of the problem before warplanes we can be part of the solution. By no later than the day I had visited a school class who wondered why it was not established a climate agreement warplanes when all agree that the problem is so big. My answer is that it's all about distribution. CO2 hangs throughout history closely linked with economic development. The same trend that we have experienced warplanes now wants others. Hence it is that every one of us Norwegians warplanes pollute more than three times as much as the earth can withstand a clear message to see ourselves in the mirror and start doing something - quickly, both by cutting our own emissions and help developing countries to a fossil development. This I wrote about in the newspaper 20 November 20013.
J I remember well the confirmation classes from when I was little. We learned about the golden rule: "Thou shalt do unto others as you would have others do unto you." People and religions and beliefs around the world have it in numerous varieties. It is an amazing bachelorette. Not mob if you do not find it cool to be bullied. Do not cheat on taxes if you do not think it's okay to abuse of welfare benefits (do not do it anyway!) Smile for motorists who stop at pedestrian crossing, if you are pleased when others smile at you. If we are completely honest with ourselves, there is no one who does not like bullying, social security abuse or miserable people. The golden rule should be used. Both traffic and politics. The problem is that we do not use the golden rule of our generation's warplanes greatest challenge: climate change. We have to begin with, so We shall not pollute even more than we want others to pollute. How can we stop dangerous climate change. Norway is one of the most energy-consuming countries per. capita, and it made us rich. My great grandfather and great grandfather both ran with power development in Norway. The power laid the foundation for industrialization and growth. The labor movement and the Left ensured that growth was distributed well. We think that the energy we use in Norway today come from water, but most of the energy we use to make the wheels go round comes from oil, coal and gas. The car's petrol, gas power plants offshore, oil for heating. In the world as a whole are actually 85 percent warplanes of the energy used from fossil resources. And here we are at the root of the climate problem. It sounds reasonable that all people in the world should have as much right to pollute within the limits of what nature can tolerate, and equal responsibility not to pollute more. Does not it? Nevertheless, quite a few on and off Parliament that will use the golden rule in this way. Politicians warplanes and people on the street have heard a lot about what climate change will mean to Earth. Yet we are not willing to do what is necessary. warplanes Why? In the book "Thinking, warplanes fast and slow" writes psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel Kahn Man that man tends to reduce large and complex issues to easier questions it is easier to handle. It is the mechanism by which I always choose Zalo when I'm in the store. Instead of accepting the relatively complex question "what detergent is best?" warplanes Which involves doing a job to investigate what produces the best results, warplanes I hold myself to answer detergent which I like best. It is thus Zalo. Probably because of the advertisement. So I think we often occurs. Also in climate policy. The question of what to do with climate change is complicated. The question of whether we believe in them is much easier. Someone's stomach feelings may say that man-made climate change is real and that we need to do as much now, but they and we must. As International Development, I traveled to Niger and met young mothers with malnourished children affected by the drought. The agricultural sector is affected by climate change and I literally saw the consequences in the eyes. President Mahamadou Issoufou told me that while it was before the drought every ten years, affected Niger, which is at the bottom of the UN development ranking, now every second and third years. In El Salvador, I met Environment Minister Herman Rosa Chávez, who spoke of how it is being affected by tropical storms. In 1970 El Salvador had one tropical storm, which cost between three and five percent of the value added in the country. In the 80s there were two. In the 90s there were four. The first decade of this millennium, there were eight tropical storms. The last one took 16 percent of their national budget. Should we translated to Norwegian conditions would mean about as much as Norway warplanes spends on defense, development aid and hospitals combined. Anthropogenic climate change is real. They are well documented and affects people. But it is not Ola and Kari hardest hit by climate change. It is Mauricio warplanes and Mariama. Should we follow a golden rule climate we can not in Norway continue to emit two and a

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