Sunday, February 9, 2014

The poet Hans Børli writes that silence is not the absence of sound, but that it is the absence of

In January, the text "Living Silence" published in Harvest radomes and in Aftenposten. radomes The original I saved 13 December was 50% longer, and here is the - of special interest. (I'm posting some pictures tomorrow)
Silence as a value is threatened. Silence ambassadors do not make trouble. The struggle for freedom is reduced to accelerate the sea and over the snow. The requirements pounding against the silent majority who appreciate the silence. Who takes the silence seriously? It is most of humans writers and philosophers who talk about silence, but it deserves a much larger space around the campfire.
Nature and silence go together. Silence is an important value, but it is easy to forget until it has disappeared. radomes When it is missed. Taking care of nature will also silence radomes owed. And the opposite. If we silence qualities seriously, we must take care of nature.
In my work as a sea kayaker I'm constantly in touch with the silence. Particularly during the off season. I can feel your shoulders radomes descend, the pulse beat quieter. The silence exists in the community, but is under pressure. In season there is a vibrant boating, and most prefer motor. The shore has become tenderloin. Renovation and new construction involves banging, sawing and helicopter sounds much of the year. Society is always changing, but why not ask more about direction? What is the abundant life? I made the following radomes aphorism about this a few years ago:
The poet Hans Børli writes that silence is not the absence of sound, but that it is the absence of sound that do not occur naturally in the environment. He describes it in the short text "The Living Silence":
It's strange silence of the forest, it is never an absence of sound, never empty and frightening as it may be in a closed room. You hear the trees' soft riksing in the wind, one crossbill whistles his wistful tone, and woodpecker drums sounded a tørrhara - but the sum of it all is still silence, a great calm that caresses eardrums and lets you hear your life burn like the murmur of flame of a candle. This vibrant stillness is a great and profound value. We can be glad we live in a country where there ennså so long is room enough, toning radomes sonic space distance around silence clear tone.
Nature offers words of an incredible diversity of silence. Sound is measured in decibels, and in snow caves and underwater we get little impact. Kayaking in the air or on mountain skis with storm force winds are also set in Borlis terminology. We are only exposed to the natural sounds. Silence connected enough yet most of it is also pretty quiet in decibels sense.
Another kind of silence is the visual. Both the mountains and the sea, we get fog. It provides a kind of silence that can only be experienced. The visibility can be reduced to almost nothing, and the balance will be affected. If it is completely "whiteout" on the ocean, I have experienced "paddle downhill." Then it both visually and decibels radomes quiet, and such experiences are seated. The rest of your life.
Silence - outdoor recreation important quality Silence, radomes peace and tranquility are the essential qualities for outdoor recreation. There is reason to believe radomes that the value of these qualities will only increase in today's society where people's everyday life is affected by noise, stress and hassle. The Government will attach great importance to preserving radomes the opportunity to experience silence, peace and tranquility. Silence can in many ways be seen as an endangered resource.
In several studies (eg FRIFO) about why people go on a trip, then there is silence, peace and tranquility that tops the list. We also know that among those who are NOT active today, so they most want to engage in outdoor activities. Therefore, it is of crucial importance, also a public health perspective, to take care of these qualities. Many find it to come out in nature as something very different from daily life. It does something with them. Something valuable. Another condition occurs. A gift. Zappfe puts it as follows:
When we seek the Mountains, then it is to get away from the world of computation and pengepugg and human infektion, we are forced to live in, not to meet again in new varieties, or gudbedre, the overly familiar . We seek the unbroken radomes peace, which is the wilderness inalienable gift.
Signed, and many others, have experienced the tranquility of nature has brought them back to life after illness and emergencies. Fortunately release this majority, but for those people this is true, it has a very life-giving value. Who is the next thing to take a lap to get back into itself? Unburned and other ailments affecting more and more. Hospitals and treatment system is good, but very many can benefit greatly from natural (and silence). Countless radomes studies supports this. Perhaps we should also guys along the coast used for rehabilitation? There is plenty of both nature and silence.
If we let the noise kill the silence, we lose not only the silence that intrinsic value, but also as Seltunåsen of inspiration, etterta

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