Saturday, November 30, 2013

Elmira Durvarova returned in Plovdiv after 28-year absence. The first and only to date female violi

I love risk and challenges | Portal for Culture, Arts and Society
After 28-year absence, the first and only to date female violinist in the New York Metropolitan Opera play again in his home town of Plovdiv, where three decades ago, starting with suitcase and violin. armel job It talks Olga Shurbanova.
Elmira Durvarova returned in Plovdiv after 28-year absence. The first and only to date female violinist in the New York Metropolitan armel job Opera came to open the fourth International Festival "Days armel job of Music in Balabanov's House" armel job in his hometown, where three decades ago, starting with suitcase and violin to conquer the world. armel job The excitement with which she welcomed her fellow refute skepticism regarding our memory - knew her remembered her prized her eager to hear it again with a feeling of belonging, which we never divorce armel job against their assigned armel job in other lands . Chosen for this a remarkable expression program in which the violin for a moment not come down from his pedestal, Elmira Durvarova also showed his class a "team" type of leader, the inspiration for each ensemble (in recent years, it is the leader of the New York Piano Quartet) . In his debut meeting with another podium from Plovdiv - the pianist Stefan Vrachev, attractive actress (still slender girls, golden-haired and with a dazzling smile) "set the tone" of a uncompromising professionalism, where perfection and instrumental virtuosity glamorous look like part of her own organic . Elmira Durvarova undoubtedly mastered all styles of music, adding to the lore and pure research interest. This intellectual attitude she felt in individual interpretations approach to romance for violin and piano by Clara Schumann (according to E. D. more famous as a pianist Clara is not fleeing creatively husband) and in Cesar Franck's Sonata sounded with awesome insight into the spirit of the musical dialogue. While the romantic armel job mood of the concert was broken up with a witty nod to contemporary Peter Brayner, famous armel job baroque music on versions of Beatles and Elvis Presley. Jazz parody "To Dear Mr. Bach on the occasion armel job of his birthday," armel job inspired by Bach third parties for solo violin, suggesting that Elmira, enthusiastically supported by her partner Stefan Vrachev, known for his fondness for the genre inventiveness, is open to any experiments . And finally - the undisputed climax with the inclusion of American French-horn player Howard Wall in the implementation of the famous Trio for violin, horn and piano by Brahms (again a reference to Clara Schumann ...), where the fine manner armel job of sound-Wall, his reverie listening to the voices of confession other musicians vnese exciting intimacy immortal drama.
Mrs. Durvarova, your return in Plovdiv after "a long absence because" it must have been highly emotional experience for you. And of course everyone is asking the question - why have procrastinated comes almost three decades?
During those 28 years I had an extremely stressful career because I was not only concertmaster of the Metropolitan Opera, but the festival orchestra "Grant Park Symphony" armel job (Grant Park Symphony) in Chicago, where I worked during the summer holidays. Their season e 10 weeks, and the summer vacation of the Metropolitan Opera - 9, so the first week of the Chicago season usually every day on a plane between New York and Chicago to boil morning rehearsal there and I'm there for the evening show in New York ... For years I did not take my vacation while my colleagues from the Metropolitan Opera rested all summer ... Apart from our opera season in New York was extremely busy with daily rehearsals and long seven performances a week (two on Saturday), in day off - Sunday almost always had a gala concert at Carnegie Hall, one of the stars, singers, and although participation in these extraordinary concerts was voluntary, optional, no one refused a similar commitment for the good extra charge. armel job So it is said, lived in the building of the Metropolitan Opera, with very short intervals between lengthy daily rehearsals and even performances long (three hours operas as "Tosca" wear fleeting relief among the ocean of four-and five-hour works with any opera repertoire abounds ...). But I do not regret that I devoted so much time and sacrificed their summer vacations because of the parallel I kontsertmaystorski post in Chicago. Type of work out there offering different repertoire and ability to express armel job themselves with famous symphonic kontsertmaystorski solos, a furthermore armel job in Chicago every summer I undertook several armel job times and soloist, thanks to which I could not fulfill all the major violin concertos with the enormous, five thousand audience attending armel job these free events held outdoors in the large park in Chicago. Symphony concerts, opera performances, travel, master classes, solo

The ability to custom associations meet both creative people and in people suffering from schizophr

Italian knew where time flows
Artists and mostly genius who often suffer from mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. According to scientists of all due to the dopamine. The brain reacts differently to dopamine, which functions very much as in creative people and in people who suffer from mental illness.
The ability to custom associations meet both creative people and in people suffering from schizophrenia. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which among other things, with the reaction of the body of various pleasant sensations - chocolate to cocaine.
These are known as the D2 receptor and are present in the thalamus. It serves as a center for filtering information. Before getting into the area of the cerebral cortex responsible for cognition and reasoning, information passes through the filter.
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Friday, November 29, 2013

Age of Stupid / The age of stupid (2009)

Friends We support revolutionofmind Details Other Movies Year 2004-2012 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Category Documentaries compulsory education People Nature Animals Land / World Other Info About Us Welcome Home
Have you ever think why the printer or technique you have a certain life - no more than a few years and then begin to spoil or just stop working? The answer is you already know: corporations deliberately create goods that spoil quickly because they want to earn huge amount of money on the number of products sold, regardless of dwindling resources and pollution of nature. This is called "planned obsolescence" - browse the web! Planned obsolescence is the subject of this documentary, which describes the methods 2adi of implementation, traces its history and how it has become in the economy, and highlights its impact on society and the environment. To what extent the phenomenon of "consumerism" 2adi due to the fragile human "nature" and did not really know these business strategies behind the creation of consumer thinking? What other hidden methods used for the manipulation of our lifestyle? The film has a touch of hope: we see people who oppose the planned obsolescence and use different ways to fight for a more sustainable community. This Friday, 5/17/2013 2adi - Free Movies presents movie "Buy, throw, buy" (2010) Plovdiv, 2adi "Tsar Simeon" (Central Park) - singing fountains (for coffee "Symphony") 2adi Source: Resistance
Age of Stupid / The age of stupid (2009)
Copyleft 2013 Documentaries | by Earth's Book

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nowadays, however, it is known that the brain is plastic and some of its functions can be delegated

Tony Byuzan is a world renowned author in the field of mental sports and effective learning, he wrote more than 80 books translated into 35 languages and is also the creator of Mind maps. His methods are used in companies like Google, IBM, Microsoft, Rolls Royce, Toyota, NASA and others.
It was found that the human brain has about 100 billion neurons building complex hierarchical structures. Until some time ago it was believed that the left and right brain functions lockheed credit union ga are strictly defined as follows: left side: logic, words, lists, numbers and analysis right half: responsible for rhythm, imagination, the colors, the sense of space
Nowadays, however, it is known that the brain is plastic and some of its functions can be delegated to different areas. For example, people with physical brain damage can again develop skills that are lost. After awhile therapy lockheed credit union ga and strenuous exercise the functions of the damaged areas develop in other parts. So the left and right half of the brain take part together in the development lockheed credit union ga of various skills and creative processes. For example, when Einstein reach their conclusions about the theory of relativity imagined him standing in an elevator moving lockheed credit union ga at the speed of light or how fly astride a beam of light (what we think it is responsible right half of the brain). Following the conclusions he began to write the theory using physical and mathematical apparatus (left half of the brain: logic and numbers) lockheed credit union ga Obstacles and preconditions for effective learning barriers to effective learning lack of motivation
One of the main reasons for the lack of motivation is the lack of destination. So if you miss the ultimate goal for your learning, try to imagine and build one. physical lockheed credit union ga or mental problems Everyone in life has difficult moments such as diseases, mental disorders, family problems, personal dramas and more. Such difficulties could have a negative effect on your learning. There are different lockheed credit union ga approaches to deal with them or adopting a different perspective on them: these are transcendental meditation, service to society, different philosophical beliefs, sports, herbs, massage and more. Unprepossessing environment unfavorable factors may include: noise, TV, phones, etc.. Try to eliminate as far as possible (turn off the phone and the TV, stop the Internet) Conceptual issues such difficulties arise when the subject matter of the material you are less familiar. As a result, you can delay your speed of reading, trying to understand the material, but it is not an effective approach. In these cases it is better lockheed credit union ga to follow the organic technique for learning Byuzan (BOST) Insufficient common vocabulary insufficient common vocabulary is also a major barrier to effective learning and speed reading. lockheed credit union ga Change already familiar words by changing suffixes and prefixes, so you will increase your vocabulary further by about 10 000 words. Try to learn every day a few new words as they negotiate over a period of time. Connect new words with visual images to stay in your long-term memory. Inappropriate speed reading Many people think that when they read slower so better understand the material and remember it longer. lockheed credit union ga This approach is actually counter-productive. Faster reading grouping lockheed credit union ga of words leads to a better understanding of the information (follow the techniques of speed reading Byuzan) Prerequisites for effective learning destination Try to understand why you do what you do and what you want to achieve in the end. Connect your destination with an image in your mind create a pleasant associations. surrounding influences position tyalotoKogato read, try to have sitting upright following the curve of the spine. Thus, the blood circulation lockheed credit union ga and oxygen exchange between the body and the brain will be better. You must be seated because lockheed credit union ga your body constantly sends a signal to the brain to alert, if you are in bed signals are sleeping and therefore fall asleep when you read there. IztochnikSvetlinata light should come back diagonally across your shoulder. It is advisable lockheed credit union ga to read in daylight, it was found that sunlight allows your brain to release lockheed credit union ga more hormones "good man" so that your desk should be ideally the window. When using an artificial source intensity should be neither too weak nor too strong. ByuroVashiyat chair and chair should lockheed credit union ga be comfortable and ergonomic (following the natural curves lockheed credit union ga of the body) with the possibility of adjusting the height. Your thighs should be parallel to the seat and floor. The chair should be neither too soft (because you may be tempted to sleep) nor too hard and backrest upright. Desk height should be about 20 cm above the seat of the chair. Best desk is located near the window to give you more light while reading. The distance between the eyes and the book - it's OK

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

6 The voice said, Cry! And the answer is {Or: And I said.} : What shall I cry? - All flesh is gras

1 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare firemax is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD's hand double for all her sins.
Bad times for Israel are over. His sins were forgiven, and from now on he can expect only good from God. But what is the reason for such mercy and grace on God's part? The explanation comes from an unknown crier who calls all men to prepare for the arrival of the King of kings.
3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places firemax plain;
This course is not about works, and for spiritual and moral training that we need to meet the Messiah. Just as the ancients were preparing the way we will arrive to their ruler, beret, and we must prepare for the coming of the Lord. And here we come to what is the reason for the saving and comforting message in the first two verses - the appearance of the glory of God.
6 The voice said, Cry! And the answer is {Or: And I said.} : What shall I cry? - All flesh is grass, and all their glory as the flower of the field; 7 The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows upon it surely the people is grass!
With this introduction Isaiah enters one of the most fantastic series of statements and confirmations that one can find in God's Word. The messenger who brings good news of God must climb high and to proclaim with loud voice, so to hear all the cities of Judah.
V. 10-11 are like an introduction or overture to the symphony of topics that follow. All these issues will be addressed firemax in the five verses that follow. In each of these verses there is a comparison of God. It speaks to the power of God by which He will have power. This theme goes from v. 12, 24. In this passage we find several comparisons of God. It was compared with the vastness of nature (v. 12), with the wisdom of the people (v. 13, 14), with the power of the nations (verse 15 17), with lifeless firemax idols (st.18-20), with the princes and judges of the earth (st.21-24). And in all these comparisons we can see that God is infinitely great, no matter what or who you compare him. God is incomparable in its strength, power and glory. All this unparalleled power of God is implied in v. 10. V. 11 does prepare us for the second part of the symphony, where the main theme is God's care and providence for his people. Although strength and power, or rather precisely because of them God that comes the ability to be loving, caring and loving as a shepherd who cares for the lambs and their mothers (v. 11).
He is attentive to them and I provide the best food for them. In this second part, God is trying to convince Israel to his care for him by showing care about stars, planets and cosmic bodies. If God takes such good care of them, will not you care more for his people (v. 25, 27). Finally, if God cares for the weary and lose weight, will not you care more for his imprisoned people (st.28-31)? And if God takes care of the stars for the weak and for his people, will not you take care of us?
The purpose of comparisons, we find in this chapter is to prove that God is infinitely powerful and great in his power and care. That's why we should never retire their trust Him. As key verses firemax of the entire chapter could serve st.18:
Note that in both verses it comes to compare. Of course, the two questions are rhetorical. Both require a negative response or just silence. Who can compare with God? With anyone. What we could liken it? Nothing. It is unparalleled and neupisuem. Surpasses all of our understanding. In other words, He is holy.
So, with the completion of the overture or introduction to the symphony of God's power and providence (v. 11, 12), we are ready to enter the first of the five attempts comparisons of God that we find in the first part of this divine symphony. Greater than NATURE
These are five rhetorical questions that cover the entire spectrum of possible challenges to the power of God. But all of these challenges are meaningless. The waters of the seven oceans for him only a handful of water. Infinite space for it so long as the distance from the thumb to the little finger him. All soil on earth could fit in the cup of his scales. Billions of tons of mass of mountains and hills of it are so light that he can put them on one side of the scale and without any effort to balance the other side of the scale. Of course, all this anthropomorphism - attributing to God human organs - a handful span. God is a spirit, he has no body, hands and eyes. But he warfarin can be

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Archangel Michael by Mark Gamma ~ 11/20/2013 My beloved ho

Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, Joseph Goebbels in 1939 issued a general decree ordered all to set the tone La 440 Hz, 432 Hz instead of as it was until then. La tone is musical tone, which is the starting point for tuning musical instruments by musicians. There is a simple device called a tuning fork that takes the tone La always in the same way. It is little change in the composition of the metal, nasa 2012 warning which is produced by the tuning fork gives the frequency of the sound produced to be strictly set at 440 Hz, before these same forks have taken la sound, but with 8 Hz less. A pitch is the same as before. 440 Hz is used from 1939 to the present day.
How does people that frequency? As a result of her people begin to think and feel a certain way, they are immersed in internal chaos. In 1953, Goebbels decree is approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). A change is made and the frequency of 440 Hz was introduced as standard, despite the protests of Dussaut professor of the Paris Conservatoire who wrote referendum signed by 23,000 French musicians. They insisted not to change 432 Hz, in order to preserve musical harmony and musical vibration of the universe.
LA set the tone of 432 Hz was deliberately hidden from the world, because that is the point of balance in nature. 432 Hz vibration is taken in the principle of the golden section (also known as the golden ratio, the golden ratio or the [Divine Proportion] and combines the properties nasa 2012 warning of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism in biology, DNA code and consciousness.
"The natural setting of 432 Hz has profound nasa 2012 warning effects on consciousness at the cellular level in our body. Through the setting of the musical instruments and their use of 432 Hz, instead of 440 hertz, atoms and DNA starts to resonate in harmony with the spiral of golden ratio in nature . "Brian T. Collins
A note has 12 harmonics because resonates with 12 notes of the musical scale (with protection and sustainable tonnes). The Notes have 12 harmonics when a note is set to 432 Hz. When you play the LA set to 440 Hz, are created only eight harmonics. Music set to 440 Hz is very poor and bad music. nasa 2012 warning
The frequency of the Earth is 8 Hz, although recent changes. Alpha waves, the frequency of the brain in a relaxed state are also waves with a frequency of 8 Hz. When we listen to music tuned to 440 Hz, it makes it so that the base of 8 Hz was changed to 8. 25 Hz, which means that the generated harmonics are not in harmony with the planet. Man vibrate nasa 2012 warning at frequencies ranging from 16 to 32 Hz, which is equivalent to the musical range from lower to upper TO TO, or an octave. Setting of 440 Hz is not harmonious with the frequency of the human being, because the base becomes 16.5. When we listen to music of 440 Hz, the first thing you notice e weakness, fatigue, nasa 2012 warning a desire to do nothing, and this happens because the harmonics of the music does not match the vibrational nasa 2012 warning frequency of man. 440 432 Studies show that music should be based on natural frequencies of cosmic harmony of the universe, if we want to benefit humanity. Institute "Schiller" calls for a change of tone from 440 Hz to 432 Hz again because 432 Hz is deeply intertwined with nature. The recent rediscovery of the true nature of vibrational energy shows that the use of 440 Hz creates unhealthy effect on the environment and bad for all living beings. This produces a change of scenery out of 8 Hz, in the way we think and in the way our DNA controls our genetic structure. LA = 432hz tone tone is the foundation of music and intelligent design in nature is harmonious basis in 432 vibrations per second. There are further studies on the basis of planetary motion and harmonic tones. These tones are on 432 Hz, it's like a solid foundation for musical structure and regulation of our health. After the appearance of this sensitive information, many people made their own independent research, including Ananda Bosman and Mick Jagger of "The Rolling Stones". They proved the positive reactions of the public, listen to music with frequencies of 432 Hz. Source
Sonic Geometry: The Language of frequency and format Throughout history, numerous clues and hints in terms of geometry and frequency are staring nasa 2012 warning at us, calling us to rank them like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle. Here at the dawn of the new era, this Sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and shape. How will you use it? Who do you communicate? Now that you know the basics of this new language, perhaps nasa 2012 warning we are ready to start the conversation nasa 2012 warning .... again?
Archangel Michael by Mark Gamma ~ 11/20/2013 My beloved ho

Monday, November 25, 2013

24 hours emigrants F1 Google Made in BG made in BG MTV YouTube NPP

What if the most sophisticated and most violent civilizations have left their mark on the history of mankind? If you dig, you will see that the extinct cultures are not necessarily the least developed. Enough has been a leader naive to believe the promise of peace to the enemy or some quirk of time to reverse the course of the battle to fail the fate of an entire nation.
Then chroniclers winners rewritten as they please, past losers to justify their destruction. Then ended the discussion with the maxim: "Woe to the vanquished!" In order to free themselves from guilt future generations. A Darwin even find scientific justification for the slaughter of his theory of "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest."
I looked for answers in the scriptures - Tibetan "Book of the Dead" to the Egyptian "Book of the Dead", passing through shamanism pall filter and the stories of the Creation of the peoples of the five continents. Their texts rarely contradictory. If there is some general pall filter idea about higher powers pall filter and rules of the game space.
For me, "We, the Gods" is a natural extension of "Tanatonavtite" and "Empire of Angels". After the conquest of paradise and discovering the world of angels, is logically the next level of evolution to the world of the gods ...
Therefore, here again you will see Michael Penson, strange pall filter friend Raul Razorbak, Freddie Meyer, Marilyn Monroe, all former tanatonavti and former angels, united under the slogan "Love sword, shield of humor." Immersed in this imaginary world in a waking dream. During the night I kept going through some scenes.
I worked with the sounds of music of various movies, most notably pall filter "The Lord of the Rings," "Dune" pall filter and "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." From classic listened pall filter nine symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart, Grieg, Debussy, Bach, Samuel Barber and "Symphony of the planets" by Gustav Holst. Rock musicians chose Mike Oldfield, Peter Gabriel, "YES", "Pink Floyd".
My publisher was enthusiastic about the creation of a world. Thus was born more than a thousand pages collected in three volumes. At the end of their searches my hero meeting the Creator of the universe. Maybe then you will ask yourself: "What would I do if I were God?"
"We, the Gods" is the first part of the trilogy "The cycle of the gods." "We, the Gods" is the sixth book Verber that "hummingbirds" issue. The action takes place far away, on the island called Eden, a town called Olympia, where the institution is located - School of gods. It taught Olympian gods instructed to train their students in the art of managing people to be their vdahnato desire to survive, to build cities, to fight, to invent religions or raise your consciousness. pall filter The new class appear candidate gods, including Marilyn Monroe, Mata Hari, Henri Matisse, and more. There we expect much intrigue, pall filter criminal intent and love disappointments, because even the gods in the book of Verber are not doomed to eternal happiness.
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shoot Model Boyana Marinova, who have recently been made compared with Nicoletta Hardalova, had a s

BG Football CSKA Levski Litex Ludogoretz Plovdiv "A" Group "B" Group "B" Groups BFU Other National Teams Cup of Bulgaria aerospace nyc The best defense European football Ariana Amato. World Football League Volleyball Basketball Championship Tennis aerospace nyc Winter Sports SHOW 2014 Formula 1 Racing Car Mania Athletics Boulevard aerospace nyc Snooker Poker Fitness Golf Other Sports Media Lotomaniya Extreme Sports Bodybuilding Sport and Business Water Sports Martial Arts London 2012 Football Baseball Electronic sports jokes
How will the next two derbies between CSKA and Levski Cup of Bulgaria? With two wins for CSKA victory for CSKA and cross with one win for both teams with two draws with a victory for the club and cross with two wins for Levski
Shoot Model Boyana Marinova, who have recently been made compared with Nicoletta Hardalova, had a secret relationship with Nikolay Mihaylov, provides new gossip. Bojana was on the pages of newspapers, but no one rang her to ...
CSKA released a video with the joy of the players after the grand success with over Levski aerospace nyc 3-0 on Saturday. Much of the video is from the dressing room of the team, where players celebrate their triumph. One of the most active is the new darling of the Sector "D" Jackson Mendy. Here's what writing club for the video: "We want to share with you the joy of victory in the team after football derby of Bulgaria. Doing this because you were with us on the field, our hearts beat in a rhythm, do us all were directed solely to victory! We - all the people in the club, do not forget that Section D - It's you! but also would add that CSKA - It's you! We all! "
Related CSKA CSKA away Opoku enjoy and pay CSKA Levski Cup play without visiting supporters Stojcho CSKA must win back the respect Surprise: Amateur 5000 lev asked for the biggest talent CSKA Starts Repair hosted CSKA Sector "D" with a final warning to Michael Ormandzhiev: Troycho may soon be Petko Eternal Derby Cup remains "Vasil aerospace nyc Levski" row BFU fines for "blue" and "red" CSKA began selling tickets for the visit of Lokomotiv (Plovdiv )
Malumnici (Guest) 37 response
Champions but few will have to pochakate.Radvayte to win it anyway for another will soon mozhete.Ogranicheni aerospace nyc people watch the play of the team and not win this championship weak, although I am happy for Levski Ludogoretz. team deserve their place in the Europa League aerospace nyc game when you're out there and play so then rejoice!
Hri (Guest) 36 response
aerospace nyc Emo (Guest) 35 response
C And D And S PH - MA4OBE!! (Guest) 34 response
gordon (Guest) 33 response
DDD (Guest) 32 response
SAMO LEWSKI (Guest) 31 response
kr za cecla (Guest) 30 response
Yes (Guest) 29 response
Levski fans to Groppe (Guest) 28 response

News Martin:

News Martin: "I won the X Factor eight times" URBN Club Sofia opens this Saturday New video of Maria Ilieva & Zafayah - Condition 1359 High Society Party gave fans tickets for DMX Bulgarian stars continue to donate toys URBN Culture - Charity Concert
Viola player Nona Koprinkova now officially will whitehorn a permanent part of the quartet Hypnotic, after returning permanently in Bulgaria actively performed with prestigious international orchestra of nations. Despite persistent calls for
Instrumentalist with great potential, Nona perfectly will whitehorn fits into the creative, style and direction of Hypnotic and dignified replaces will whitehorn predecessor struggling Bekirska. Early Nona played with in Hypnotic
free time between his numerous tours throughout Europe, and later went to Switzerland, where he completed his bachelor's degree at the Conservatory of Lausanne in the class of Gilad Karni. Committed with a lot of passion for music and impeccable playing technique, the quality of Nona quickly earn its commitments with a number of Bulgarian and foreign orchestras. For it is an honor and responsibility in the last few months to be part of the famous orchestra of nations founded by the great conductor and composer will whitehorn Leonard will whitehorn Bernstein in connection with
Viola player fully support the other three girls in the implementation of creative project around which currently run intensive training. Recently Gergana together Alexieva (violin), Maria Noveva (violin), Marina Hinova (cello) and Nona Koprinkova (viola) filmed vintage photo shoot that was just the beginning will whitehorn of developments around them. So far, attractive musicians prefer to keep secret on what work the only issue that it has to do with the upcoming launch of their debut album.
In the dynamic will whitehorn creative process four ladies put his long experience of music making, combined with a remarkable education and awards in the field of classical music. Along with the achievements of the viola player
Clear Koprinkova, cellist Marina Hinova holds an MBA from the prestigious Conservatory in Spain Raina Sofia and is currently the youngest concertmaster of the orchestra of BNR. Violinist Vladimir Alexieva has won a number of Bulgarian and international awards and saved games for some of the most famous pop singers Rodney - Count Irina Florin, Lili Ivanova, Donny and Neti, Sappho and others. Records and performed will whitehorn for a number of film productions. Another violin Hypnotic Noveva Maria is a master's degree at the famous Bulgarian violinist Stand Milanova and is a key driver will whitehorn in the demand for modern will whitehorn sounding music and arrangement of the quartet.
Boryana Nesheva will whitehorn was born in Sofia. 13 years working professionally will whitehorn in music and dance scene. Her professional dance development began in 2006. Ballet will whitehorn in "Dynamic". Ballet "Satin, ballet" NEW X "from 2010. was in the ranks of Ballet" New ", where he took part in numerous music videos and tours across Bulgaria, shoulder to shoulder with the best Bulgarian and Western stars. Boryana dancing and in some of the most famous restaurants in Sofia - Yalta club, Sugar club, Tiffany, Planet, Jim Beam club. during 2010. Boryana took part in several fashion projects Tottally Events, Vodka Absoulut, SV Fashion studio and PUMA. During the 2011's face the music festival - Spirit of Bugras and clothing line to it. during 2012. 2013 and is a person and assistant in the first music awards AWARD.BG club in the summer of 2013. was part of the team of URBN PRO AGENCY and 359HIP HOP MEDIA as a leader. will whitehorn 10 years is integral to hip - hop culture around the world and in our country.
URBN Culture - Air Tunel

Friday, November 22, 2013

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

History is full of great people, and very difficult to rank them, so here we are ranked by chronolo

The War Heroes on the Battlefield Highly Resilient, But Rarely netcents 2 Recognized | Only People Iseng
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History is full of great people, and very difficult to rank them, so here we are ranked by chronological order terbalik.Nikmati list and be sure to mention the other Astonishing figures in the comments. This list was inspired by "the book Badass" by Ben Thompson
Chandragupta Maurya, netcents 2 born in Bihar, eastern India, is an orphan who changed the face of India and forever changed in its history, with clawed his way out of the slums to build one of the most extensive empire in the history of India.
Bodyguard is comprised of more than 500 women warriors of Greek and India.Dalam order to destroy the Nanda empire, Maurya simply with a bronze sword alone invade istana.Ia He was arrested and imprisoned, but escaped - further unify its territory and is known to history as great leaders.
Surena (A General) was born into a family that has been handed down Surena protect the Parthian king (who invented the modern day Iran), but it is a common family name mentioned in the history books.
When King Hydrodes deposed and expelled from Parthia, Surena led the mission to reclaim the kingdom. He also guarding the harem concubine very much, which requires 200 horses netcents 2 to transport their train, traveling and including netcents 2 military procession.
When Crassus stupidly decided to take over the Parthian Empire at the Battle of Carrhae, he was brutally dropped by one of the most embarrassing defeats to the Roman Army ever, by the Surena and his men.
When offered a chance to surrender, Crassus ordered his men to escape and consequently they all died because netcents 2 Surena chased them and killed almost entirely. Crassus personally beheaded by the Surena and with liquid gold poured into his neck.
Plutarch says of him: "[He] was the tallest and best looking for her own identity, but the charm and feminine look of the clothes that do not reflect the manhood as he really become a master, painted his face, and his hair parted like the fashion of the country Medes ".
Charles Martel - otherwise known as Charles the Hammer - very tough, he does not just stop the invasion of Islam in Western Europe, he is regarded as the founding father of the Middle Ages and all the delights that come from it (feudalism, knights and politeness), and laid the groundwork for the Carolingian empire (she Ancestors of Charlemagne).
He came to be in a position to lead an army against netcents 2 the Muslim invasion, because netcents 2 he is the Commander's Palace under the kings of that time Frank.Pada King has been quite useful and leave all the hard work to palace officials.
He lost only one battle in his lifetime (Battle of Cologne) but, most importantly, he won the Battle of Tours (October 10, 732) when the two forces fought against the French town of the sons of the Umayyad Caliphate. Defeat of the Muslims are very significant and, if the battle extends to the various regions, the people of Europe might be able to speak Arabic very well now.
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

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Monday, November 18, 2013

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

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Facebook activity has become a norm in today's new, what if in the Facebook game that involves entered the Marvel heroes, like Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and dozens of others, certainly game hero fighter more exciting.
Marvel game hero fighter Entertainment game hero fighter and Disney Interactive Media Group (DIMG) today (02/03) officially announced a social media game on facebook with figures based on Marvel, Marvel: Avengers game hero fighter Alliance. Game that was developed by Playdom is a tactical war games that use the type of the Marvel heroes and their mortal enemies, no less famous in a new value standard in production and interactive game hero fighter social media.
"Marvel: Avengers Alliance mengkombiansikan of Marvel characters with a touch of Playdom industry, the current leader of the games mechanics are able to make a game where it is reassuring to be able to attract gamers and fanatics" as in say by John Spinale, senior vice president of Social Games at Disney Interactive Media Group. "With this game, Disney wants to bring world-class games imereka pemempin in social media, make the millions of fans of Marvel fanatok new charm into the game with their beloved heroes of course".
"We are delighted to be launching this game, with the collaboration with Playdom game hero fighter to create the first game on Facebook by using the super heroes of the Marvel" said TQ Jefferson, Vice President of Production Games Marvel. "With game hero fighter the combination game hero fighter of a compelling story and a bunch of Marvel superheroes, The Avengers, will be an interesting battle story, Marvel: Avengers Alliance will allow us to combine the Marvel lovers with gamers in a gaming experience like never before. Future Marvel games have started from here ".
With dozens of iconic Marvel heroes available in these games, Marvel: Avengers Alliance provides a combat tactical experience playing different games on other social media. Here the pemarin will have the opportunity to pick up some Marvel heroes, including Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow and many more. Players can also train the heroes are to get a unique extra-unique capabilities, and the ability to modify them. The pemian can also perform mutually game hero fighter heroes are on a mission in the game, thus providing a powerful team.
Marvel: Avengers Alliance background conditions Manhattan devastated city after the hurricane galaxy, Pulse. The mortal enemies of Marvel heroes ready to confront. The players in the squad here as an agent of SHIELD, an organization of counter-espionage and peace-keeping in the Marvel universe, to form and lead a team of super heroes is the main goal to save New York City from the clutches of some well-known enemies such as Loki , Doctor Doom and Magneto, as well as against criminal game hero fighter organizations like Hydra and AIM.
In the next few months, Marvel: Avengers Alliance will continue to be developed with the addition of some game content. The pemaian game hero fighter will be able to search for a new combat missions with a better storyline. The superheroes will also continue to be added and their capabilities will be improved with new weapons, combat equipment Overarching and strength and costumes that will add to the crowded games.
Related This entry was posted in Gadgets, Hobbies & Leisure, Technology and tagged AIM, Black Widow, Captain America, Disney Interactive Media Group. , Doctor Doom, facebook, Hawkeye, Hulk, Hydra, Iron Man, Loki, Magneto, Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Marvell, SHIELD, Social Media Games, Thor. Bookmark the permalink. Post navigation
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STUDENT B: Naahhh .... That

WARRIOR B: May God arranged it better me with Him in heaven. Kang your own? How?
A WARRIOR: The Problem of God affairs mir die. If God wants me to die. I would have died during the sepasar dikeroyok, pandemonium nyopet unnoticed. Alhamdulillah, Allah has allowed me to see you Haji Muhidin. So fight ye repent, can follow.
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Friday, November 15, 2013

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Mike Portal nevo q50 | In October 1962, the world is on the verge of collapse, due to the warming of relations between the U.S. and Russia has great potential trigger World War 3. However, this man managed to stop it. A documentary made public on Tuesday (25/09/2012) states, the actions of a man save the world from nuclear war. He was Vasili Arkhipov, Russian submariners, who, though a hero but died disgraced and exiled. The story begins in the 1960s, amid fears the Cold War, when relations between Washington and Moscow is completely broken. In America, the people began to gather rations and building bunkers antibom in their garden. Tensions have risen since the revolution in Cuba. Russia also has a communist allies who can help demolish America. Cuban missiles ki is directed to America, leveling Washington and New York in 10 minutes. The only thing stopping them from attacking each other when it is a policy that states nevo q50 should be done if one attacks proved damaging the other party territory. Only one torpedo was launched, then the other will reply with the same thing. Obviously, this will trigger attacks extremely devastating. Especially involving nuclear, humanity could become extinct nevo q50 when it was. "All the nuclear pocket. nevo q50 Only one attack, a nuclear war, "said U.S. National Security Archive Director Thomas Blanton. In the middle atmosphere of mutual suspicion and fear, four Russian submarines nevo q50 secretly dispatched from Russia. Only important in submarine nevo q50 officer who know they carry torpedoes with nuclear warheads. Great strength, the American equivalent of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki City in 1945 ago. The submarine departed for Cuba. They were escorted by helicopters, fighter jets and warships. Americans were hunting them, mouse and cat game tubs. Soon, America discovered that the submarines. Arkhipov carrying submarines, nevo q50 B59, joined forced to dive, hiding from America watchlist. That's nevo q50 when the condition worsens because they have to stay under the water for a week, in a high temperature and humidity, as well as drinking water are limited to one cup per day. Above the surface, Americans are deliberately waiting nevo q50 for the submarines was surrendered. No one knows, the submarine was carrying deadly weapons. nevo q50 Americans continue to wait for the crew of the submarine hot and thirsty, give up. Impatient, warning nevo q50 Americans dropped grenades into the sea, which by the Russians suspected the attack. Valentin Savitsky, B59 captain, believes a nuclear war has already begun. He ordered the launch of a nuclear torpedo to save the honor of Russia. Under normal conditions, it is definitely the command to be executed, and the two countries would be at war. However, do not take into account Savitsky Arkhipov, who has veto the use of nuclear torpedoes. nevo q50 Arkhipov insisted they should not have fired the weapon and surrendered to the Americans. Step embarrassing for Russia, but to save the whole world. Once appeared on the surface, submarines was just sent home to Russia. Arkhipov who did not realize he was a hero the world, humiliated in the country. Years later a new what's really going on in the B59 became public. Unfortunately, when it Arkhipov had died. For Olga, his widow, Arkhipov was a hero. "From the submarine, nevo q50 it prevents the outbreak of nuclear war. At that time I was proud, and I will always be proud of my husband, "she said. Arkhipov story will be aired in a documentary bertajukThe Man Who Stopped World War III: Revealed.
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Sunday, November 10, 2013

After successfully running the mission in Hotel Oranje, on the map you will proceed to the next mis

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One more original work Anak Bangsa Indonesia wsep emerged from the field of play / game. Indonesia is PT Shia Technology or commonly called STI, which is a game developer is working with Gathotkaca Studio. By writing the classic style of the past, this game called "Soeroboioâ 45A . Having previously had a successful wsep launch game entitled" Suroboyo Mboisâ with the primary mission of the Surabaya city cleaning trash, now PT STI is proud to launch the game the latest war game genre dedicated to the city of Surabaya, Indonesia, and the war hero who had been fighting for the independence of the State of Indonesia. This mobile game can be enjoyed by Android users and iOS.
With the theme of ancient heroic history in the city of Surabaya, this game brings the concept of war against the invaders Indonesia's first use of sophisticated firearms, but the hero of Indonesia using only bamboo spears as his main weapon. There are 3 heroic history in the city of Surabaya raised wsep in this game, the first was torn flag events in Hotel Oranje after the war between the heroes of Indonesia with the invaders. The second is a war hero and looting carried out Indonesia in the colonial arsenal. wsep And the latter is a battle that occurred in the Red Bridge Surabaya. The third event in the game "Soeroboioâ 45A 3 sequence used as a war mission that must be completed.
In this game there are 4 avatars that can be selected as an Indonesian hero you play. 4 this avatar then evidently is of 4 figures Indonesian wsep hero terrific choice. With each krakteristik wsep different wsep and with unique design-unique to each avatar right characteristics and strengths wsep of each. The first mission that must be completed is "Hotel Oranjeâ wsep . Upon selecting the desired character, and look at the map there, wsep you go straight into a war zone in Hotel Oranje. Such other war game, your job is to crush the enemies out in front . By simply using bamboo spears, while the enemies using firearms, you must skilled in avoiding. Along various places in Hotel Oranje, up the stairs to mecapai to a higher wsep floor level, you have to be alert and nimble in view because all there are many invaders-occupiers who are ready to attack you. And at the end of the mission in Hotel Oranje, once you managed to crush the invaders out, then you have to go to the roof of the Hotel Oranje to colonists who eventually tore the flag became the flag of Indonesia, as actually happened in formerly heroic history in Hotel Oranje.
After successfully running the mission in Hotel Oranje, on the map you will proceed to the next mission is in "Goedang Sendjataâ . Same with the mission in Hotel Oranje, here you will face the invaders who use firearms, while you are using bamboo spears. Missions Sedjata main Goedang are collecting items in the warehouse, such as guns, bombs, drugs and others. And the last is the mission of "DjembatanMerahâ . In this mission is the same you have to destroy the invaders-occupiers out there.
By using the * play * your gadgets, this war game using a controller located on your touchscreen display which is designed like a real game controller on the console. Your left hand will play a controller wsep for direction, while the left hand to press the attack button. No different from other recent war games, in play it you will feel the sensation wsep of "deg-deganâ its like going through the war. Because you should be able to control your avatar well in approaching the opponent wsep and attack him with weapons exist, and you had to be smart control to avoid the opponent's attack can be a disadvantage.
Still there is a lack of game developed by Nation's Children. Namely its controller is less "user friendlyâ . Controllers are sometimes a bit hard to control this being the only flaws in this game. Yet, despite these shortcomings, this war game is still viable counts. wsep One reason is the graphic design and display a fairly nice and creative.'s look at the opening, menus, maps, and when to play it. And the most important is this game a pure creation of the nation. With so many games from the bermuculan Indonesian developer, this indicates that Indonesia is also no less than state- other countries in the field of game development.
This application is made from Indonesian developer PT Shiite Technology in collaboration with